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Posts posted by cooked

  1. I know many people think I'm crazy for growing vegetables myself. Many farmers have one crop for the market and a small one for their family. Bear also in mind that it can be difficult to find information about correct dosages and even more difficult to find measuring devices.

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  2. And then again you could always buy expensive designer sun glasses. If you had tinted widows however, nobody would be able to see them. We also bought a pair of what look like fishing nets that we can just jam in the window when the sun is on one side or the other.

  3. You think you prefer XP but you don't. Any larger town has a mall with something like a computer section. Go there, say windows 7 three or four times and see that you get a genuine version.

    There are programs that will get rid of bloat-, ad.- and malware. Or you can google all your unknown programs and get rid of them with Revo uninstaller. Man up!

  4. Wont spay in heat as too many veins or capillaries so responsible vet wont do it. U have 9-12days of bleeding then 3-5Days of fertility.(Cant remeber in english)so either let her run with boys and then spay or day afterr shot or cage her. In same position with my lhasa bitch..Never pull a mounted male from the bitch u can cause serious damage to both sets of genitals...spelling frm android...

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks. I risked it and they both seem to be ok now.
  5. You can be sure that the oil companies would have come up with solid science supporting the deniers if there was any.

    In my life time the Swiss glaciers have retreated by Kilometers. The ice sheets of Greenland, the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting. The oceans in some places are approaching saturation point as far as CO2 is concerned. We aren't talking about short periods of 17 years but a trend that has been continuing for quite a long time....I don't know why I bother arguing science with people that majored in conspiracy theories.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

    Well, that's very likely because you have no idea what's going on in the world around you.

    Your semiotic use of the neurolinguistic trope "conspiracy theory" is rather telling.

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

    I thought I would come back down to your level. Now the word 'warmist' is being used as an insult. The world is warming. It is man made. Scientists are constantly revising their estimates as more data comes in. I don't care about the winter in Minnesota last year, I have looked a polar cap data going back many thousands of years and globally, not just Minnesota. There used to be, on average, an ice age every 100 000 years. The next one is overdue, thanks to warming, but don't celebrate yet.

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  6. Is it not clear to everyone but the least schooled among us that the shift in reference terms from Al Gore and frothing-at-the-mouth NON-scientist George's Monbiot's, "man-made global warming" to the current much more palatable and proselatizable less anthrogenic and exculpatory "climate change" . . . . . . that this is a major shift in the manifesto ?

    David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist (not a geophysicist) has quietly decamped Warmism to launch a war against gene-splicing and Monsanto. A move for the better I'd say . . . . Doubt that the little ego-maniac would ever renounce his Warmist position but it's nice to see him returning to genetics . . . . A field in which Dr. Suzuki actually has some expertise.

    Then there's tools like Al Gore (nearly failed undergrad biology) Bill Nye the (self-appointed) NON-Science clown and a

    a whole host of research grant trough-feeders who've abandoned real climate science and the scientific method in favour of large mortgages and the roar of adoring crowds of Arts undergrads even dumber than Gore.

    Start your enquiry with a return to Lord Alfred North Whitehead's address to the Royal Society on what'd exactly constitutes the scientific method and have a little look at the famous statistical frauds Warmists have perpetrated at the University of East Anglia

    and the totally FAKED "hockey stick" fraud committed by Penn State's MIchael Mann . . . .

    Liars, mountebanks and bounders ALL.

    BTW . . . . I am a Ron Paul supporter, anti-Big Pharma, anti Big Oil anti-BIS/IMF/World Bank/anti-Corporate Energy War, anti-Military Industrial Complex . . . . . Woody Harrelson, Dave Griffin, Steve Jones, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts kinda guy.

    Anthropomorphic ANYTHING . . . . anything but a nuclear holocaust, effluent and trash pollution and species over-harvesting is crowd-sourced tomfoolery.

    Take a deep breath, and do some knee bends.

    If you can get beyond the personality brigade and subjective carousel, you'll see scientific evidence that GW is happening - unless you're fixated on not wanting it to be happening.

    It's not a black and white scenario. With so many scientists and others agreeing that there's GW to some extent, there are bound to be some oddballs on the fringes of both sides of the debate. Don't let eccentric personalities obscure the facts, such as nearly all glaciers receding at dramatic rates, or NW passage becoming open, year 'round.

    People don't have a profound effect on the Earth? More earth is moved by people and their machines, than all volcanism, tides, earthquakes, and erosion combined. Another factoid: 59% of all methane emissions on Earth are emitted by people-related activities. Methane is a greenhouse gas 8 to 20 times more effective than CO2.

    Stop it. Just stop your silly assertions, your name calling and your mischaracterizations.

    Name a few lying, drylabbing, Warmist culprits and you have me "personality brigading" or some such twaddle. Your unprovable assertions remain unproven. You deftly embroider your unprovable climatically irrelevant anthrocentic "earth-moving" claim onto

    the shopworn old unquantifiable methane assertion.

    That's precisely the kind of junk science that makes serious geophysicists roll their eyes.

    Warmists HAD to skate away from the horrors of AGW co2 when they changes their heraldry from global warming to "climate change" in order to scare people.

    The climate is ever-changing and the sky . . . . . the sky never falls.

    Record cold winters in the US, Canada and Europe continue to make fools of you.

    I am far more concerned about the geopolitical and Globalist, collectivist catastrophes that await us than the complete and utter misdirection you people are on about.

    Go back to scaring the kids with your PC nonsense.

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

    You can be sure that the oil companies would have come up with solid science supporting the deniers if there was any.

    In my life time the Swiss glaciers have retreated by Kilometers. The ice sheets of Greenland, the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting. The oceans in some places are approaching saturation point as far as CO2 is concerned. We aren't talking about short periods of 17 years but a trend that has been continuing for quite a long time....I don't know why I bother arguing science with people that majored in conspiracy theories.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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  7. ... again and we really don't want any more puppies. So, some naive questions: how long will she stay in this condition if we don't let her near the boys?

    Somewhat indelicate: I pulled a small male off her last night, that hurt them both but things are ok I think. Would I be advised to not do this, is this dangerous? The contact only took place for about 10 seconds, so I guess nothing happened? Would it be a big deal to get rid of any pregnancy and at the same time have her splayed? We think she is about 5 years old.

  8. There is no miracle solution against weeds, every time it rains you'll get a new crop as though you had never weeded. I would ask a garden centre what they recommend and see if you like it. They will try to sell you more/square meter than you really need. Also, look around the malls and municipal plantings and take some twigs to show if you see anything that takes your fancy.

  9. I don't doubt it but when I see aphids I want to spray immediately, not three days later. In desperation I tried a neonicotinide on my aubergines and that didn't work either,

    I just stop trying to grow stuff that dies on me. I get about 10 tomatoes per plant before they die despite my efforts, so I guess this variety will disappear from my garden soon. A volunteer tomato plant that appeared in my flower garden has received no care at all apart from some watering, is in full sun and is overladen with fruit...

  10. What it does show is that when there is no functioning central Government and they don't have to ask permission for every little thing people start to think for themselves and solutions are found.

    Following the old principal : "If you want something done properly do it yourself"

    That is what decentralizing power will promote.

    Right. Do you actually read the posts? Garbage incinerators are extremely expensive and pollute air and water with poisons. I doubt that adequate filters will be installed. The residue ash has to go somewhere also.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  11. Getting back to topic... there will of course be adequate filters fitted to this incinerator? Enormously expensive, "All incinerators pose considerable risk to the health and environment of neighboring communities as
    well as that of the general population. Even the most technologically advanced incinerators release thousands of pollutants that contaminate our air, soil and water." google away you guys living up there and start thinking about moving near to one of the nuclear power plants Thailand thinks itself capable of building.

  12. I asked this question before and was told to go away, but I'll ask it again: why do you guys insist on the right to be married? This is the main sticking point for me when talking about gay rights. If you have equal rights as regards to inheritance, ... all that stuff, why do you have to annoy people that have regarded marriage as ';the union of one man and one woman'. A civil partnership is the way that most people in the West are tending for anyway. Maybe it's just me that has a problem with this.

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