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Posts posted by cooked

  1. Driving up to Chiang Mai shortly before New Year 2013, I became startled by the number of idiots driving too fast, swerving all over the road to gain a few seconds. Most people were driving ok.

    I can't deny that for a moment I was almost pleased when I saw one of these idiots (I remembered the car) off the road in a bad state. I then realised that there was a family in the car (standing and lying, obviously damaged, around) + another car. So seeing this, do you think that the maniac minority slowed down? Not even for a 100 meters, same as before. "If you think bad things will happen, they will happen" sums it up, so insurance is bad Karma, and so on. At least back home when you see an accident (about once a year, not twice a month like here) you can depend on a respect, not of the law, but basic human decencies.

    I also saw something similar when those 30 + kids got killed in a bus a month or two back, I passed just after it had happened. And that was on a strictly no overtaking two lane mountain road.

    So, no, videos like this would be viewed with morbid interest without reflecting on what had gone wrong and what could be done to prevent it happening again.

    Sorry, have I been ranting?

  2. Pffffft...cry baby...come and ride your motorbike in my village for a few hours...Phuket Town...and see how you go...

    Useful contribution.

    And what utility, dare I ask, does the OP provide?
    He is trying to work things out in his mind, and you certainly aren't being helpful .

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  3. I pressed another button 'do you want to increase your internet security ?' meaning do you want to install Chrome? I installed the Ask toolbar a couple of times using Revolving installer.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

    Sorry spell checker screwed that up a bit.. Revo uninstaller ...

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  4. I pressed another button 'do you want to increase your internet security ?' meaning do you want to install Chrome? I installed the Ask toolbar a couple of times using Revolving installer.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  5. Avast just told me to install a program update and then proceeded to install Chrome as my default browser without asking. (gone now), Chrome belongs to Google and I try to avoid them as much as possible because of their tracking habits. Good AV though. I used AVG before and found it overly intrusive.

  6. Yes, theoretically the police had every right to stop people 'working' in the music scene but you weren't working, were you? They can be very selective about which laws they apply. I think part of the problem that the concept of playing music for fun is beyond them, They probably suspected a communist plot. So I guess my percussion days are now well and truly over, Chiang Mai is a12 hour drive for me anyway. Maybe that's all for the good, at 66 you do notice certain weaknesses creeping in.

    Thailand seems to be a cultural desert to me, I have rarely seen people playing Isaan music, that is to say without modern instruments and amps. Dance? There seems to be only one dance style in Isaan and I see that 9and participate) about once a year.

  7. It has been years since i last keyed out any plants .

    Here is a link to Kew Gardens and their keys to Zephyranthes spp.

    You will need a sample plant with you to key it out.

    http://www.kew.org/science/tropamerica/neotropikey/key/index.htm (for some reason the link doesn't seem to like being copied).

    or Google

    Neotropical Flowering Plants Families - Zephyranthes spp


    If you in the north perhaps you could take it Queen Sirikit Gardens and ask if they could key it out if you really want to find out the identity..

    Interesting link I haven'been there yet. Most keys need a Google botanical knowledge. I worked in botanical garden and it took me a year to get to use the Flora Helvetica key correctly

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  8. thx a lot sir. there are actually more than what u see in the pic.


    Can't help as such, though nice flowers.

    The pine needles might act as a mulch to reduce evaporation of what water is available.

    I guess they grow naturally in the best environment that suits them.

    Be interested to know if you get a definitive answer.

    Eh? He just did ..

    Z. carinata

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  9. It helps when you have a fixed income and no fortune, a lot. I could walk away tomorrow (I won't) with the same income as I have today. I help the hard working family around us when I can, they have helped me out in time of need. I fix up the home and pay the bills. I wonder if problems like this lay with people that have a few millions to spend? I do all construction work myself so I don't go paying crooks and imbeciles to build a house that is over sized for our needs.

  10. Where do Thailand import their mangoes from..?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Cambodia exports a lot. We paid 25 /Kg two weeks ago at the border market of Chong Chum.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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