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Posts posted by cooked

  1. This should bring out the knockers...


    Yeah, another troll thread meant to bring out the haters. The poll doesn't even make any sense. Most of the countries at the top are South American and mired in poverty. And at the very bottom, South Korea and Japan? Whatever.

    So according to you, money makes you happy?

    More so than poverty. Money alone doesn't make people happy. Neither does good health. Or good family. Or good friends. Or even good sex. It's a combination of things and you know it. So why make a smartass comment over something rather obvious?

    Smartarse, smartarse, neuh neuh neuh. Answers like that belong in the school playground .

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

  2. This should bring out the knockers...


    Yeah, another troll thread meant to bring out the haters. The poll doesn't even make any sense. Most of the countries at the top are South American and mired in poverty. And at the very bottom, South Korea and Japan? Whatever.

    So according to you, money makes you happy?

  3. For any official documents, Thais try to look as grim as possible, when I got my passport done last time, I was told to 'smile a little'.

    It depends on the circumstances, if people were being asked for a foto for survey purposes, they may well have put on their 'bureaucratic face'. Most of the selfies that I see on Facebook are smiling.

  4. People seem to be confusing nice pictures (probably excluding modern art on their way) with art. The whole art scene these days seems to be pretty perverse, the only art involved is being able to persuade people that your junk is art. I don't know exactly when art as it is understood today, separated itself from artisanship, probably when the renaissance came along. In the 15th century artisans made functional artefacts. A weapon of war for example, refined and improved over many years, was an efficient, but also pleasing to the eye, object. The renaissance put paid to that with all sorts of weird stuff that would break your wrist before you broke your opponent's skull.

    If we had the money, and the technology, to design and build buildings according to the strict requirements of engineering know how, many of the concrete monstrosities that have been inflicted on us, willy bloody nilly since the second world war, would have been spared us.

    Anyway, it doesn't really matter whether anyone thinks that this cannon is a work of art or not, the fact is that artisans accrued knowledge and experience, laboured hard to make this object, and to put it bluntly, it would have sold on Ebay for a lot more than its scrap value. A lot lot more.

  5. Using the word "killed" carries suggestions of impropriety ---------it is an emotive word that should not be used in relation to medication which is/was given with the best of intent.

    All people who embark on interferon medication are fully informed of the potential for side effects ---------the treatment is not forced upon individuals they CHOOSE to accept the medication.

    Why you are now attempting to introduce an argument about AZT is beyond me. What happened to those who chose not to take AZT ? Did they miraculously recover ?

    Now ----

    This debate is at an end !

    who says so? Who asked you guys to high jack this thread?

    I don't want to die in a hospital either.

    I also know a couple of guys that have never been to a doctor or to hospital in their life and that plan to keep it that way.

  6. Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

    Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

    The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

    Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

    Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

    Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

    Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Oooha boyo, I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for you, but using other peoples' failings to excuse your own doesn't sound right.

    Ok, so go to Thailand, beat up women, and all that stuff. I have never seen a policeman in our village (apart from our friendly immigration officer) but rest assured that justice prevails. People get banned, don't get work, disappear. They don't go to jail, true.

    On reflection, I guess you need to grow up

    Now I'm using other peoples failings to stick up for my own?... Another idiot talking out his ass.

    You all are telling me I will end up in jail.

    "If you sneeze at a women your going to be someone's bitch in jail" bla bla bla.

    Bet none of you even when to thai jail. So don't talk about something you don't know about.

    I've been detained in Thailand, did I get thrown in jail with the wolfs... Nope. They where told a story and we gave them our side of it and we where released.

    So all you folks QUIT TALKING OUT YOUR BUTT CHEEKS. Thanks. wink.png

    I will go to Thailand and beat "other women".

    Why cause I'm in ONE really bad situation here at home? In 29 years.

    You folks are quick to judge.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Well, deary me, sorry I offended even though I did try to avoid offence. I think I indicated that I had been slow to judge but had come to a conclusion, that is now confirmed by this post. You are desperately trying to get out of an unpleasant situation and are expecting to get a solution here. I certainly didn't say that you would go to jail, I tried to indicate that there is an underground justice system that will be applied here if you carry on in the same way as your ranting and raving suggests that you will.

    My friend, you really make a strange impression, you are now blaming us for your problems, some people have answered a bit aggressively but maybe they feel a bit aggressed by your postings.

    By the way, I don't have 'butt cheeks'. I have an <deleted> but never mind.

  7. Another thing for all you dumb asses. You all talking about jail this jail that.

    Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail.

    The locals fight each other, no one goes to jail.

    Locals shoot off guns in the air, no one goes to jail.

    Somebody gets stabbed, no goes to jail.

    Bikes get stolen, nobody goes to jail.

    Unless any of that shit happens directly in front of an officer, then most likely Thais will complain about it or be angry, yap about it, make some food and get over it and just carry on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Oooha boyo, I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for you, but using other peoples' failings to excuse your own doesn't sound right.

    Ok, so go to Thailand, beat up women, and all that stuff. I have never seen a policeman in our village (apart from our friendly immigration officer) but rest assured that justice prevails. People get banned, don't get work, disappear. They don't go to jail, true.

    On reflection, I guess you need to grow up

    • Like 1
  8. I suggest that the monks melt down a Buddha statue or two (as mentioned above, idolatry should have no part of Buddhism) and be used to mm.. mm.. make bullets? Sorry, I couldn't think of anything better offhand.

    Someone stated that this is a dismal uninteresting topic. Behind the news is the suggestion that these monks, that almost certainly have plenty of cash, have a completely ignorant view of the importance of historic artefacts. They could easily have sold it on Ebay for at least twice its scrap value, I would have bought it if I had the cash. But then the police would have come around, wouldn't they?

  9. Whatever problems you have in the states you will have here.

    College at 30? The women will be all over you.

    No they won't. The typical female undergrad will be 18-21. She will have nothing in common with a 30 year old farang freshman living off his mum. If he was a dashing doctoral or post doc fellow and was financially independent, then yes, there might be interest. Desirable Thai university girls can have their pick of a large pool of handsome, financially secure Thai university students.

    I am speaking from personal experience. Not in Thailand, true, but it's a wonder I managed to get through the three years that I was there (age 26). And I was poverty stricken.

    • Like 1
  10. Surprised there's no mention of Heartworm so far. That's probably the #1 killer of dogs in Thailand after incompetent drivers. Transmitted by mosquitoes. There are (I understand) oral medicines, but Whisky's vet recommends injections every 6 weeks as being more effective.

    One of the products on my image above is for heart worm. I did mention that the products need to be googled if anyone is interested.

    By the way we will be giving the tick injections ourselves in the future, maybe some of the booster shots also.

  11. Thanks. I walked into a horti/agricultural type chinese shop in Buriram and for some reason my eye fell on this product. She definitely said it was for soil improvement, was not a foliar feed.post-130198-0-04130100-1395025709_thumb.

    This seems too good to be true as this kind of stuff is preposterously expensive in Switzerland.

    Anyway, it'll take a month or two to take effect, I'll get back on the results.

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