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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Came here 20 years ago moved to the islands the last place I would want to live is Bangkok
  2. Do the crime do the time Samui prison welcomes you last time I heard it was 50 to a cell and keep your bum up against the wall unless you can afford some baht to keep your you from harms way !
  3. This has been going on for years with those in government handing out money in order to get votes the one who hands out the most money always wins !
  4. I did a transfer yesterday was in my thai account within 3 minutes I never do weekend transfers as it took a good 24 hours to hit my account my Thai bank is Kasikorn
  5. Do it yourself get all the ingredients in Makro it’s a 10 minute job remember to dip your liver in seasoned flour and shallow fry as for the bacon use back bacon a few fresh mushrooms and fried onions would make the dish awesome with some gravy on the side
  6. What does she charge as all the quotes I’ve had are more than making a UK will the last quote was 30,000 baht
  7. We Christens will eventually become the minority !
  8. Yet another pipe dream by this useless UK government that betray.
  9. Do you think the current UK government will serve its full five years ? I for one cannot see that happening hopefully the public will take note of what the good folk of South Koreadid during the past week and brought its President down people power can bring down a government that betray its public it’s only a matter of time !
  10. Let’s hope he gives a good donation make him an honorary member of the Reform Party
  11. Will he start spilling the beans on other high ranking police officers
  12. Only if papa can be at her side as advisor
  13. It will be a whitewash this guy is the second most powerful individual in Thailand nothing will happen to him !
  14. Is this a troll making up a ridiculous story or is it a genuine 70 year old who has left his brain back in the USA !
  15. You mean his daughter joins him on the train we are not fools we know who is running the country and it’s certainly not his beloved daughter she’s yet another puppet on a string !
  16. Ask yourself has any other Thai bank sent out these forms I have several other bank accounts and none only Kasikorn have sent out these forms personally I have chosen to ignore the email after all the bank holds all my details along with copies of my passport and pink ID card !
  17. They might offer it but I can tell you as an executor of a Thai will the bank refused to hand over any monies even though I was in possession of the death certificate and will which was in both Thai and English . I was informed the only way to have monies refunded to the deceased estate was via the courts / lawyers which is not only expensive but is exhausting . I now have given my NOK my card details in order that they can withdraw monies from my account when I’ve gone, the lawyer advised me to do this apparently it’s common practice in Thailand
  18. I can confirm trying to get money from a deceased bank account in Thailand is an absolute nightmare even if like me you are named in the Thai will as the executer of the deceased estate lawyers have to be used along with the court’s approval which becomes expensive
  19. It’s now over three years since we had a car ferry service from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui yet none of the local governments seem to be bothered about the inconvenience caused to residents of both island yet here we have Raja ferries considering having a separate ferry for ev cars EV vehicles in Thailand are few and far between let’s spend the money in re-instating a car ferry between Phangan and Samui
  20. Grace at. Thaivisacentre.com
  21. Absolutely no way unless you eat a bowl of rice a day and live in a tin shed
  22. That reminds me when I purchased a well named expensive toaster it gave up after a week I took it back to a very well known Thai store and the guy preceded to bang it shake it shout at it this went on for a good 30 / 40 minutes before deciding they wanted to take it apart I told them no way I wanted it replaced or a refund they then told me they didn’t have one in stock but I could have one in 10 days in the end I managed to get a full refund overall I was there for two hours !
  23. I have a friend who had to have hers removed and she’s now left with a pair of saggers she paid top $$$$ in a reputable clinic in BKK it’s left her in a state of anxiety it’s the risk you take ! God giveth God taketh ! By the way there are Bras out there that can make you look bigger than what you are take her to central better to pay 1,000/2,000 baht than a 100,000 + for a boob job
  24. I hope he gets the same punishment when he is incarcerated in a Thai prison for many many years
  25. As the saying goes “ A Fool and his Money “ if I buy a lady a drink it’s the normal bar price nothing else nor do I pay a bar fine put the two together means she ain’t coming home with me unless we exchange contact details and meet up out of working hours : )
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