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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. This from a guy who was practically on his death bed a few months ago I’m starting to think that miracles really happen !
  2. Funny how the super rich Thais own properties , football clubs around the world but they dont want foreigners buying plots of land in Thailand
  3. The average Thai cannot afford to buy land and then build a house on it unless they marry or live with a foreigner who will have the funds to pay for it
  4. This is nothing new I met a guy on Samui 20 years ago who came for a month once a year he used to hire a female companion for the duration of his stay he told me he had been using the same Bangkok lady for the last three years he also told me she did it as a living and had a regular customer data base
  5. I’m assuming that was going to happen until he started abusing the IOs no doubt he was under the influence of alcohol or weed !
  6. I never understood why they block out the face of the person they arrested if they showed his/her face we would be more aware to avoid the person let’s home he is handed over to immigration and deported back to his home country with a red stamp in his passport
  7. In Thailand only the rider is covered not the passenger and the basic Thai insurance is not worth the paper it’s written on that’s why I always took out 1st class insurance on top of the compulsory Thai insurance to protect both myself and any passengers due to my age I now drive a car but I stick with the same principle of having 1st class insurance on top of that most new cars now have an inboard camera so if someone hits you at least you have the evidence to see who is at fault a lot of Thais drink from morning to night so if your ever involved in an accident call the police and tell them you have an onboard camera so if your not at fault the camera will prove it
  8. Here on Phangan we call it the Koh Phangan Tattoo it’s a daily occurrence tourists arrive on the island having never ridden a motor scooter in there life nor do they have a license so no insurance company is going to cover them should they have an accident most don’t bother to wear a helmet and ride around bare chested or in the case of a female in a bikini top ! On top of this we are in the rainy season which makes the roads more unsafe I don’t understand why he had to pay the other rider compensation when the article seems to blame the other person were the tourist police called ?
  9. There has to be more to this story that has been reported let’s have some transparency as to why the job took so long to finish it was at most a months work to finish off the job
  10. More figures plucked out of the air by TAT
  11. The whole episode has been an absolute joke for starters eby does the thai navy need a submarine the water around Thailand from what I inderstand are not suitable in depth for a submarine!
  12. When I came to Thailand 20 years ago I knew then that any money I invested had to be money that I knew I could lose and I was prepared for that 20 years later if it happens it happens I have a friend who has a bulldozer !
  13. And this will happen to all who have set up companies for house ownership the whole thing stinks of corruption so where will this estate go to at the end of the day certainly it won’t be the innocent lady Kim You can’t win either way get a lease for 30 years and it would be worthless the whole thing’s absolutely stinks and what will happen with the crooked lawyers and accountants will they be charged I doubt it
  14. 26 months he will only do 40% of that time due to the new law Labour just passed if he got through he would of been laughing all the way to the bank
  15. Are we surprised absolutely not !
  16. Is he related to Toni by any chance
  17. I thinks there are a lot more than 25,000 just look at the amount of Condos in company names it will take years to investigate and those of us who own properties will take our money elsewhere after 19 years of living here I think it’s time to consider moving on !
  18. No Probs Toni will have it all sorted with a few brown envelopes
  19. Just got mine via email this morning you would think they would send the forms out hard copy as they have our address and what happens if you ignore the email it’s a pain in the backside . As yet I haven’t had anything from my other thai banks
  20. Of course he did pull the other leg it’s got bells on !
  21. This happens all over the country it’s nothing new lady bars paying money every month to the local plod all credit to the guy for complaining only problem is his card is marked !
  22. There is only one person running the country and it’s Kuhn Toni those who think it’s his daughter are fools
  23. What an absolute farce this guy is untouchable I can only think of one individual more powerful than him !
  24. Massage girls are the same most offer a happy ending I was with one several times a week she would come and stay overnight then a months later she showed me her passport with a visa to Germany and told me she was going to live with her husband it did not stop her visiting me the night before her departure I even went to the airport to wave her off that was two years ago never seen her since
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