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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. If they want money off me they know where I live until that happens I will sit back and chill at 74 and on a frozen pension since 65 I’m not going to lose any sleep if they tell me any different I will divide my time between Thailand and the Philippines
  2. And there was me thinking these two were untouchable just like the cop killer who has evaded capture !
  3. When are we going to get back our car ferry service direct from Koh Phangan to Samui it’s now a few years since we lost the service . I can remember in the early 2,000s the SeaTran used to do an every Wednesday car ferry between both islands why can’t that be re-introduced I remember having to book it days before as it was always full !
  4. Have lived in Thailand for nearly 20 years Pattaya is the last place on earth I would want to visit it’s a whores paradise I can’t understand what makes people want to go there I haves UK friend who visits yearly he loves the place I feel sorry for him !
  5. That’s what happens when you gift these people with free visa’s if you have ever been to India this is an everyday occurrence. !
  6. Are we surprised NO she does as she is told !
  7. You pay lawyers to carry out due diligence having lived here for 20 years and made use of Lawyers I have yet to come across one who is capable of carrying out such a task !
  8. Did he go to an ATM for the money and I understand that ATMs have cameras if that’s the case then he has the proof I know of an incident many years ago where an immigration officer now retired took my friend and he Thai partner to a local ATM and told him to withdraw x amount however the most he was allowed to withdraw at the time was 10k the officer then handed him his passport and dropped them off to the ferry port where I was waiting for him that’s when he told me what happened he showed me the withdrawal slip !
  9. Gold digger comes to mind she should be happy with the villa she has inherited and where did she get 200,000 plus baht to help him !
  10. These are just local elections which mean very little when it comes to a GE and let’s not forget all the over 60s in the fugitives area just received a very convenient 10,000 Bht !
  11. Very sad for the boy to have to witness the death of his mother I hope the authorities will give him all the help he needs and that he won’t be pushed to the side and forgotten about
  12. He should be in prison instead he is actively in Thai politics WHY !
  13. I hate canned beer but have to say since the introduction I’ve saved a considerable amount of money !
  14. I married in 2008 took my passport my Uk divorce papers and a letter from immigration stating my Thai address 5 hours later I was married sadly it was short lived she upped sticks on New Years Eve 2019
  15. Gambling is illegal in Thailand if they allow a casino to be built then surely they must change the gambling regulations there is no difference in gambling in a casino be it on the tables or slot machines than people gambling on a football match !
  16. The public are not stupid this was a total stitch up from start to finish for political reasons otherwise he would never have returned to Thailand
  17. 1959 maroon VW Beetle when I was stationed in Germany as an 19 year old in the winter the windows would constantly freeze up but loved my little shagin wagon : )
  18. Yes correct but a 5 year old could pass the license application !
  19. Regardless what I send it’s normally in my K bank within minutes unless I send it over the weekend which has taken much longer what day did your friend do their transfer !
  20. UK Armed Forces have always been treated unfairly they don’t have anyone to fight for them be it pensions , pay rises, accommodation, working hours I retired in 1991 the working conditions of a soldier were disgraceful compered to that of the other services police , fire , prison they all had unions who represented them we did even have Health and Safety it was a case of suck it up ! In the mid 80s I was posted to the USA where I served with US Forces and boy how they were looked after was nothing short of amazing compered to UK Forces .
  21. HMRC have an app that’s how they have been contacting me for a number of years it gives me all the info regarding my three pensions as well as my tax code my OAP has been frozen since I was 65 next month I will be 74 having lived in Thailand nearly 20 years they have always stung me for UK taxes there is not getting away from it they also have my Thai home address and my thai mobile number they will even tax me when I’m sent up the chimney at my Thai local temple !
  22. I have a HMRC app that’s how they contact me have had it for a number of years now it allows me to check everything and if they need to contact me they use the App
  23. Reading the report it says they had been arguing before he threw him off the boat throwing anyone off a moving vessel is an act of madness RIP to the deceased his mother must be distraught with what happened to him
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