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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. I once flew to Singapore from Thailand for 3,000 baht return that’s when I was getting 55 baht to the £. I flew from Krabi outwards and flew back to Bangkok on my return those were the days I doubt they will ever return not for me anyway as I’m getting on in life
  2. My experience of Thai trains is “ Never Again “ !!!!!
  3. My friend Jim we are the same age 71 had his left eye done think it cost 50,000 baht he was due to have his other eye done 6 months later sadly he passed away after tripping up while getting off his scooter when he parked it up at home bump his head 3 hours later he had severe headaches and called for an ambulance they placed him on a machine but 6 hours later he passed the government hospital bill for 6 hours was 38,000 baht and they wouldn’t allow the removal of his remains until the bill was paid . I have often asked my self should he have had both eyes done at the same time since then I have decided to carry on wearing glasses
  4. ANTICIPATED was the word used COULD was the the 10 million tourists both are pipe dreams I take it all as a pinch of salt or better still PIGS MIGHT FLY !!!!!!
  5. Is this the ANTICIPATED income generated on the 10 million tourists that COULD visit the Kingdom this year I presume that as we are approaching the eight month they already have the number of visitors since 1st January 2022 and that’s how they have come to these figures or is it yet another case of PIGS MAY FLY !!!!!!!
  6. There’s as much chance that I COULD win the Thai lottery it would be interesting to know how many tourists have entered and stayed for at least a week since the 1st January 2022 we are now approaching the eighth month
  7. It is reported in the U.K. that this virus is very active amongst the gay community maybe the powers to be should investigate and test the gay community in Phuket as he must of caught it from someone in the local community as he is on overstay for a long period of time
  8. I suppose that’s in the 20 year plan along with the Submarines that are still waiting to have engines fitted Yesterday I read that Samui plans to have a berth terminal for all the cruise ships that will be arriving it reminds me of the plans some 16 years ago to build a marina to accommodate up to 200 small craft in Samui I don’t even think it got as far as dredging the area to make the water deeper It’s all a pipe dream that will never happen unless big brown envelopes are exchanged
  9. When we watch and see how many leaders around the world have been given the sack yet here we have someone who for 8 years has survived oooppppps I forgot the military are the government
  10. The Ferries are never on time to and from the islands last week I had a friend stuck on the Raja at Phangan for 8 hours he wasn’t even compensated unlike Europe where the ferries have the responsibility to take care of you in unlikely situations “Amazing Thailand”
  11. Make a Thai will or give tge love of your life your card details and get them to go to the cash point and drip feed it out
  12. If I had that sort of money I wouldn’t be living in Thailand these people live in dreamworld it will,be interesting to know in September 2023 how many idiots parted with this amount of money in order to own a 1 rai plot of land I’d be surprised if it was even 1
  13. Actually there are a lot of Chinese with English names David is one of the popular names
  14. Typical Thai rip off prices thinking they can make big money that’s why I refused to pay I have Liverpoolfc go cost just over a 1,000 baht a year I’ll be watching the game tonight live won’t be surprised if the stadium is half empty
  15. Where does a low paid policeman get a million baht from
  16. One of the things not mentioned is that these services have been reduced not as many sailings as there used to be .
  17. What a great way to motivate holiday makers to come and spend there hard earned money in Thailand What clown thought up this crazy idea
  18. All very good ! trouble is the Thai workers will see no benefit in salary as the wages are well below the cost of living
  19. OMG I hope you get it sorted the children must have been heartbroken we live in a crazy world ????????
  20. Compered to a Thai prison he will enjoy a life of luxury one thing is for sure he wound be asking to do his time in the Bangkok Hilton
  21. Maybe the time has come when a foreigner is allowed to present his income/savings that he has in his home country instead of the stupidity of having to have 800k in a Thai bank if your not married to a Thai you are discriminated against as the money requirement is double . I live in my own however I did have a Thai GF for 3 months my monthly expenditure trebled in that time yet if I had of married her then all that would be required in my Thai account is 400,000 baht that’s crazy
  22. Rip off prices that’s why I refuse to go
  23. It’s not just the U.K. the rest of the world is suffering there are strikes in Europe as well billions are being invested into the U.K. markets by major companies relocating from overseas its not all gloom and doom but like you I wish I was getting a better rate for my £ . I use wise there fees are way cheaper than the banks and I have always found them to have the best exchange rates .
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