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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Should not have been a coup in the first place people should be allowed to vote for the party they want the military should not be involved if you believe in democracy
  2. Great opportunity for you know what ????
  3. Dismissed from the police or dismissed from his post I have a feeling it is from his current post
  4. All we can do is pray that Putin will be overthrown by his own military commanders should he give the order . If he does mange to press the button the only country that is safe is New Zealand the rest of us are yesterdays news we will be obliterated . Time to say your prayers even if you are a non believer
  5. Contact marksendingmachine on FB see if he can do it for you he deals with many embassy’s in Bangkok he’s from the U.K. sorted my passport renewal
  6. As far as I am aware if you arrived on a 90 day visa you can convert that to a non O it seems you came on a normal 30 day visa renewable for another 30 days or did you arrive as they introduced the new 45 day visa
  7. Yes they have to buy everything guns uniform my police inspector friend tells me that they are loaned the money to make the purchases and this loan is then deducted each month from there salary he told me this a few years ago so unless the rules have changed I would assume it’s still the same today and I presume that as they had to buy the gun then in law it belongs to them .
  8. This ex policeman should have not been allowed freedom the court was due to sentence him today he should of been taken to the prison yesterday to await his punishment but no he walks out if court and then goes on to brutally murder innocent lives mainly children then he goes home killing his family and then himself he was armed with a shotgun a pistol and some sort of knife this was clearly a planned execution . My heart goes out to all those families suffering with the loss of family especially children who had a full life in front of them . I hope that the Thai government will ensure that those who have lost loved ones will be given the finances to ensure the deceased have a decent funeral as many up in the North of Thailand have very little . ????????????????????RIP????????????????????
  9. At least he is not stuck in that rat invested hole anymore I bet his last years were so miserable that he wished death on himself . Do the crime do the time ????????????????????
  10. My brother has worked there for more than 10 years and loves the place he has a far better life style than when he worked in the U.K.
  11. One week is long enough in that place in 50 years time it will be under water if they don’t do something about the constant flooding . I will stick to island living and just go there for the occasional weekend
  12. Yet more BS from these people do they not realise that there is serious conflict in Europe that could lead to another World War on top of that there are going to be major recessions in most major countries these people live on cloud cuckoo land
  13. You would be wasting your time and money and besides that it takes the banks for ever and a day to make a decision I waited over 3 months and they would only loan a certain amount of the valuation of the property and land that you would have to use as security
  14. He would of been lucky if he got £150 per week in the late 60s early 70s playing for Shrewsbury Town I bet there average gate was less than 10,000 supporters per week if that
  15. Just had a friend pass 10 days in government hospital 450,000 baht 5 days ICU and 5 days public ward . This government gave hospitals a free run on what they charge on top of that there was an additional 40,000 baht on preparing the remains , mortury charges , delivery to the Temple , 2 nights prayers and then the burning
  16. Once you hit over the 70 mark the insurance cover is out of reach for most of us I was quoted 200,000+ for a year and that was me having to pay the first 100,000 . I choose to keep a million baht just in case of a health emergency but if I’m honest and my health was so bad that I couldn’t enjoy life I’d take myself to bed with a bottle of Jamie’s and some tabs to help me climb the stairway to heaven .
  17. I have just read all the comments and I’ve come to the conclusion those who say Thailand will be okay are living in cuckoo land . Personal debt is in the trillions ,suicides are on the up and up . The PM has been told he can soldier on for another few years which is going to cause serious unrest with supporters of opposition parties , the $$$$$$$$ is on the rise and that will hurt the economy and let’s face it the baht has been heavily manipulated since this government took charge so as far as I am concerned next year could be a year of doom and gloom and living on one of the islands I’m still waiting to see the tourists return but with all the problems around the world sadly I have written off this coming high/peak season and no I’m not a gloom and doom merchant nor do I wear tainted glasses I really hope that I’m wrong only time will tell.
  18. That’s why the adverts say “ Amazing Thailand” so much wheeler dealing and corruption even the courts are in the back pockets of this corrupt government I expect the opposition parties to be expelled before the next GE
  19. It was always a forgone conclusion that this would be the outcome we shouldn’t be surprised big brown envelopes and empty promises come to mind
  20. I live on the islands I can assure you there is a long way to go before it gets back to normal
  21. I keep seeing Big Thick Brown Envelopes
  22. It’s all going to go belly up very soon they the gov have been manipulating the Baht since the first day of the coup
  23. I had a salt pool got fed up with it that I went back to chlorine I put copper sulphate in the pool meaning I don’t need as much clorine I also have a uv light system to kill all bacteria
  24. If they implement this tax then peak season can be kicked into the long grass
  25. When they deny it as fake news it’s 99.9 % it’s going to happen
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