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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. I will give it a miss thanks after having all three vaccines my immune system deteriorated so much I was ill for more than 3 weeks in that time I took 10 separate Covid tests all being negative . Now having treatment by way of acupuncture which seems to have sorted the problem out . Would be interesting to know if this nasal spray has got world wide approval or is it just a local remedy
  2. Currency manipulation at its very best it’s been like this since the military took power and in the not so distant future things are going to go belly up . I read the other day that this year the suicide rate in the kingdom has increased dramatically people have so much debt they cannot find there way out and as for all the loan sharks that’s another issue I know of at least 3 Thais who are in constant hiding of these unscrupulous characters because they had no other alternative but to go to them as a last resort . I only see gloom and doom for Thailand and due to world wide issues caused by the Russian illegal invasion of Ukraine I think we can all forget about this years high season . I hope I’m wrong !
  3. A foreigner cannot have there name on a house blue book what you can do is get a yellow book along with a Thai issued pink ID card does it have its benefits yes you can walk into any car showroom and purchase a car in your own name without having to go to immigration to gat a letter . I get discount from my dentist ,I use it when flying within Thailand and booking into hotels I even get discount on one of my local ferries got it 6 years ago 250 baht and because of my age it’s for life no need to renew it when I had my covid vaccines I just turned up with my yellow book and pink card while other foreigners were having to bring lease agreements ,passports
  4. Putin was meant to do a live broadcast last evening to the Russian people it was cancelled at the last minute and has been rescheduled for this morning Wednesday I for one expect him to announce a declaration of war against the Ukraine I hope I am wrong however if this is the case every young male citizen of Russia over the age of 18 will be called up and with the Russian currency being nearly worthless I cannot see many Russian coming for a holiday in the land of smiles . I’m not surprised by Thailands decision to allow flights from Russia after all unlike Western countries to condemn the invasion they have sat on the fence
  5. I live on one of the islands a friend recently passed he had a very simple cremation 2 nights prayed third day cremation I managed to do everything for 28,000 baht I should imagine up your part of the world it would be 15,000 or less by the way he was a farang
  6. Yes everything has shot up in price even the likes of chicken and pork problem is now that they’ve gone up it’s highly unlikely they will come down I feel sorry for the average working Thai who struggle to buy basic food
  7. Prostitution in Pattaya this cannot be who is spreading these unfounded allegations
  8. They have been manipulating the baht for years but very soon it’s all going to go belly up and the sooner it happens the better
  9. I would imagine at least 50% Malays are overnight sex tourists who then go back home to there wives
  10. As a lawyer in the U.K. he could of trebled that salary for less hours
  11. Most of those are men who come over at the weekends to meet up with Thai woman before heading back home to the wife
  12. This might sound crazy and I don’t even know if it’s possible make your daughter a joint account holder to your US bank accounts and approve her as a signatory to these accounts but set a limit on how much she is allowed to draw each month if this is not possible then setting up a trust is the only other way but it is expensive as there are ongoing fees throughout the lifetime of the trust . Unfortunately you cannot control what happens once you have departed this world you say your daughter is 15 maybe talk to her regarding the importance of money and how to invest it for the future at her age I am sure she will understand . By the way I am in the same boat a couple of years younger than you and my estate will eventually go to my two grandchildren who are currently 17 and 15 they get an allowance from me every month and up to now I have never had any issues .
  13. Dictators will always agree with each other ! Once again Thailand sitting on the fence don’t be surprised if those who openly support or those who use the word neutral have sanctions imposed against them sooner rather than later
  14. I was fortunate to have met the Queen and other members of the Royal Family during my military career and although I retired some 30 years ago I still have a letter from the Royal Household thanking me for my involvement in the Beating of the Retreat on Horse Guards Parade . A wonderful lady may she Rest in Peace ????????????????????????????
  15. He was wearing black shorts in the bath ! RIP to the deceased
  16. Never discuss your private life with anyone especially a woman that’s lesson number one
  17. That’s good enough reason not to hook up with a Thai Lady you don’t know there past , use a bar girl or massage parlour and go home happy and content
  18. I walked into a bar on Monday evening and a woman grabbed hold of my private’s and refused to let go until I bought her a drink it took me 30 minutes to find my wallet
  19. Where were the security guards when all this took place or did she not bother to have any and just left the place wide open if that was the case then that is an open invitation for anyone to walk around an unsecured building .
  20. No mention of the amount of monies that have been removed from Thailand to reinvest in other countries wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lot more than what was brought in between January and July
  21. Go to the money exchange and see if they will take it but don’t delay do it today . I was lucky I had a friend returning to the U.K. who kindly deposited it into his bank and then transferred it into my U.K. bank.
  22. I’ve seen kids as young as 8 screaming down the road on a bike or kids coming out of the local Thai school racing each other with no disregard to others on the road . I’ve lost count how many scooters or bikes I have seen under a lorry with bodies strewn all over the road in my 17 years living on the islands. Yet it was only yesterday that I read of police fining up to 4,000 baht for not wearing a seatbelt it’s time they introduced the same punishment for those who refuse to wear a crash helmet or have more than two persons on the bike
  23. Very sad RIP to those who perished . Thailand needs to tighten up the laws regarding scooters and bikes crash helmets , 16 or over and no more than the rider and one passenger on a scooter or bike had the girls been wearing helmets they might of had a better chance I’m not offering any excuse for the driver of the pick up but in over 17 years of living here when I see kids of 3 or often more riding pillion it deeply worries me I’ve come across to many unnecessary deaths on scooters and bikes it’s now time for change in the law if you can be given a 4,000 baht fine for not wearing a seat belt then it’s time the government introduced much stricter bike rules
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