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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Back in 2005 I was getting 74+ baht to the £ wise rate this morning is 43.4 to the £ . Prices over the past month have risen sharply and here on the islands petrol is now 47+ to the litre a month ago I could buy a cooked chicken in Big C for 109 bht yesterday 130 bht . The bht has been manipulated so much so that by the end of the year I can see it going belly up and who will suffer the normal working people
  2. Absolute madness why does Thailand need submarines the waters are not deep enough for starters there are more important issues that buying engineless rust buckets
  3. I wouldn’t complain if the Ships were of a high standard but they are rust buckets I doubt that they would pass a European sea worthy test let’s not forget it’s less than 2 years sine one if the Raja ferries sank with the loss of life these companies need to invest in new vessels and I haven’t even mentioned the pollution they cause from the thick black smoke that bellows out of them
  4. Will be interesting when I go to my local Makro later today the guy on the door loves to tell people off if there nose is not fully covered what will he say when I enter with no mask . If I’m honest there are many on the island who only put a mask on to enter the shops otherwise it’s a case of the mask being around your wrist or in your pocket
  5. Wish they would take a look at the pollution being pumped out of the Raja Ferries the smoke is disgusting along with the smell I recently had to cremate a friend 80 minutes before the cremation I had a phone call that I had to deliver 80 litres of fuel in order for the cremation to take place some 2/3 hours into the cremation a further 30 litres was asked for in total 120 litres at a cost of just under 3,000 baht . lve been to a number of cremations in Thailand but having to go buy petrol 80 minutes prior had my heart pumping that much I could of been joining my friend it was an absolute nightmare
  6. I would of thought that there were as many problematic Thais if not more than farangs what a bunch of clowns
  7. Silly question but simple answer is NO from what I’ve seen with the requirements I fall into that bracket but unless there are advantages that suit me I won’t be applying
  8. Come and get your 10 year visa comrades ????????????????
  9. Farangs cannot grow or own the plants only Thai nationals but as I have a pink ID card I might apply using that to see if they grant me my 3 plants
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