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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. Yes. Bombing the manufacturer's social media with negative posts and links/pictures to articles about her travails could stir some action.
  2. One thing keeping Thailand a 3rd world country is the oppressive defamation laws. In most countries - at least western countries - the brand of the car and name of the dealership would be all over the articles about this situation. The defamation laws provide protection to incompetent/scamming/corrupt/lawbreaking/dangerous businesses. Instead of sending a thug to silence a justifiably upset consumer, this unjust law is used as a club. How much longer would this dealership be in business if this consumer wasn't silenced by the defamation laws?
  3. The car's resale value just dropped a lot with all the new paint.
  4. Thank you for sending me there. Many stores in Icon Square have Bluetooth Keyboards, but none had the type I was looking for. I went next door to Computer Plaza, entering via a side door. The 1st shop once inside the door had what I was looking for.
  5. E.g., Will Thai Customs reject bar soap, as I see Cosmetics seem a gray area and Amazon won't ship soap here? Likewise Amazon (and/or their 3rd party sellers) won't send the following to Thailand - Vitamins; Mobile phones; Mobile phone batteries. Is it because these may be rejected? Any other gray area/problematic imports?
  6. ~`~~~~
  7. I only see 3 Festivals listed, not 5.
  8. No. Depends on the item. I'm planning to order 5 items. Four of those are sold by 3rd parties and shipped by Amazon. Three of the 4 are covered by the flat rate.
  9. Never noticed much difference in wait times between the 2.
  10. Strong fire safety laws? I was shocked to learn that Smoke Detectors are not required in apartments unless the building is more than 6 stories high (Apparently on the theory that jumping from a 6th floor or lower window is safe).
  11. I gave my general response to that question, but your point is well taken.
  12. No antivirus is needed. Do regular backups onto an SD card or another device. Use a browser with a Sandbox if you are going to be clicking on links you feel are questionable. Use a Password Minder. Password protect your Notes or whatever else you are worried about others seeing.
  13. Went in person for my 1st 90 Day Report, no problems. Yesterday used their website for my 2nd report. Wasted about 30 minutes till I found the spelling they would accept of my Amphur and Tambon (using an "e" in both, not seen it spelled that way previously nor did most of my searches find their uncommon spelling but so be it, now I know). Other than that, easy peasy. No documents to upload, etc. Once it accepted the spellings, received an email almost immediately: "We have received your information successfully, you can find your information below." 4 minutes later received a 2nd email: "Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been approved."
  14. Does cash.give you 3 to 5% back, extended warranty, car rental CDW, free cellphone insurance, etc., plus bonuses of up to 1k (effectively up to 1.5k) for signing?
  15. Have you personally been a patient?
  16. "Any advice most welcome." There are two kinds of websites - Those that have been hacked, and those that will be hacked. It's really not worth worrying about, other than the hassle of getting the new card itself to Thailand.
  17. "Where did you come across that link from?" Don't recall. If I see link again will post. "When I went to check out, Amazon showed a discount on the regular TH shipping price of $12.96 for the phone that I used as an example, and referred to the discount as "flate rate delivery promo..." Meaning it's a temporary thing???" I mentioned this in my post above of 7-28 - "Friday, Aug. 5 - Wednesday, Aug. 17 AmazonGlobal Flat rate Shipping" On checkout bill, calls it "Flat rate shipping promotion". On all other pages does not list it as "promotion"." "Also, from the couple of tests I tried, the flat rate promo appears to only be available for CERTAIN items SOLD and SHIPPED by Amazon... And NOT those sold by other sellers but shipped by Amazon." I mentioned this in 1 of my posts above of July 14 - "But for the items which they do allow to be shipped to Thailand, many of them are shipped from the 3rd party sellers, so do not come under the flat rate $9.95, and the shipping fees can double or more the price of items." (Forum softwareforcing this odd print format).
  18. I never close the door until I am buckled into my backseat. So far this year every Bolt car I've called has had a working seat belt in back. Once or perhaps twice 1 of the belts didn't work but I would use the next belt which always did work. In Vietnam though (where I would estimate about 95% of motorcycle riders wear helmets) I had many cars come without a working seatbelt, and the driver well aware of that. In each case I would get out, call for another, and give them a 1 star review with an explanation. This would get me a phone call the next day from Be/Grab apologizing and telling me they will be dealing with the driver to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  19. "He said there were plans to bury cables and the leaning pole would be removed after checks to make sure it didn't represent an immediate danger to passing tourists." He then added "If it is found to represent an immediate danger, a committee will be formed within 10 days to look into the best way to fix the problem". (/satire)
  20. I feel you were correct to point out the error.
  21. Although as the prices are not in print, scammers could still scam ("I gave the price for a 1 lb. fish, you picked out a larger fish"). After reading of this and similar incidents, if I am in a restaurant and am handed a menu with no prices, I will walk.
  22. Thank you for testing that permission. "I can revoke for example the permission to make phone calls from the standard phone app, giving me a warning that this might break basic functionality of the phone, but upon confirmation it allows me to do this." I get the same warnings. I have all permissions turned off for every pre-intalled app. If I need one I turn on the permission temporarily. It's important for people to understand that: 1) When they say "break basic functionality", that means "the app may not work the way it was intended while the permssion is off". It does not "break" anything, all works the way it did previously if the permission is turned back on. 2) The overall phone has not been affected. I have all Google apps permissions turned off, and those of the phone manufacturer's apps likewise. I use other apps I download for the basic functions like "Phone Dialer".
  23. But then it will be much more difficult for him to rapidly transfer his assets to family members before the coming personal lawsuits.
  24. Yes, I also. Unfortunately, learned the hardway. I could deal with the bloatware/crapware garbage, but not the forced permissions. Getting rid of the one I just bought.
  25. One issue that is very relevant now is how to find out if a phone from another manufacturer allows me to deny access to all, or forces access. I know that phones in stores in Demo Mode do not allow apps to be deleted (referrng to apps which can be deleted by the phone owner). But can Permissions be denied to apps while in Demo Mode? I also wonder about the following - in the USA if one buys a discounted phone from a carrier which involves a 2 year phone service contract, one gets a small window - about 7 days - to return the opened phone, cancel the contract for the phone and service, and get a full refund minus pro-rated payment for the service days used. (At least that was the case the last time I got a phone). Wondering if that the case in Thailand with the 3 major carriers?
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