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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. It's the Defamation law that let's them get away with this. (And as JB ChiangRai mentions, no Small Claims Court). Otherwise there would be websites with customers complaints, and those landlords would only get tenants who are not internet savvy. I would never pay more than 1 month's deposit, but I don't think I would even pay that unless I know the landlord has a great reputation. Lots of vacant apartments, and landlords needing rent money. I would let the apartment owner call/email my previous landlords for references.
  2. "Real estate sector to propose alternative to foreigners buying land in Thailand" I've come up with an alternative I'm very happy with to foreigners buying land in Thailand - Foreigners not buying land in Thailand.
  3. Title of this thread is deceptive. I demand my 6 seconds back from reading the OP!
  4. Noise pollution is a big problem in SEA.
  5. Why is your handle in blue and not red?
  6. L-Cysteine is anecdotally supposed to help hair (also skin and nails). Not sure if there's any firm scientific studies backing that.
  7. I've never before on any forum seen posts deleted for being "Off Topic", nor mods feeling the need to comment such. Obviously it was not "Off Topic" to the one who posted, nor the ones who post responses. And (unpaid) posters are the ones who provide the content to this site. The non-problem would be solved by using forum software like Reddit's where the main thtead continues and sub threads trail off to the right side and sometimes to a 2nd page.
  8. So impressed that after 20 posts (18 posts until this thread) you have been appointed (by yourself) spokesperson for all the posters here, and have learned what all of them care about. "No one really cares about your political views, or at least not on an expat forum where we just need advice on how to live in a foreign country." Translation : "I personally don't care about your political views... I personally just need advice on how to live in a foreign country. Because I feel that way, the forum should become that."
  9. https://aseannow.com/topic/1255491-recommended-skin-cancer-doctors-in-thailand/
  10. "Google has this forum rated as a family oriented forum, therefore profanity is not allowed." This is what I do not understand. Google sees profanity, Google can change that rating. The rating is important for ownership to maintain? Why? I didn't know Google classifies forums as Family and not Family. Why do they rate them as such? What is the point?
  11. I don't understand this. Why is Google involved in policing this site?
  12. Sheryl and ubonjoe. The site is over (at least with the present rules and that which cannot even be discussed) if they are not here. "She is also a very good moderator and not prone to victimise or over police individual posters." ubononjoe also.
  13. HUCA! (Hang Up, Call Again). For USA accounts - Unless they changed the rule very recently, it is 1k USD Withdrawal per day, in 1 Withdrawal if you can find a Thai ATM which will allow it. I know you asked about an Int'l. account - I would definitely check with a 2nd person. Call during USA banking hours.
  14. Google Translate? If not, what is the url?
  15. Google Translate? If not, what is the url?
  16. Many state they are helped by Alcoholics Anonymous and other Step programs. They have meetings all over the world. OP - You should be able to find meetings in Thailand.
  17. The man is looking for encouragement to avoid alcohol, and sadly instead most are urging him to continue.
  18. "...Mr. Pan, 35, a graphic designer, who stabbed Mr. Jaroen Penngern, 49, a food seller to death.” “Jaroen later presented and surrendered himself to police." So...The man.who was stabbed to death later presented and surrendered himself to police. Unusual.
  19. His post is asking for help.
  20. PS - I was satisfied with this Dr. and would see him again if my regular Dermatologist (Vachiraporn) is unavailable.
  21. I was always surprised that the kidnap industry had never taken off here...
  22. Was very pleased to find RT on my cable service in CM.
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