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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. How about 'The Toast Sandwich'

    and I quote

    You simply put a piece of dry toast between two slices of bread and butter, with salt and pepper to taste. I've tried it and it's surprisingly nice to eat and quite filling.


    Do they do a mashed potato and gravy sandwich? That would be amazing! Sort of like a chip buttie only squishier ... oh, and you can buy Aussie SPC Baked Beans at Rimping. Ayam beans are crap.

  2. I hear the Japanese in general don't like Farang?

    Thanks for the red card ive never bee sent off before.any chance of some better replies?

    when i first come here i liked the cheapness of the place i thought all thai peoples smiles were real and i thought thai women were beautiful innocent girls ..Im not going home im going to live in japan.I spent a couple of weeks out there this year and loved it ok is not cheap but i find the people are better there.And the girls well thai women dont have a spot on jap girls.

  3. I think India may be a fairly sizable place, with food and dining of different types and at many levels.

    Same principle may apply to the masaman curry, never like it but it's a confirmed number one food in the world

  4. I have four AC too but I use one at a time 24/7 bill rarely exceed 3 thousand something bath. The BTU size for each is a bit bigger than what's required.

    I also have electric water heaters installed in kitchen and 2 bathrooms.

    I use the water heater in the kitchen almost all the time.

  5. the dog may be bored or lonely, so (with neighbors ok) a short visit and give the chew, that will keep it busy chewing for a long time.

    Probably the best solution!

    The neighbor may feel she owe you a little debt of gratitude for all your efforts and that's huge in Thailand.

    Cheaper than moving too.

  6. Anyone who has a fridge must surely have enough ingredients to make a sandwich, unless it's something special that you wouldn't keep at home, or the fridge is full of beer. I don't quite see the point of going out for a sandwich.

    Other than the meat it self either roast beef or grilled marinated chicken breast I also need a little bit of the following to balance it out

    pickled jalapeno

    mixed salad




    Sliced cucumber

    Sliced tomato

    Real Mayo

    Hot sauce

    Easier to just let a shop sort them out

  7. I have tried curry in India too so I really do hope that you are kidding.

    My wife and I have been buying Curry Nights for some months now and they are really authentic.I have spent a lot of time in India and have always enjoyed real Indian food.This is as close as it gets.

  8. You can get them both fresh and frozen. Frozen ones are much cheaper

    If you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables anyway, I do not think that you have to worry about eating the latest fashionable one.

    True, but I would just like to say that a good portion of blueberries every day, seems to have helped me avoid taking statins. Unfortunately, only the frozen blueberries are available, but they're a good second best appx 135 Baht for 500 gms. I eat about 5 packets a week and love them.. Of course as you say, eat loads of other fresh fruits and vegetables too (and still go out for the odd plate of Fish&Chips or Sunday dinner).thumbsup.gif

    where do you get those frozen blueberries?? I love that fruit and have just assumed i cannot get it in thailand.

  9. I played along for a short time until I put my foot down and tried to make a joke of it.

    Suggesting she had drank too much and I was far too much of a old man to be doing that at my age.

    It ended so badly with her screaming at me and saying she would accuse me of sexual misconduct unless I quickly did the "right thing"

    I think you may have taken the word "Thailand Is The Worlds Brothel" too literally.


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  10. I'm in Chiang Mai, but they don't have it in Rimping Supermarket which caters to foreigners and is pretty good. If worse comes to worse, you can use a mortar and pestle to grind regular table salt into dust, but I rather just buy it if possible.

    I saw several imported popcorn flavoring like cheddar... something etc.. at Rimping Nimcity just a few weeks ago.

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