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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. In my mind this is beating a dead horse. They refuse to adjust air fairs to be competitive with others. When I make travel arraignments I always check Thai airways and they are from 5 to 15% higher than others. So why should I fly with them.

    They don't get it ITS THE PRICE DUDE. Nothing else. This is what is driving the consumer not a little more leg room or nicer meals.

    If they don't change their business model they will go down the drain.

    • Like 1
  2. Suicide Sure why not its Russian If Thai there would have been an investigation

    Gashes in both arms and 7 knife wounds to the chest Not even an insane person can deal with the pain that a self inflicted wound would cause if self administered . How on earth could he have given himself 7 wounds

    Looks like an out of control hand did it.

    Common do you expect us the believe that this is suicide . Words do not come to me about what I think about this investigation

  3. I did not know you could go to jail just for ineptness. If that was the case Obama would be spending the next 40 years in the crow bar motel.


    Just be cause she did a lousy job does not mean she should go to jail. I am not one of her supporters but I can tell you most here want to hand her before they know the truth about


    what she did or did not do. I am so glad you are not a  group sitting on my jury

  4. OK I really don't get it


    Your the leader of the county Say like the United States. Then there is Obama. Who is the president ( so sorry) Now if you compare him to Yinluck . (they want to charge her with dereliction of duty) then why is Obama still president. It would seem to me there is massive dereliction of duty on his part  so why is he still president.


    Because this is democracy. Good bad or indifferent once you elect an official you stuck with  them for the term of the office. Here in Thailand if  you don't like then charge then with dereliction which come to my point.


    Who in their right mind that has a fabric of good in their body will want to be Prime minster of Thailand and have the threat of nebulous legal action hanging over their heads.


    There lies the rub


    No one with any talent will want to Its that simple so the Thais are designing a system that will only attract less that stellar people.



  5. Police suspected three motives on her death – committing suicide, murder, and accident

    And what are the other possibilities it could have been apart from that? Doesn't really narrow things down does it. At least she probably had a quick death, RIP


    Daaa  you think Suicide Murder or an accident . Very interesting I picture the cops running around bumping into each other. Three reasons for her death.


    I think it is the writer but he got it right Suicide Murder or and accident.

  6. I cannot believe that the police are just talking to the relatives They have material information about the case They should be arrested and held till the tell the police where this woman is

    I cannot believe this story So sad that the children are pawns in the hands of the woman's family;. This is really sick

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