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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. cheesy.gif Common Even a dog knows when it is not wanted. They are only interested in how much money you have not anything else You cannon pay On to the next Farang Wake up and smell the coffee.

    And I am talking from experience . My Thai wife's family invited me to stay in their house because I was leaving my ex wife for their daughter.l Guess what They never asked for any money morning noon or night. So I paid for groceries for them helped with monthly bills and gave her a little bit of money from time to time for the family.l Nothing more that someone sharing accomodations would do.. I stayed a year. And we get along fabulously after 7 years . Close family that never never asks for anything so last week I bought the mom a brand new sewing machine for about 13,000 baht. Why because they never ask me for anyting other than love and take care of their daughter. So you are surely being scammed

  2. This is the reality of it . I have always said I want kids in Kids Seats in the car. My wife said her sister will not do. So I just stopped pushing it. Then 3 weeks ago my brother was in an accident with his car and the kids where in it . Both kids got hurt No Child restraint. So you would think they would use it now

    NOPE . So I have come to a conclusion its got to do with Highway education. We in the west had it hammered away that a child is safer with a child seat and They are .

    Here the government simply does not care about it . Thus you get hurt kids all the time in crashes. And after they still don't care.

    So I understand the stupidity with my wifes sister. Education

  3. One word " Sick " and then a thought. I don't understand why the Thai government will not protect the elephant. No major punishment for killing This is their national symbol. Give someone 20 years and watch the decline in this type of thing.

    And if you think " oh well its just an animal" so is the bald eagle. See what happens in the United States if you mess with a bald eagle MAJOR JAIL TIME. As a result of this harsh punishment The bald eagle has come back back from the brink of extinction.

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  4. Common People where is your humanity. Ok when I see woman with small children on foot paths beg for money I do not give. Mostly it is a scam but when I see someone without arms or a leg or massive scars I most certainly always give. And you should too. You have 2 arms 2 legs and someone loves you . This person has a very hard life. You have loose change in your pocket Stick your hand in their and get it . What difference will it make . A lot for the person who does not have a leg . foot or arm

  5. My experience is they will try to short change you It has happened twice to me so far but they did not get away with it, First was in a night market I bought sometime for 40 baht and the vendor 1,000 baht since I did not have anything smaller. He then handed me back 70 baht I said Hey what gives I just gave you 1,00o He said I did not I said I did and if he wanted to argue ( In Thai) I would call the police , I told him he is a thief. He then relented and game me the difference. Just before I walked away I told him off in Thai,.

    Second time was with another vendor. I bought a cut key for 90 baht I asked her if she had change for 1000 she said yes. She then counted the change 3 times and handing me 800 baht change. I had counted it in my head and she fumbled the bills and then counted then in front of her again and it was just 800 I told her Nice Trick Give me the extra 100. She meekishly smiled and handed it over.

    So yes vendors from time to time will try and screw you because they think you are stupid farang. Now to avoid this in the future I try and have smaller bank notes so as not to attempt those thieves from tying to scam me

  6. One lawyer for divorce said she would charge me 30,000 baht if we went to courts and less if just settled. I said OK so we went back and forth and back and forth with my ex wife and then settled Went down to the goverment buiding signed the papers and got a divorce. Then she said OK 30,000 I said For what we did not go to court we just went to the city for the divorce

    I gave her 10,000 and said That is it No more we are finished this did not go to court. End of story

  7. I get the same shit from my Girlfriend of 7 years. Days ago she started again and I told her " Your an A**** Hole So she go mad and left

    Good for me because I dont have to listen to this and she knows it . They do not bridle their emotions They do not take it out on their parents so sometimes they think a man can take it

    I don't and she knows it. Better she cools off then when she wants to be with me she is nicer Simple Don't accept it

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  8. This is a question of right or wrong. The school is wrong for not providing a work permit The teachers are wrong for continuing to work without a work permit. I would inform the authorities

    These schools must comply and guess what I have had a visa in good standing for 9 years So why should I have a visa and these teachers who know then dont have visa's continue to work

    This is just wrong. To the teachers Get another job to the School I hope you can pay the fine coming and to the bloke who is writing this Tell the authorities This is a very pad situation

    and to the pratts that are reading this and disagree. Too bad you do not understand the rule of Law. Visas are their for a reason To protect everyone Without it all bets are off

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