Out on a saunter one day with an effervescent and charismatic friend we happened to pass a house that was the scene of a horrific familial murder. The son cracked up and sent his parents plus sister to the next life. The good news is his dog escaped and continued life as a back-door opportunist, fathering many a mangy street pup.
The house in question was glorious, a real Thai mansion, not a McMansion built in the backwoods by a deluded farang. As we passed, a brave squatter emerged, brave for two reasons, one - he was living in a murder house! and two, it was falling to pieces, I was convinced he was going to be clocked on the napper by a falling piece of masonry. He could easily have been a plus one to the death tally of said mansion.
Do you believe in ghosts? have you ever taken advantage of your Thai partners superstitious nature, maybe by suggesting that the land she is set on buying has bad juju? Do you think that spirits hang around, waiting to swoop after a few years ( for example, ten years ) on unsuspecting forum members - a blast from the past, a mythological creature reborn? ( ie, me ).
Or are you the more practical sort, just like the dog that ran for its life and became a stud? No doubt this post raise a few evil spirits, such is.
ps - hello.