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Everything posted by gk10012001

  1. i been going there since 2004. Of course there are some lonely people there. Happens anywhere. What I hated to see was the middle aged to older folks that were burned out, sitting at the bottom of Pattaya Klang. Their cash ran out long ago. Now barely scraping by on some meager social security or disability pension or maybe minimal staff seargeant pay etc..
  2. ha. For three trips in a row I got approached by the same Indian guy. This was across a span of about 15 months as I visited, left, returned etc. On soi Bukhao, a middle aged slim guy.. telling some story about money coming soon, etc.
  3. prohibited on all freeways or motorways?
  4. I had a hand held wand scanner that worked not too bad. I have used a few free fax programs that allow me to fax from my computer any file, be it a photo, a pdf, a WORD document etc. Taking a photo with my smart phone, email it to my computer, then use the fax program. I know there are phone apps that could do it, but I prefer to use my computer. bigger and easier to read and drag and drop, sign as needed, then fax, etc.
  5. I been there 15 times. I love walking around. The baht buses go everywhere I need to go. I am there on holiday. No rush. For the times I need to go direct point to point I hop on a motorcycle taxi. Now it is great when my buddy is in town and we can motor about to the further parts of the city, go down sukhumvit, etc. For long permanent stays a motorbike or scooter can be great. But I would not go on the freeway with it.
  6. yeah. I never stayed at the penthouse but recall seeing ads of photos about the various rooms with unique decorations. Kitten club was different but as I recall it became more lady boy .
  7. as for gogos, how about Carousol, or the Sea. Very friendly in their days. As for Pattaya in general. My first trip was 2004. Full English breakfast at the Pig and Whistle, big owner Graham. I miss Carre 4 now big c on pattaya klang. Better choices. Butcher Arms Pub soi bukhao now gone. The Domocile Austrian restaurant now split up and moved around. Brauhaus German place right next to it now closed? Peppermint with the multiple stages. Man that was nice. Topps market as others mentioned . I almost bought the little internet area there that had 5 or 6 computers. Boy that would have been a money pit. Bowling alley upstairs too was nice now and then. The little used book shop was worth a browse. Soi Yume up behind Big C before it got all paved and developed was a nice quiet area. Nantana gardens hotel was a favorite of a buddy of mine. Remember getting a cd burned at the photo shops for you new digital camera images? And let's not forget when there used to be definite high and then low seasons. It really was different to experience.
  8. My grandparents all came from Greece. Parents and me born in the US of A. Been to Pattaya over a dozen times over the years. The last greek meal I had there was pattayanis up off of soi bukhao. A clever name combining Pattaya with his name of Yanni. It was pretty good. Have not been back to Thailand since just before the COVID shutdowns.
  9. I liked it better when it was the Butcher Arms Pub. Was sad to see it go, as was the Pig and Whistle .
  10. I'm familiar with the general process of going to Thailand and converting my Visa exempt (with an extension most likely) to starting the Non Imm O visa, which I will then get extensions due to Retirement. I will use the monthly transfer in of funds from the USA. While I would like to do the simple put 800 k baht on deposit in Thailand, for various reasons I prefer to keep that amount of money invested in my home country. Anyway how much can an agent do for me? I hate paperwork, hate government office waiting lines, arbitrary Immigration officers, etc. I don't mind taking time or waiting, heck I will be retired, but going back and forth and getting different forms, etc, I prefer to avoid. Also, can an agent help with 90 day reports? I am not looking for any shortcuts. I have just read so many stories of frustrating immigration offices, that I don't mind paying for some services. I am planning on being based out of the Pattaya area initially.
  11. I could not resist the way you spelled biff. Reminds me of the classic American TV show Cheers. They would go eat at this horrible disgusting all you can eat buffet place. The Prime Beff was 2 dollars. The Loobster special also. they always got sick, but kept going back
  12. Why make any statements about anything when in a foreign country? Why walk around flaunting expensive jewelry?
  13. haha possible. I last flew in and out of Utapao in 2019 and it was great. Not busy at all back then. I loved walking out on the tarmac to board the plane via the steps. Quite interesting to look around at the long runway, the hills beyond, and imagine those big B 52s there during the Vietnam war era.
  14. Thailand 7 - 11s are a blast. Staff is usually very pleasant. Some quick microwaveable snacks like burger kung are a cheap feed. Quick small bottle of water, or gatorade on a hot day. The gals behind the counter always helped me top up my phone minutes when I buy some more there during my holidays.
  15. Slide not push. A Brit might recall that bookie robbery attempt scene from the movie Snatch where the nits think they are locked inside and then their comrade pushes open the door from the outside. Great movie
  16. In regards to bike accident policies, many also require you to have a motorcycle license in your home country in order for the policy to be valid. Just buying some extra policy in Thailand may or may not require that. I know many tourists over look that and get stung by a bill
  17. partial denture eh? I like the sound of that.
  18. You are totally unaware of what is covered or what is not covered. Emergency treatments are covered by Medicare and medicare advantage plans. Other than that I am well aware of what is covered or not covered when dealing with routine things. As for no Government insurance, well you are wrong. People under Tri Care are covered
  19. As Dan O stated. USA in my case does not issue the letter. Quite a nuisance that I was not expecting when I retire to Thailand. That would have just made financial things simpler and less other agencies one would have to deal with. Setting up monthly transfers. None of my current three USA banks do that automatically to overseas accounts. I have to contact them each month, and usually deal with somebody on their staff that has little to no experience with it. Then of course one has to check and hope it gets coded properly on the Thailand end. As for 800k baht on deposit, well, that would now require that FINCEN or FBAR report. Easy yes, but it would require me to report that on some other forms due to my work and security clearance. Just one more thing I don't desire to have some US Government official asking about. Anything dealing with foreign countries can lead to time loss due to inquiries, etc.
  20. I can believe the driver was trying to back into the parking space, but at some speed. He even went over the bump blocks that you can see in the photo
  21. Yes. I have been aware of the Chinese "investments" in Africa for many years now. A subtle form of hegemony.
  22. Thailand needs to decide how much foreign investment and control and influence they want or need. There is lots of money in the world that could swoop in. China already has probably more in Thailand then most people realize.
  23. Saw that movie as a young teen in about 1972 just starting high school. Classic
  24. I still get all the emails promising me monies ready to be released, etc. As far as the romance scams, did they ever face time with the person to see they are at least physically what they represent? It is trivially easy to create profiles using other's pictures, documents, etc. Kind of like hostage mob movies. send a current photo or video, with today's newspaper, etc.
  25. I did it once back in 2005. Pffff. Too messy and too long. I don't mind a few days of wildness, or a weekend. But a whole week is too much. Can't walk to the stores, shops, mall without getting soaked. Not the way to enjoy every day. Definitely might not be something somebody with a short holiday might want.
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