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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. The government owns this but have no clue how to manage it and refuse to ask for help. But the people visiting need to be responsible and they are not.  Thailand isn't the only location like this.  Mass tourism destroys everything in many other countries.  I don't want to come across as a doom and gloom type but the human race typically doesn't respect the planet and certain races of people are far worse then others.  Like hordes of locust that destroy everything in its path.  


    This video, like many videos of other places, should be a wake up call but sadly won't be as quite honestly people just don't care.  


    I have never visited Phuket or Pattaya in all my years here.  I would likely be disgusted and terribly disappointed. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    Add to that the fact that some might be living more unhealthy lifestyles in Thailand than they might do if they were in their home countries.

    Your are absolutely right Andrew. Many foreigners that die here came over to drink and drug it up then die from either an overdoes, drug/alcohol interactions, Alcohol poisoning or being in a drunken stupor and falling to their deaths. 


    The audience here on TVF are quick to assume foul play and theft for everything. 





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  3. Lazada doesn't list the sizes I want. Well at least the front. I pinged Pirelli and they gave a laundry list of locations which I was hoping to avoid to call because all they say is they distribute but may not stock the size I want.


    Thanks for the responses



  4. Let me start again as it appears I was far to vague


    I live in Thailand. I am looking for a source in Thailand for the tires I mentioned above. Where in Thailand is not a problem as again they can be easily shipped.????


    Thanks all and apologize for the confusion


  5. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    What is the law? Can you shoot down drones hovering over private property or getting in your face?

    Actually in the states air space is managed and controlled by the FAA. The air space above your land is not yours thus people can legally fly there. Also to note, It is illegal to shoot down an aircraft. Drones by definition are considered aircraft. There are numerous ongoing debates about all of this of course. In Thailand its really an open book as the FAA does not manage it here. 


    I guess if you could shoot down a drone with a sling shot or catapult over your house then the drone owner likely deserve it as I see it. I fly mine at 100ft to 300ft up. You'd have to be a helluva good shot at the high up and figure in leading it just right at 20 mph...????  


    Most higher end drones shout in 4k @ 60FPS and with that high of resolution one does not have to fly close to see things. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

    Try brain, if you have one!

    BTW I am an ex Pilot, hence my hatred of drones. I also drive sports cars, dive and ride hoses etc.

    I suggest you do not make assumptions about people you do not know anything about.

    Wow...that's really rich Scottie. If you read what you wrote you should almost laugh at yourself. All good though


    But nonetheless its alright if you despise drones. They are here to stay and the technology continues to advance making it fun to fly them with incredible video capability.


    Pilotman is right there will always be some that do not use common sense when flying them making it a problem for all.  I have a Fireman colleague friend of mine in the states, they now use a drone to assess vehicles that have gone off cliffs and survey fire area and directions. I have used mine to survey land, assess roof tops and check on rivers. The uses are endless and save people being put at risk.





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  7. 9 hours ago, tropo said:

     Keep your drones away from my windows and backyard lol. Surely you understand that people should not be able to fly them over private property and use them to snoop. There are not many places in town where they are "good to go" IMO.  

    LOL.. Well not all Drone users snoop on people. Its amazing how people think that people with drones want to see what others are doing. I always laughed and say I do not want to see some fat person walking around in their underwear in the back yard or the other odd things they may or may not being doing. 



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  8. Most of the responses IMHO seem like cynical warnings rather than advice but then one has to wonder the choices of women some made and where they chose to live.


    For me its really not about marrying a Thai women, Its more about marrying your wife's cultural values and upbringing. Women are women. I have found with my wife that for the most part she is the same as any women I had dated anywhere. However adjusting to some of the cultural aspects can be challenging


    Like many others, I live a very normal married relationship (8 years now). My in laws are just like normal in laws in that they visit when they can (Usually holidays as they all work), they always call and plan before coming, do not expect me to buy. I have loaned my BIL money for a down on his house after he sold his smaller house to upgrade to a larger one to be closer to work. He paid me back in 6 months and I never asked.


    My advice to the OP; Just like any woman anywhere, take your time, get to know her and of course her friends and family. Its not rocket science but I would focus on how deep she is into Thai culture as you will be expected to join in on many activities and you may not want to. That said though, many have let go of a lot of the old ways but it will likely depend on where you meet her in Thailand.  


    Best of luck

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