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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. 2 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

    None of these cases are for working illegally, or entering illegally.

    They are for overstaying visas, completely different scenarios to what happens in the west

    My argument is, Is the guy here illegally now? Yes. Then people reporting him as an illegal are warranted. Its not about Thais wanting foreigners out. My point being, this is not exclusive to Thailand and all these foreigners screaming at the top of their lungs feeling victimized is pretty weak IMHO. 


    Foreigners on the up and up do not have issues. Its the dodgy, over staying foreigners  that do. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    It also does not help that so many Thais break the law and stay illegally to work, often criminal work like sex work.

    The ones I know all went over with full intentions to never return to Thailand and they have not. They are illegals but they have found ways to stay and work. It makes it harder for the ones that are legitimate and follow all the rules.




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  3. 3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    She would see nothing unusual living with the mother in law or the family home. Most live like that here

    I tend to agree. Most do and most are used to family members all living together. Of course she could be a bit uncomfortable because its not her family so it could take time to adapt.  Initially when my wife and I moved back, we moved in with my long time friend and his Fiance in a house they were renting. She was Vietnamese and my wife and her got on like sisters in no time. Eventually they bought a house and moved and we stayed at the rental. My wife and I knew our stay in the states was not going to be lengthy


    One thing the OP didn't state is his wife's command of English  That could and would make a big difference. 


    Honestly lots in play here for the OP. 



  4. 4 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    These women get married to better their lives.

    Ya know bwpage3, you continue with your diatribe on this site about Thai women and people like you have it all figured out. You married a Thai and moved back to the US..No?  So your wife is one of "These women" you reference? Just asking for clarification.  


     @poker365Typically all people look to their new partner to improve ones life in some way. Could be Personal security, Family potential, financial security, companionship, Fun, travel, or all of them. etc. Relationships are always a work in progress. Do not over think it, give it some time to settle in. Keep an open line of communication going about what she is feeling or concerned about. My wife and I used to have a "Date" night where we went out and sat at dinner and just talked about what is going OK and what is not. Initially my wife did not work as we waited for her to get a green card but once she did she find work almost immediately and that improved everything as she felt like she was contributing.  





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  5. Learning the language means little if they do not speak it regularly. The problem I have witnessed in a few classes that I saw was that they are being taught English but the rest of the class communication is Thai. They write it on the board, say it poorly then move on.  You couple that with the student goes home to their family that speaks Thai so the English skill does not develop. 


    When I took a Spanish language class years ago the instructor made everyone speak the language being taught as soon as you entered the class room. All questions spoken and answered in the language being learned.


    Sadly another disservice is allowing teachers to teach English with a terrible accent. The Thai government wants to save money versus allowing quality English teachers to be hired. I would enjoy volunteering at a school but I do not want to go through the battle of work permit and all the documentation required. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Langkawee said:

    Do your research. FARANG are scammed out of trillions by Thai hospitals. Legs are amputated because it's highly profitable etc etc. Thai hospitals do very nicely $$$. They scam Thais too. TIT. Far more lucrative then jet scam skis. 

    Didn't say they didn't, but all the hype about making foreigners have medical insurance was all about how they run up the bills and do not pay. 


    Who picks up the tab on this one? 


    Just sayin

  7. On 11/11/2019 at 7:51 PM, Duck J Butters said:

    Having Chinese companies is not necessarily a good thing. For example, Alibaba just got approved to build a giant warehouse in Thailand that is bigger than the entire island of Phuket. Alibaba will make 95% of Thai businesses obsolete within a decade. Alibaba does absolutely nothing to help the Thai economy

    ^ What I have been saying to others. Ever look at the bottom of tourist souvenirs sold here...Made in China. Oh the irony, the Chinese come over here, tour around and buy things thinking they are hand made Thai items only to be made in the country they hail from.  Lazada sells stuff cheap and much of it is coming from overseas. Local businesses will suffer significantly. Yes the baht will get stronger but it will come with a steep price. 


    The "Proposed" WHA Eastern Seaboard expansion area is going to be a big bust. The reason is lack of infrastructure to support it. US, UK, Chinese, Japanese companies moving and setting up factories are already disappointed on the travel out to the middle of nowhere coupled with a 2 hour ride from the airport. 



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