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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. a very suspicious situation??? nahhhh.... 160699335.jpg

    Joint communique has gone missing

    The Democrat party's bid to impeach Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej over the Preah Vihear joint communique has hit a snag as the cabinet resolution related to the agreement can't be accessed. Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban said his party was not being allowed to see the June 17 cabinet resolution pledging support for the joint communique that Foreign Affairs Minister Noppadon Pattama had signed with Phnom Penh. The joint declaration backing Cambodia's bid to list the temple as a World Heritage site was found to be unconstitutional by the Constitution Court. The resolution has failed to appear on the government's website, where cabinet resolutions are usually posted, Mr Suthep said. He criticised the government for failing to keep such an important resolution in the file. He said the party could not invoke the Information Act to press for the release of the document as the law only covers requests for documents known to exist. The government earlier announced that the cabinet resolution on the issue had mistakenly not been filed.

    Continued here:


    so since he is already a downed man - are they just going to say they never supported it and Nopeadope acted on his own without cabinet approval?

  2. A little off topic here as it probably doesnt have anything to do with the subject being discussed....

    but has Dr. Thaksin recently been granted any important business concessions in Cambodia - I seem to remember something about him just being granted permission to develop a casino/mega-city on the Thai/Cam border.

    Maybe someone with more information can bring light on the subject.

    More info on the Thaksin Thai Taxpayer Highway in Cambodia that leads to the Golden Square Head Casino and Resort:


    and also info on Thaksinville, Cambodia which seems to be near Sihanoukville:


    So is there any off-chance that the giving away of the temple by the lawyer of Dr. Thaksin would have anything to do with Dr. Thaksin having these simultaneous Cambodian business interests which would of course would have required high level Cambodian government approval?

    I really have no idea - but the timing is quite coincidental.

  3. A little off topic here as it probably doesnt have anything to do with the subject being discussed....

    but has Dr. Thaksin recently been granted any important business concessions in Cambodia - I seem to remember something about him just being granted permission to develop a casino/mega-city on the Thai/Cam border.

    Maybe someone with more information can bring light on the subject.

  4. funny story because in my little town there is a local thai 'yoga teacher' and not to judge her practice or lessons, but most only goto her for one class.

    so everytime a non-thai yoga teacher comes into town - this local thai yoga teacher calls the police screams, storms in on classes and generally does very bad things

    so I think the answer to your question is that its ok to be a healer in thailand as long as you are not competing with any local thai healers.


    She is not a real Yogini then. Just a teacher! :D

    If she was for real she wouldn't carry on like that!!

    Hari Om Sat Tat :D

    Yes of course - completely agree there is no discussion on this point, unless you wish to study the path of injury yoga, but the point is that this is thailand and she will not allow any yoginis to hold lessons because they take away her business. - incidentally she has a life sized statue of durga at the entrance to her studio.

  5. funny story because in my little town there is a local thai 'yoga teacher' and not to judge her practice or lessons, but most only goto her for one class.

    so everytime a non-thai yoga teacher comes into town - this local thai yoga teacher calls the police screams, storms in on classes and generally does very bad things

    so I think the answer to your question is that its ok to be a healer in thailand as long as you are not competing with any local thai healers.

    :o:D :D

  6. the future of anti-piracy will take a two fold approach


    to know what is coming- we just have to look at the Zune

    the Zune only allows users to listen to copyrighted music

    the recording industry will introduce legislation that will forbid the current iPod model - making it illegal to sell a personal music player that will play copyrighted music -

    software- with the internet nowdays - there is no excuse to not have connectivity - in order to run an application it will check its 'subscription' versus a server. no check - no can use.

    there of course will be cracks and workarounds- but this is only for the %2 who will then be actively hunted

    this all coming of course if they can get anybody to care enough which they dont at this point.

  7. I have had a Z61m for the last year and a half - works without a hitch

    only problem was about 3 months in- the screen started to give out- I was very impressed and surprised that with a few calls- it was replaced in an hour wait in Chiang mai Pantip with no charge - in US I would have had to mail it and pay express fees and crap like that.

    It also does very well for the hot climate as well - my old Benq sometimes almost burns to the touch in the afternoon.

    though 1 1/2 years is a bit long for a windows install so I am thinking about ditching XP and going for Ubuntu and most likely will be like a new computer.

  8. everything agreed above - NEVER - - -

    The last Thai programmer I spoke with- when I asked her what languages she worked with - she replied proudly Thai, English and a little bit of French.

    however- I have found Thai's to be great at graphic design - especially when you give them something to emulate and work off - they are good like that.

    Indians are good for highly specified modules. A typically conversation with an Indian programmer will go something like this

    * “Why doesn’t this program work?”

    * “Because Sir, as you can see there is a call function that is necessary to complete the process.”

    * “So why didnt you include the call function?”

    * “Because Sir, you did not specify it in the documentation.”


    However I have found some gems in Jordan for detailed backend PHP,ASP work - Western quality at good prices.

    Falang in LOS are not so bad- the beer drinking variety that you describe are usually the middle aged guys who taught themselves dreamweaver - not the real geeks who can use actual languages. But the real good programmers that come to LOS come here because they want out of the crap race - meaning that they require glory, purpose and freedom in addition to good pay.

  9. Hi Jamie i have been thinking along the same lines.I have a freind here in Australia selling Photocopier toners.Although she is turning a profit im sure a cut in labour costs would help.I was looking at doing the sales from Kohn Kaen and still distrubiting from suppliers in Aust.At around $200 per day per person here.I dont want to make millions just live a comfortable life in Issan.Im sure i could get english speaking Thais for less in a university town.Any thoughts?

    unless they have lived overseas for a number of years - even english speaking thais generally dont speak good enough english to be a telemarketer

    you need Falangs or Filipinos

  10. All of you have made some very good points - keep in mind there are a couple of consistent factors that we have. Taking these into account we need to discover the solution best

    the facts

    1. There are 4-5 of us with half falang babies and toddlers in a village in the mountains. We are a tribe and have similar views on raising children.

    2. No interest in moving to Chiang Mai.

    3. it is definitely agreed that our children will not be attending the local village schools.

    4. We want a westernish education for our children - meaning all education in english by western teacher(s) -

    5. We want this education to be of a caliber so that our children (if they choose and have the aptitude) could apply to a international standards high school and be accepted

    based on these 5 givens - we need to come up with a solution.

    And to reply to Garro above - I am not absolutely set on a female teacher, but it seems a good place to start to shake out the tree. the right teacher is the right teacher and you know when you see them that it is correct and in harmony. As for the other points Garro has mentioned - there is no gamble- it is just the way - there is no other way to educate our children as we are not leaving for the city and village school is not an option. that all being said, we have to work with what we have.

    Incidentally, it was pointed out to me today that there is a Thai Home School government ministry (or something of the sorts) and certain groups that work with them which give full accreditation and just have a government inspector come by once a year. something to look into.

  11. Personally, I have mixed feelings for home-schooling, especially the socialisation side of children being educated in such a way. However, the OP says there are 5 children so I doubt that's such a big issue in this case.

    However, is it possible for the visa/work permit problem to be overcome by working with a language school ? I could be opening the gates of hel_l by suggesting it :D but is it possible for a language school to employ the teacher using their legal status and specify that the OP's house is the place of work ? For the language school's trouble, they could "cream off" a percentage of the monthly salary (not unheard of when they do this with schools).


    What about hiring them for my company as a training expert and issuing a work permit?

    As for the other poster to find someone qualified wanting to do it. Think about all those teachers in Falang land. Which one of them wouldn't love being flown to Thailand to live in the jungle for a year as a private educator? We take it for granted - but for somebody across the channel it is the experience of a lifetime.

  12. I am not an expert, but I will give a half-educated guess on some of what you propose.

    Apparently, you wish to run a private educational institution. You may need approvals by several ministries of the govt., and by local authorities, which could take a year or two. You probably need a headmaster, who is Thai and has master's or above in education; not just a lady to teach kindy. You would, probably, be competing with some established school. It seems unlikely that K-8 at your village school would prepare the students to enter high school at Prem, CMIS, APIS, etc. You may be talking about millions of baht to build a school and staff it. How would you know the applicants are really qualified teachers, or suitable for your village? What textbooks, what curriculum, how do you re-invent a hundred wheels?

    I'm often mistaken, but your proposal sounds like a few families would be biting off more than you can chew, unless y'all have several million baht to spend on your children's education.

    However, we told somebody on an island down south that no qualified teacher would come and teach two adolescent boys who were "handfuls", and she found some itinerant for a couple of months.

    PB - you make some very good points - money wont be so much of an issue as long as it is not too excessive (we are preparing for Prem which is not cheap)

    Really I just want a good education for our children and as little outside interference as possible.

    And it doesnt necessarily have to be defined as a school - . A good idea (and maybe someone can input who knows) is to check out homeschooling courses from the states - I am sure those come with some accreditation and will prepare the children for acceptance into a good school?

    That leaves the legal issue of the children being dual citizens in Thailand and not going to any Thai school, but I doubt anybody would notice or care especially if they see they are doing their own school at home? Thoughts or experiences?

    As for the applicants being qualified-well there are ways to tell and research always to be done.

  13. We live in a small village in the north and we would like our children to have a western education and wait until they are at least in high school to send them to chaing mai

    so the issue is that there are about 4-5 of us all with babies want to have our own (or somebodies) English school to teach our kids together - a proper curriculum K-8 most likely when they are ready for high school send them to Prem in CM or something. So my questions are as follows

    1- I am thinking of hiring a private teacher to come and live and teach our kids full time - preferably female and has taught K-8 in the west before. How much would someone like that run us per month? Would it be better to recruit from the already in Thailand pool- or to recruit and import fresh? The teacher would be responsible for everything from lesson plan to evaluation etc....ie....we would just pay and they would be responsible for everything top to bottom.

    2- How do we do this logistically besides finding and paying someone - how do we arrange it so the lessons are 'accredited' by the government so they can later pass on to higher education? Do we have to pay someone? or become a affiliate of an established school?

    3 - know of anybody else that does this? what are their thoughts?

  14. Last time I used the left luggage at the bottom floor- they searched my bag and others before they would accept it.

    the point being is that you laptop would be safest if you could lock your bag and nobody knew it was there - but since they would know it would be suspect - especially if it was left through a change of shift then they could more easily deny. I would empty all the extras out of the laptop bag to reduce the weight and just lug it for the day

  15. Actually most of the Ratchada girls (and others in places catering to chinese-ethnicity)

    are approached at one point or another by Malaysians or their agents - they normally come and do their thing for a few days and then try to lure them over the border. they help them get passports and get them over the border and lock them in a house or more frequently back room of a hotel until they pay off their 'assessed debt'

    all the girls who have been around a bit all know that to goto Malaysia with a stranger means slavery - they normally only get the really new or dumb ones - And most that are sent to Maylaysia are aware that they will be selling their bodies - but they think it will be like Thailand where they get to have their control - but in Malaysian-chinese brothels they get beaten and have no choice who they do.

    generally the ho's lifecycle is as follows with each step fewer reaching. (unless they can break out of the wheel)

    -hometown - village boy - pregnant - dump baby on mom

    -go work in some mid-sized town like Nakon Nowhere or Chonburi learning the ho's ropes and how to ride the rim

    -get a transfer to the big lights of bangkok - move on from Thai's in order to specialize in Falangs (Nana/cowboy), Japs(soi 33/patpong) or Chinese (ratchada)

    -get bored and become elder sister in the neighborhood - either get a long term sponsor or get run to the country of specialty - Europe/US for Falangs - Japan for the Japs or Singapore/Maylaysia/HK for the Chinese

    -Return to village to die.

    Hopefully some can break the karma.

  16. I have read many of the posts about HSBC and DBS offshore accounts and am still confused. I have been living in Thailand for 3 yrs. and plan to stay here forever. I come from the US and hold a US passport. I currently have about 250k in a brokerage account in the states and want to pull all of my money out of the US. I am looking for a bank where I can get good interest rates on timed deposits and one that offers a mix of currency options. I have heard about the Singapore banks but I am not sure if I need to go to Singapore to open an account. I have read here, DBS offers better rates that HSBC, so that being said, where do I go and what do I need, to open an account. I have a thai account at Siam Comm Bank and was planning to wire transfer monies, as needed from my DBS account and have a credit and atm card if possible, but not necessary. So, if someone can share with me the process that is required to get an offshore account set up in Singapore,that would be greatly appreciated.



    I cant comment on DBS - but HSBC seems a good way to go - to open an account show up with your passport and a utility bill (proof of address) at the orchard road office and go upstairs to the international banking area

  17. I knew a fella in CM a few years back who liked to dress up in the uniform.

    I asked him why did he do that he replied


    I replied

    "Protection from what"

    He replied

    "Protection from the Police"

    "Why do you need protection from the police?"

    well the conversation ended there as he was clearly in another orbit

    but my point is........ :o

  18. Posting from Thailand can be expensive, I did the Ebay thing some time ago and unless you send things by EMS you will 'lose' up to 30% of them. I found that most people aren't prepared to pay the extra for EMS (starting at 900 Baht) so I used to send recorded delivery, even with that the number of parcels that never arrived were huge. That means a refund or send another one, all adding to your costs. If you claim from Thai Post you will have to wait for 3 months before they do anything and then there is a maximum you can claim which doesn't really cover your costs.

    The best way round it is to have a distributor somewhere and send a 25kg box by DHL or the like and then your distributor sends on from there, a bit more expensive but at least your parcels will arrive.

    Bottom line Thai Post is completely useless

    I disagree- I have had nothing but good luck when posting via the Thai Postal service regular Air Service. Maybe your bad experience had to do with your particular post office/area who was having a blast with the falang sent packages

    as for the other comment about return packages- I agree - I wouldn't trust stuff to get sent in either.

  19. 3) Anyone know anyone in CAT itself who is technically proficient and speaks good English?

    :o:D :D :D :D :D

    But really- I have the same one - and it has its issues - but works more often than not -

    Unplug- close and plug in again works most of the time

    not really sure if there is anything else you can do. maybe someone else has some input?

  20. I just returned from Pai, where I was told Sgt Maj Uthai had indeed passed through town. The police chief reportedly ordered him to return to his inactive post in Soppong to await trial and not show his face in Pai again till the trail was over.

    Sgt Maj Uthai appears to be in worse shape than ever, drinking-wise, according to acquaintances of his. If he is indeed carrying a weapon, it's a travesty the police haven't confiscated it. He obviously doesn't have the pistol used the night of the shootings, and as far as anyone knows the only time he's ever fired a weapon outside of target practice was the night he was allegedly provoked by Carly and crew. I suppose finding a replacement in Thailand isn't difficult since police officers buy their own weapons anyway.

    The Pai police chief is being transferred out and is currently awaiting his replacement. No idea whether the transfer is routine or related to the crime.

    I am sure we are all thankful for the update.

    I do find your choice of words interesting - maybe even revealing. I would have thought a more concise and accurate description would have been "the night he shot Carly and crew".

    All about emphasis, isn't it :o

    All about peddling the police line :D But we can live with that.

    And the testimony of most witnesses there that night.

    Do you actually beleive what you are saying - or have you been in this place for so long that you have gone locoal

    I will politely and firmly disagree with you and question your credibility on this subject.

    It's not a question of believing, but rather talking to eyewitnesses and trying to understand the picture the collective testimony draws. The majority supported Uthai's allegation that Carly struck first. The DSI, for its part, are taking on board only one set of anonymous out-of-town witnesses.

    That said there are discrepancies among all the eyewitness reports, probably most of all among Carly's various versions. I don't know whether we'll ever know the truth 100%, but judging from what I've been told, and from my previous acquaintance with both the cop and the victims, I tend to believe the majority witnesses. In case I've not already made it abundantly clear, that set of facts is in no way an 'apology', it's just the apparent reality (no one who wasn't there themselves can claim to know what really went down).

    Where's your credibility, Shah? Talk to any witnesses yourself? I didn't think so. Let's stick to the issues at hand rather than ad hominem attacks, ok?

    I should tell you that you sound like a thai politician/cop- flapping your arms around and screaming to look at the facts. Where of course the facts have been conveniently shaped to their own devices. I even remember an early point in the case with a TV interview with the chief and he said with a sure face that we cannot rely on speculation and that the forensics will tell the truth in this case. Well this was before he knew the DSI would get involved and he was counting on the fact that there would be NO FORENSICS as usual.

    but to your point - we all know what carly was. thats not the point

    I had encountered the police offer in question more than a few times and as soon as I heard somebody was shot by a cop - I knew it was him without even having to ask. how did I know this? well if you knew him too like you would claim then you would have known too. I seem to remember him getting drunk and shooting into the air at a reggae festival a few years ago as well. but again thats not the point either.

    we can forget about any witnesses at this point because

    1- local thais (or even local falang as demonstrated by your behavior) are no reliable witnesses against police officers - if dont agree with me then what country have you been living in?

    2 - most others were shit drunk

    3 - giving you the benefit of the doubt we can momentarily exclude the testimony of the rich kids from chaing mai

    that leaves us with only

    1- Report and Forensics first provided by the local police and then subsequently by the DSI

    2 - the End result - RIP

    3 - the police officer in question behavior immediately after the shooting.

    let us now examine these point in case

    1 - I have not read it in detail - but from reports are that the initial police report said something to the effect of the police officer in question being over powered and having to struggle for his gun - shooting from the floor. the subsequent DSI report says something very different. Assuming that the DSI report is FACT then this already discredits the story of the police officer.

    2 - end Result - RIP - A nice kid is Dead and some women is wounded. how can you justify or apologize for this. throwing all the facts together - that which we agree upon and not - it cannot justify that kid getting shot. a drunk and out of uniform police officer firing his gun three times at backpackers - whether he was attacked or not - that is not justifyed- he has lost control

    3 - The behavior immediately after the shooting. The only facts we can agree on is that he fired three times - and killed one individual - This is undebatable- however immediately after the shooting he ran away. What does this tell us? Well the first thing is that he was not acting in his official capacity of a police officer. because if he was in "Police protect and serve' mode then despite shooting the 'criminal' he would have then called for assistance and controlled the scene. He instead ran off into the darkness. In the country where I was born we have a law called 'hit and run' Meaning if you accidentally hit someone with your car and then run away - you are guilty of a crime and also more likely guilty of it being more than an accident. Not to say that they have a law like this in Thailand - but the foundation of the law is that if you are innocent - you are less likely to run away after the incident.

  21. I just returned from Pai, where I was told Sgt Maj Uthai had indeed passed through town. The police chief reportedly ordered him to return to his inactive post in Soppong to await trial and not show his face in Pai again till the trail was over.

    Sgt Maj Uthai appears to be in worse shape than ever, drinking-wise, according to acquaintances of his. If he is indeed carrying a weapon, it's a travesty the police haven't confiscated it. He obviously doesn't have the pistol used the night of the shootings, and as far as anyone knows the only time he's ever fired a weapon outside of target practice was the night he was allegedly provoked by Carly and crew. I suppose finding a replacement in Thailand isn't difficult since police officers buy their own weapons anyway.

    The Pai police chief is being transferred out and is currently awaiting his replacement. No idea whether the transfer is routine or related to the crime.

    I am sure we are all thankful for the update.

    I do find your choice of words interesting - maybe even revealing. I would have thought a more concise and accurate description would have been "the night he shot Carly and crew".

    All about emphasis, isn't it :o

    All about peddling the police line :D But we can live with that.

    And the testimony of most witnesses there that night.

    Do you actually beleive what you are saying - or have you been in this place for so long that you have gone locoal

    I will politely and firmly disagree with you and question your credibility on this subject.

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