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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/eo2...earch%20Results

    interesting article here from Japan Times

    better than any other news readings. Recommended to read.

    You are so correct elcent :) well written in a nutshell :D

    Sin- Ming Shaw of Japan Times understands the situation far better than so many Western farangs on this forum

    highly uneducated article by an intellextual needing to have an opinion to justify his extistance.

    Its a simple clash of titan in that great chess board . nothing to do with " the people" who are moved like pawns without their own thoughts nor will.

  2. actually but really nice response. I suppose thaksin tried to buy them like he does the other media and didnt quite get what he expected. I have never EVER seen them not overly side with the "people"

    You suppose Thaksin tried to buy them? Why do you suppose. Don't be a coward and play the innuendo game. You know very well that Thaksin did not try to bribe or pay AI off. So why play the game of "you suppose"? That speaks volumes about your character. You cannot come up with something intelligent so you make something up. Are you proud of yourself now that you managed to get in a cheap shot?

    why wouldnt he try to pay AI off? If I was Ai Meaow I would do the same. try to get some sympathy like the tibetans. suppose he will be comparing himself to H.H.D.L. next.

    so go ahead and put on your red shirt and get pissed. Peaceful protest. you just want democracy right?


  3. Why the goverment doesnt engage in mass psychological harrassment of the protesters is beyond me. ie.. dont let them get too comfortable

    a constant barrage of sound, water and gas attacks would be non-violent, but make it clear that they are not welcome there and never let them get comfortable.

    right now nakon-grandma can put out her lawnchair and enjoy a sunday afternoon listing to mein kampf.

    what if the sonic attacks came, helicopters circling, sound from the stage drowneed out and massive water drops. it would make it less fun and just leave the commandos who would then easily be targeted.

    muppets in control.

  4. I am sorely dissapointed in Thaksin

    he was in a position to really guide thailand into its next era

    and do alot of good for the country being a selfless leader

    however he could not see beyond himself.

    though truly the man is delusional. he makes frequent references

    comparing himself to Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Mandala

    however he sorely misses the one core component that all

    these gentlemen share....

    but to answer your original question. the milk had turned sour and had to be thrown out.

    (which was not cleaned up and now seems to be attarcting flies which are giving birth to festering maggots)

  5. I spent time looking around and I dont think you can get it over here

    I actually had one brought over for me and am pleased.

    there are a few websites that will forward amazon purchases, but then you are also playing customs roulette.

  6. Thaksin is actually enacting an ancient black magic ritual designed to "destroy your opponents"

    the ritual is actually designed that you sacrifice "slaves"

    so you will actually line a bunch of slaves or prisoners up and slaughter them and offer their blood to the cause

    so he is altering it slightly since it will not really be practical to kill his own in broad daylight....

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