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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. i guess the only negative point about ram was the food, which was crap, but if anything had to suffer, that would be my choice.

    the food really is horrible there. I try to avoid MSG when possible and asked for food without MSG in it and they replied that I would have to order my food from outside as they could not accommodate....

    :):D :D

    but hey, cant beat the wifi in the rooms.

  2. Where can I buy a nice HD video camera in Chaing Mai and get help from staff who mostly knows what they are talking about and not just picking their zits and hoping that I go away?

    Will need things like a lapel mic and tripod as well, and want to make sure I get a good complete package (ie.. the right adapter for making the mic work with the camera...etc...)

    You can't!!!!! I ended up buying a Canon HF100 AVCHD SD card camcorder ( Really great, 1920/1080 definition) in the UK for half the price they quoted here ( 50,000 Baht!) ( in a catalogue in Photobug but no example!! could only order from BKK). ( I was there in May) . Bought microphone there too. Ordered a tele lens adaptor from B&H in New York. They re probably your best bet. Prices are good, delivery fast ( but will cost $40-100). Another good photstore is Adorama, you'll find both on Google.

    shipping electronics into thailand?

    never heard of that one working smoothly before

  3. Where can I buy a nice HD video camera in Chaing Mai and get help from staff who mostly knows what they are talking about and not just picking their zits and hoping that I go away?

    Will need things like a lapel mic and tripod as well, and want to make sure I get a good complete package (ie.. the right adapter for making the mic work with the camera...etc...)

  4. Wonderful imagery you create MC2, you should do comic books,

    but it is apropos of nothing, besides attempts to belittle those with opposing views on national safety.

    Letting an unstable, vengeful, avaricious, proto-despot back at the national helm, is a safety issue,

    not a reconciliation issue.

    I have a feeling that MC2 is on Thaksins paid PR staff to seed and infiltrate web discussions and forums. They found the only guy they knew who spoke good english and assigned him to thaivisa. why else would good thai person belittle himself by engaging in 2 way discussions with "buffaloe falang renting issan hooker? " cause thats what we all are right?

    It would be the only reason he could be advocating the removal of human rights from over 50 million thai people and advocating the return of a bloody tyrant who is obviously intent on ............ ... ....

    if the 5 million thai people who apparently signed this document (could have been 500k for all we know - you know how this neighborhood does with facts and figures) actually fully understood and comprehended what....Mr Thaksin fully intends.... then they would be very VERY shamed.... to say the least.

  5. Are you talking about like in the last week?

    if so, then YES, I am with TOT as well. The main issue seems to be upload speeds all around. Downloads seem to be doing ok, but uploads die and stall and creep all the time since about 1 week ago and that makes Skype calls nearly impossible.

    someone wake up somchai and tell him to flip back on the switch please...

  6. mikes had a great burger.... about 5 years ago. suppose they feed buffaloe meat to the tourists now.

    really the only decent (fast) burger I have found in CM is burger king - wish someone would step up. How hard can it be? Suppose it requires a competent falang behind the scenes.

    but nothing beats burger house in pai..

  7. Now you can tweet Thaksin on Facebook and Twitter


    Fans of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra now can get close to him on Facebook and Twitter.

    Yeah its called the 'Social Media Package' from his PR firm. $9,995 setup fees and Another $4,995 pr/mnth for a minimum 3 tweets and facebook status updates per day to maintain a social media presence and get closer to the younger generation.

    these sort of garbage add on packages are all the rage at corporate PR firms these days.

  8. I'd take my chances with Malaria any time rather than taking Lariam. Unlike Dengue, Malaria is treatable.

    I've used Malarone a few years back on my first trip into the region but again considering the costs and the realtively low risk (here in Asia as compared to sub-Saharan Africa) I never bothered again.

    Just my 2 Satang of course.

    I'm going to Pai. How's the malaria/dengue situation there?


    I live in pai and had dengue a few weeks ago, first time I caught it in my 7 years here

    so you have at least a 1/7 chance of not getting it :)

  9. How do I decline someone's offer in a polite manner?

    1. No!

    2. no, thank you.

    3. I don't want!

    Actually the only officially way to say polite in thai is to smile and nod and then turn away and ignore them (in a very polite way of course)

    if they are offering something that they can stick you with (like another beer) just smile and look them in the eyes and then turn away

    its actually more in the actions than your language.

  10. I think if they heard from enough disgruntled shoppers, they may find it within themselves to take some action. Is that possible? Is it likely?

    yeah right after the Royal Thai Police arrest themselves for incompetence ....

    Its a company owned and run by Thai people, not falang. they dont care what the customer thinks. they think they can just fix everything though brute force and more lies.

  11. I will never buy anything or enter the duty free stores in the airport.
    This is the best you can do anyway. Bangkok's Duty Free Shop is a joke! Just forget about it, it is by far overpriced. If you want to buy something, do it before you go to the airport, or at the Family Mart near the Check-In counters.

    single malt scotch.


  12. The story seems to be getting more coverage:

    Tourists warned of Thailand airport scam

    By Jonathan Head

    BBC News, 20-07-09

    Bangkok showcase new international airport is no stranger to controversy....

    Didn't J.Head get transferred to Albania or something? Suppose he had to write this one cause the new guy still believes everything the thais tell him.... ..

  13. Best koy soi I ever have had is on that big two story koy soi temple on the superhighway

    nothing comes close.

    I assume you are not talking about the same place as you need a car or motor bike to get there as there is nothing in proximity.

    I have never actually ever seen a falang there...

  14. Sri Pat in the old city is as good as it gets. And don't let the affordable price fool you. its better than most places x2 the price (including a bigger boutique hotel on the same street which does charge x2 the price and is a complete dump inside the rooms)

    An above poster also mentioned The Castle, which is also stellar, though a little less central.

  15. Fresh ones from the mountain more like. Burma, Lao, China.. you name it. The up-side is that it doesn't matter that much anymore if you speak Thai. If you do, chances are your Thai is better than theirs. :)

    Yeah, but you need to know the 'game' or else the kid selling dried squid will try to a pencil in your neck

    What's that supposed to mean???

    it probably means that seed that was eaten by a bird and shat out in a different place of the forest, who drive a hard bargain to get 100 baht discount off their loi kroh BJ wouldn't last 5 minutes in the flower patch. nam jai or the (super)highway na...

  16. Fresh ones from the mountain more like. Burma, Lao, China.. you name it. The up-side is that it doesn't matter that much anymore if you speak Thai. If you do, chances are your Thai is better than theirs. :)

    Yeah, but you need to know the 'game' or else the kid selling dried squid will try to a pencil in your neck

    Thought that was the vocational colleges more like? Or Phayap perhaps, they're all ******, or so I've heard. :D

    actually Toyota's work at those places.....

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