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Posts posted by theslime

  1. The OP states that he will take Yinglucks Assets, not anybody else,s, Dream on. Regarding Thaksins wealth, didn,t he stooge a Yank that went into business with him, then had the guys assets frozen, so I suppose his technology he owned got superceded. I,m sure I read the other year that The Yank is still fighting in the Courts.

  2. It has been the custom for many years that the military had displays of military equipment on children's day. There will be a very good Air Show put on by the RTAF at Dom Muang, there will also be static displays of the oldest and newest aircraft. The RTAF museum will also be presenting the history of the RTAF. Military bases through Thailand will be open to the public, Naval Displays and tours of RTN Aircraft Carrier. Jumping from Airborn towers in Lopbuti.

    All good fun for the Kids, loved it at home, but I wonder if the history presentation will include bombing the PM,s ship on the Chao Prayo.biggrin.png

  3. In other words all protesters could face the death penalty. Even with the low quality-standard of the government this guy is an embarrassement.

    Apparently you can't read.

    Suthep faces a sedition charge. Protesters may face charges of aiding someone with that charge.

    For example, if someone sees you on the street giving 1000 Baht to Suthep, then that is a crime.

    Get it? Protesters don't face the death penalty. Please learn how to read.

    Huh, if you help someone with sedition surely the same charge would apply and penalties. For example I drove the get away car but please dont charge me with robbing the bank, i dont think so.

  4. She said the government will closely monitor the situation and asked protesters to abide by the law, complaining that the months-long demonstrations have damaged the country and impacted foreigners’ confidence in Thailand.

    Is it not at all possible that some of the PTP policies re rice, flood control, car loans etc might have had an impact on the economy, or is the present set of dire financial circumstances only the fault of the protesters?

    Not too hard to figure out I guess.

    yes, that is true but the markets would have made that judgement leading to a correction. Unfortunately, the power-crazed Suthep decided to take the country to the edge before that happened. It is very hard to believe that he did that, Nuremberg style, for the good of the country.

    Jeeze, How can the markets make an adjustment if nobody will say how much has been lost by the Rice Scam, Flood Scam, over to you red leader one.

    • Like 1
  5. What did they expect? Free food and drinks like at Suthep's Bangkok rally?

    If you take a dump in my backyard, don't expect to be treated nicely.

    Not a good example, try public space, ya know a place that people can come and go FREELY.

    Despising any form of violence, I would like anyway remember how many Suthep's supporters here told the Red Shirts going to Rajamangala Stadium tried their luck knowing they were near Ramkhamhaeng University.

    Public space there too, but everyone criticized them telling they wanted to provoke violence, choosing the wrong place.

    So following that reasoning, the anti-govt did the same going to protest in CM...

    My thinking is: everyone should be able to protest in civil way, without fire up the opposite side violence, but this seems impossible in Thailand.

    CM is an open city, the thaksin supporters . in the stadium were there for many days, and for sure it was because of having the uni next door that led to fighting and deaths. a lot different than a small group trying to go down tapae road under a barrage of rocks and bottles. Your right about peaceful protests in a civil way but thats not happening with nightly attacks on protesters in BKK.

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  6. Don't we pay fees already? When you need a new passport you pay a fee. When you need them to stamp a document, you pay a fee. (And not small either). What else do they do?

    Pretty sure that if you were "in trouble overseas" a lawyer or a doctor would be important, but a bumbling public servant is not.

    Maybe Australians are just idiots, or milking the system, but why would you ever request help from the government when private industries provide much better service?

    I never knew lawyers and doctors supplied financial assistance Time Traveller.

    I never knew the consulates supplied financial assistance either.

    If your in trouble your on your own, they can,t tell you to see a Lawyer or even opin. They give you a list of Lawyers to choose from and the wise would take the name at the top of the list, which, no doubt as In my case, were the Lawyers the Consulate uses.

  7. Try to do that in Belgium:

    No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

    When will someone jail thet Suthep????

    Too scared of something?

    Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

    Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

    The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

    All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

    He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

    For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

    They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

    The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

    If we were in Belgium we,d probably all fall asleep. we are not in Belgium, we are in SE Asia where democracy is being usurped by Thaksin and buddies at a tremendous cost to the future Tax payers. What do you want to happen, just let it get worse and worse and say, but its Demoracy. Where was the democracy for Thaksins 2500 victims of his populist war on drugs, his populist theory on how to combat dissension in the South by murdering protesting farmers. If thats your type of democracy stay in Belgium.

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  8. Australian Government Aid is it, well you were really exposed to the after work piss ups, I needed help from our consulate and all I got was misinformed info. The absolute joke besides being asked if I had a tv in my cell, was when the acting consul told me she would send me some goodies for Christmas this was on 22nd Decenber, I didn,t see anybody till early Febuary. My fault for believing her and getting my hopes up. If it was meant as persecution its was pretty sick. So it wont matter if they make you pay as they do <deleted> all anyway.

  9. This has as much credibility as the Capo saying the police on the roof of the Labour Ministry were protestors in disguise.

    The interesting thing is that some of the red shirt supporters actually believe it. Looks like typical BIB modus operandi - find a scapegoat and tell him if he 'admits' to whatever they say he'll get off lightly or completely.

    As for the geniuses who corrected a poster who wondered where he comes from - he is a resident of NST. Well I'm a resident of Bangkok but I'm sure as hell not a Bangkokian.

    Looking at the guy in the photo - a more unlikely looking 'guard' would be hard to find.

    What do you think a protest guard should look like? I'm sure they come in all shapes and sizes... the paid ones would probably be tough looking nak leng guys, but the volunteers maybe not so I guess.

    Anyway, I'm sure the story isn't true as written (tho in a way it's convoluted and weird enough to make me think it could be true, I mean, he didn't know the gun was in the bag?). But doesn't mean that the police weren't tipped off about this guy. Surely they have intel inside the protest site, and the protesters did take stuff away from police, including looting vehicles. So why would it be so hard to believe they took guns away? Hardly as far fetched as some seem to think. Not exactly a 'smoking gun' either though, no proof he used it. In fact quite the opposite, story says he intended to sell it, not use it the next time they confront police.

    He didn,t know the gun was in the bag when he lifted the bag from his friend. in a convoluted way you think it may be true. Dont you read the Papers? haven,t you read all the back tracking by CAPO, and you are naive enough to still believe in Police statements, How could they take guns away when the Police Chief said there were no guns to take away, or didn,t you notice that.

  10. Time for the government to look at temporary detention centres to deal with these hooligans

    They'd have to be big, sort of like concentration camps, but there's plenty of room out by the airport. What's Thai for Stalag Luft?

    Yes, good idea. Not like a concentration camp though. Rajamangala Stadium would be fine. Rice and water for a month until the election is over. It would do them good.,

    , the OP is about what may or may not happen to Krabi airport in the future, which hasn,t happened yet or are you hoping it happens. for your love of Thailand.

  11. Take a look at the picture in the OP!!w00t.gif

    Middleclass Thais in a peaceful protest?? More like rent a mob from the south.

    And can someone please explain to me, how killing the countrys tourist industry is going to eradicate corruption??

    And as for the PAD not being involved?? Look at the guys headbans!

    Stupid, stupid pawns for not realising, that they are being used!!coffee1.gif

    I am sure that Gen Prem and Sondhi Limthongkul are sharing a few good laughs during their round of golf today!!

    Were you ever young? All modern protests all full of outraged youth, the future leaders in most other countries. By the way I can only see two guys wearing head bands, can you tell us what they say as i,m sure many readers haven,t a clue either.

  12. Interesting how the Government just commandeered every TV channel just now for a live about 5 minute pro-administration propaganda piece. They said how well they were handling the situation and reiterated how unlawful the shutdown Bangkok plan is, and how bad the Suthep methods are. They said be careful everyone, but stopped short of saying if they would try to stop the shutdown. I suspect they will use this method to garner public opinion every day nearer the shutdown.

    **Just tuned into live news, evidently Suthep is walking around all the districts of Bangkok, trying to garner support for the 13th. The government is then broadcasting its own counterpoint piece evidently.

    that's what you would expect when there is an attempted coup - a national broadcast - nothing sinister and the protesters should think themselves lucky they live here and not Cambodia where the protest was squashed (as it should be)

    Duh, squash the labor strikers or squash the peasants that are having Their land taken, You must be very anti protest of any sort, just put up and shut up, fairly poor way to live or spineless.

  13. They caught him yesterday, suppose good news travels slowly in this story. Didn,t Police Chief say no officers had guns at Din Daeng,?Hmm gets stranger as time goes on.cheesy.gif

    You need to interpret government/police statements.

    If they say the police/government had no guns, they are talking about assault rifles, machine guns, etc. Handguns don't count.

    Conversely if they say the public/protestors had guns, that means they were throwing rocks, had slingshots, water pistols etc (or maybe even paint ball guns, water rifles and water balloons).

    It would be a great surprise if all the police weren't armed at the time with live ammo and handguns. Rifles with rubber bullets, believable.

    Personnally if I was picked up at a bus stop, and they asked me what I was doing with a gun, the last thing I would say is I work for the protesters. I found it, as was just going to the station to report it, good thing you came along, saved me the bus fare,smile.png

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  14. As you can see it's nothing but high school dropout fro the south paid to cause trouble by the anti-government protesters. The leaders run and let the ignorant kids die for them.

    You know this for a fact or is your febrile imagination getting the better of you?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It's a fact Jack.

    How do you know this, where are the facts, haven,t you never seen rampaging BKK students, I,ve seen thousands of them in Pink lao years ago and it was scary, so again where are the facts.

  15. I agree and would add the overt racism to that comment and the grossly offensive comments about the PM

    Too right.

    It's amazing how many on this forum fail to understand that they are in a completely different culture to their homeland. The racist, demeaning comments you see here about Thais are unbelieveable!

    The posters also fail to understand that many of the news reports we see in English are translations of Thai originals, yet these ThaiVisa posters react to the English wording as if it is definitive.

    Completely agree about the PM. She is due respect for her official position, even though we may disagree fundamentally with her policies. Those who call her names and try to defame her, e.g. by their sexual innuendo, are demeaning themselves and the entire foreign community here in Thailand. I guess they don't care that their cheap comments help those Thais who perhaps want to paint farangs here as a bunch of cheap sex tourists. That way they won't have to listen to us or respect our opinions.

    Your view through rose tinted glasses, implies the Global Mods aren,t doing their job, I suggest you take it up with them if you dare. The racist demeaning comments are very sparse. the bagging of the PM is part of her job, can,t stand the heat get out of the Kitchen.On this entire OP i,ve yet to see anything about sexual innuendo. how it it demeaning for the Entire foreign community if its not in the posts? One bad apple does not mean the Entire Foreign community are rotten unless your a biff of course.

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  16. Nothing reported in any other media outlet, just Khaosod the northern rag.

    Would have thought this to be hot news that everyone would be jumping on, unfortunately for Khaosod and the red mob, most other media check for reliability before publishing.

    Even more probability that this is bullshit and made up.

    Maybe, but coverage does not equate to truth (especially here). I am neutral, which is infuriating, I know, but nothing is supporting either rant nowadays.

    The Police Chief stated that no officers were armed at that confrontation, where is the rant in exposing what he said after many days since the killings.

  17. This whole thing is a bit much. The mob was breaking the law, would not disperse, correct? Rubber bullets, tear gas etc were tried, but mob didn't leave, but continued to break the laws and attempt to overthrow the legally elected government. It is governments right and duty to stop that. If it takes lead, so be it. If someone breaks into your house and tries to destroy it, you have rights to defend it with force. I have no sympathy for those killed. They brought it on themselves.

    No sympathy is systematic of a lot of whats wrong with this world, try it, you may like it, especially if you lost a loved one at Din Daeng,or down south.
  18. They are making it up as they go along. First it was alleged that he was shot from an elevated position. When the photos of "black men" on the roof appeared they claimed they were protestors disguised as policemen. Then when they had to admit that the only group "in an elevated position" were genuine policemen they claim that the victim was shot from a level position while "crouching behind cover". And, after the whole area has been thoroughly "made over" they now find a "matching" spent cartridge case at the proper position to back up their updated findings. Amazing Thailand.

    Amazing is certainly right, what a joke. They are so used to getting away with Lies,but now with cameras everywhere they change the facts to try to weezle out of their lie,s. They are like small children if they think the public believe them now.
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