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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. Back to the old favorite even though no one believes a word - Either fell asleep or on the phone ...................LOL
  2. Maybe he was looking for somewhere to land ................LOL
  3. Pol. Lt. Gen. Phanurat emphasized that Thailand, while not a drug production hub, faces challenges due to drugs being smuggled across its borders from neighboring countries. So therefore, it could be classed as a distribution hub ........................LOL
  4. I wonder who could be behind the stirring of this pot .................LOL
  5. I would say "whispers of behind-the-scenes manipulation" is very much "tongue-in-cheek" ...............LOL
  6. If this is a known & proven fact, then why is Thaksin not under arrest?? Obviously, he is above the law what a sad state of Thai law
  7. Become a Chinese national QED .................LOL
  8. Become a Chinese national QED .................LOL
  9. Once again it comes down to traffic, make it one way & keep the stalls or get rid of the stalls & keep it two-way traffic EASY ...😃😂😎
  10. The majority of the taxi drivers only have themselves to blame IMO, if they used the meter as they are supposed to (without fixing the meter) & the public could trust them to do so there would be no need of any conflict, pay the meter QED ...........LOL
  11. Make it one way, the sooner the better !!!!
  12. It matters not how many NON-PAYING tourists they get it's only a body count that does very little for the economy ..............LOL
  13. OHhhhh why didn't you say so - End of the corridor turn right & follow the arrows pointing to freedom ..................LOL
  14. Why oh why do the Thai's pull out of a junction THEN look ???
  15. Do the authorities ever check these reported brake failures as there does appear to be a multitude of them in Thailand or is it just a standard excuse that the police accept ....LOL
  16. Words fail me, what a sad world we live in 😭😭😭
  17. No wonder the US is reluctant to sell up to date weaponry to Thailand ..............LOL
  18. Was this a personal note to himself ?? ....................LOL
  19. Trailer driver going way too fast for road conditions
  20. Elec trickery & Thailand have never had a good friendship ..................😎😎😎
  21. Why was the gun not locked away ???
  22. Roughly translated into "I was driving too fast and couldn't react quick enough to avoid hitting the slow-moving pickup truck"
  23. Best of luck with your struggles for true democracy the Thai people are lucky to have people like you !!!!
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