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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. Hardly rocket science is it ........................LOL 😎😎😎
  2. Reschedule Songkran to during or following rainy season .......................LOL😎
  3. Don't forget extended Songkran ..............LOL
  4. Nice photo of a barrier, nothing to do with the OP though .....................LOL 😎😎😂 AI at work
  5. But there is always water to waste during Songkran .....................LOL
  6. Better to have the problem while on the runway than after take off .................LOL
  7. Quick get him off the crossing it's not safe to be there ......................LOL
  8. It will be interesting if the country does continue to go all out for electric vehicles ...............LOL
  9. Once again the "Soft Approach" has not worked, mass sterilisation or culling are the only sensible routes.
  10. Once again China snubbing its nose at its neighbours typical attitude 😔
  11. As has been said previously there should be a cut-off time (previously 18:00hrs) so tourists & locals alike can change into dry clothes & visit restaurants or nightclubs without getting soaked.
  12. Where is the problem? the military meddled with government during their power play .................LOL
  13. Too many unknowns here like why a mentally ill man was placed in a position whereby he was able to grab the steering wheel, how was he behaving abnormally, why was he not placed in handcuffs
  14. Why place the onus on the hospital staff, the visitors should learn a little patience & perhaps a little Thai language, the leaflet idea is good providing they address the suitable questions and can then be easily translated into many languages with perhaps information on where to obtain additional information if required.
  15. back the cut off time (18:00hrs) for water throwing to allow people to change and enjoy the evening, in addition remember that while people are throwing water they are not spending money ......LOL
  16. How in any way this a related story ................LOL
  17. To some degree I can sympathize, too many people who frequent karaoke places think they can sing also ..........................LOL
  18. Just continue to do as you are told ..........................LOL
  19. Do not fall into the reliant on Chinese trap .................
  20. Without suitable deterrents and correct policing in place what do they expect .............
  21. Highly understandable, many tourists want to go out & have a meal following daytime play and do not want to sit in a restaurant wet through, the old system of 18:00hrs cut off from throwing water made much more sense and served as a way people could enjoy both aspects. As the saying goes "One can have too much of a good thing" !!!!!!!!
  22. So are we to believe the random dumping of scrap metal is permitted ?? ...............LOL
  23. Usual government efficiency ............LOL
  24. Followed by a public health warning for prospective visitors ?????
  25. The solution is easy - Ban Facebook ................LOL 😱😱😱
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