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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. The problem is it will not take long to ruin it with over tourism !!!!
  2. A step in the right direction but the ;imit should be - 0 and no faltering
  3. But not a drier season enough to halt the extended Songkran celebrations ....................LOL
  4. I wonder what the final cost will be to continue with this "Face Saving" exercise - It's sad 😬☹️
  5. I suppose they had the regulatory "Lift Plan" in place for heavy lift ??? ,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
  6. Did they also charge the Chinese man for having the fake ID ??
  7. Good Canadian name ........LOL
  8. I was going to comment that the government have lost the plot but in reality they have never had one ............
  9. All this fuss about a tacky pair of pants is laughable
  10. Alternatively he skipped out of there to sober up & no drunk driving charge - Strange nobody knows anything........!!!
  11. Good job well done, get this crap off the streets ..........
  12. Thailand the HUB of road accidents ?? ..................LOL
  13. Confusing to say the least, obviously some poor reporting somewhere, good to hear she is still alive
  14. Witnesses told The Phuket Express that the pickup truck driver was driving at high speed before losing control and spinning around into the roadside. As of press time, the exact cause of the accident was still under investigation by relevant authorities. I would say the reason has already been established .......LOL
  15. when does SAFETY come in again? obviously they keep forgetting ......!!!
  16. It's bound to end in tears ..............LOL
  17. Best of luck to her I hope she spends it wisely 👍
  18. This officer should kicked out of the police force as a starter, made to pay all hospital bills then sentenced for drunken driving .............
  19. Finally the penny drops ...................LOL 😎😂🤣
  20. Title missleading, surely the girls were sitting on the door frame with the windows fully retracted .........................LOL
  21. Further proof that the government do not care about the common man, it is utterly deplorable
  22. Couldn't agree more although Macau is probably more expensive than Hong Kong these days
  23. Excellent !!! But why has it taken so long ???
  24. These people put second hand car salesmen to shame ......................LOL
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