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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. What medications? For hay fever perhaps? Large amounts? What does that mean? One months supply for a typical chronic condition or twenty different meds for acute conditions? Perhaps to these crack Private Eyes anything more than one blister pack is a huge stash. People go to the docs here with a cold and get sent home with five different pills. I agree the mention of medications is typical local yellow journalism. It is meaningless without more details and an ACTUAL investigation.

    Is'nt it bad enough that they put the name of this poor chap in the news? Should they now also list all the medicaments and post a copy of the medical records just in order to satisfy some TV members that their REALLY was no foul play and that REALLY the guy probably died of his illness??

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  2. When I see what's currently built - or planed to build with reasonable certainty - I do assume that prices for condo will drop massively over the next 3 years. I have been looking into many projects (finished and planned) and as soon as the seller realizes that you are (seriously) looking at other projects, that's when prices come down 10-20% already now... just talked with several agents back in May and they seem pretty desperate to get something sold...

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  3. Under Swiss law, the standard marriage contract (by law, does not need to be set up and signed) is that all assets owned before marriage will stay in the same ownership when divorcing. However, all assets accumulated during marriage (bank accounts, pension funds, houses, cars etc.) will be seen as joint ownership and split 50:50 at divorce. To omit that, you would need to sign a special marriage contract.

    When you buy a house, make sure the contract clearly outlines who invested how much, because only then you can get your full money back. But be aware that without special agreements in the contract, when you sell the house with profit, the profit is seen as accumulated during marriage and would be split 50:50 on divorce!

  4. Bavarians are not Germans anymore (and not Austrians yet).

    And in fact they are a country inside Germany, not just a state.

    Bavarians have never been Germans, a secession is imminent, all Preissn will need a visa to cross the borders, visa runs will not be accepted and issuance of work permits will be very restrictive.

    Just in case your Ossie German Chancellor might not like the secession idea, we Swiss might be willing to accept you guys as our 27th or so disctrict (might be 28th if the Lombarei decides to leave Italy also...) and integrate you into our beautiful country....welcomeani.gif

    Am just thinking about re-instating Bavarian Kings for all our country and get rid of our current government... whistling.gif

  5. Thank you for your opinion:

    I will arrive very soon and intend to do some shopping for business suits and shirts (European Style). While I will bring examples of how I want the suit / shirt be cut, I know from experience that not all tailors really care about what you want... and have once lost my pre-payment in the past when I withdraw from the sale...

    So anybody knows really good tailors that not only will provide what I ask for (i.e. make and quality of shirt collar... don't want any carton inside to make it stiff...) but also have good stock of quality fabric?

    Grateful for names and locations, no need to give me pricing information, that I'll see when I go there... not looking for cheapest price but best quality... and anyway, any price will be cheaper than what I get here at home

  6. ^ Ask a sensible question and you will get a sensible answer.

    As you did.


    Glad that we have some native German speakers in here (or Swiss-German).

    Swiss might be native German reader and writer but not speaker, hahahahaha

    Austrians can understand them to 50 %

    Germans have no clue what they are speaking or what language that is........

    (but I like the sound......)

    naaaah, not really... am a native Swiss German Dialect speaker, reader and writer... but native German (or "High German" - Hochdeutsch) as we call it, we have to learn in school and it's considered a foreign language in our 4-language country...

    And don't worry about the dozends of Swiss dialects... not even I understand all of them... but that's not different from Germany where people don't understand each of the different (spoken) dialects...

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  7. Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

    Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

    Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

    Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

    Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

    Completely agree with you... but that said, if the gun is stored away secured, then it will be of no use for burglaries and the likes... unitl you can get hold of your own gun, the crook entering you house will have shot you or stabbed you do death...

    That is why I say guns in houses don't protect but endanger... better let the crooks take what they like and protect your and your families lifes.

  8. papers from the court to say that the marriage is now closed (they are legally divorced)

    The woman has to pay the 50euro fee.

    If not in agreement then they have one month to write to the court in German to explain the reasons why

    ALMOST correct, it is not a paper about divorce itself: The document says that the German court has decided to recognize the divorce that was registered on 21 September 2001 in Thailand...

    Thus, the legal divorce was made in Thailand, the German authorities recognize and accept that divorce and hence, the plaintiff is free to get married again (probably under German law).

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  9. I could have kept my guns at home after the army, both rifle and gun, but decided against it for my own safety!

    did you also get rid of your beds? beds are the most dangerous places statistics prove beyond any doubt. most people die in beds.

    Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

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  10. I can't comment on importing, but want to comment about the general idea of having guns in house...

    You will endanger yourself and your family much more than without having a gun! Ever read about how many accidents happen with guns in house - whether intentionally or not??? Ever read about how many kids kill themselves or their friends when playing with daddy's gun???

    So you will want to store your gun safely and locked away... so imaging the crook entering your house at 3 morning when you sleep... you hear him, you are still tired, try to get your gun from the storage area... the crook is awake and highly on alert... and if he has a gun also, you bet he will shoot you first before you even get close to your gun...

    Finally, you might find out that Thai courts do not really like Farang to shoot Thai citizens.... crooks or not... and even with a legally acquired gun, you might find yourself locked away for few years for murder... whether you claim self defence or not.

    I could have kept my guns at home after the army, both rifle and gun, but decided against it for my own safety!

  11. If you don't trust the Thai at anything... why even bother asking about it?

    But: I've done lot of testing in Thailand (hospitals only, NO private clinics) and every two year cross-checked during my standard health check that I must do for my job (through Swiss labs) and always found the results to mach.

  12. To comply with anti-smoking legislation, Baht Buses and other public areas such as Bus Stops, phone booths and libraries are now non-smoking areas.

    So that means, that every copper can squeeze a fine out of some one caught smoking on a Baht Bus.

    You gotta be kidding me w00t.gif

    Am a smoker myself but would never smoke on a Baht bus... most rude thing you can do to blow smoke AND ashes onto everybody else... and I only ever have seen Farang smoking on the Baht bus, never a Thai (except all drivers of course...)... so I absolutely agree with that law and would not mind anybody smoking on a Baht bus to be fined the 2'000 Baht they advertise in some of the cars...

  13. It's a matter of where you go... a Thai friend of mine is owner of several shops around Pattaya and her girls now very well that not only are they not allowed to chat with each other (or the customers) when their are other customers around, furthermore they also know how fast they are on their way out if they don't follow the rules...

    and just to say... no moaning and groaning in the shop, as no "extras" are offered...

  14. There is an italien speciality shop in Jomtien on top of Soi 5 (near immigration, opposite end from beach road) which has a wide selection of Italien wines... you could check there

  15. There is a huge risk with trying to get fake watches, clothes, bags, electronics etc. through customes, definitely in all European countries, but assumingly the same in Canada / USA.

    It is a copyright infringement and not only the goods will be confiscated and destroyed later, but you as the buyer will be seen as a partner to the crime and will receive a hefty fine.

    In Italy - just one example - buying fake sunglasses / bags from street vendors does carry a fine of up to 2'000 Euros for the buyer!

  16. It all depends on what one is looking for in a gym. If one in primarily interested in cardio-work and/or resistance work, WOW might fit the bill, as that's basically all they have. They have lots of aero-machines, a couple studios for group work, and a good selection of machine weights (can't remember if the free-weight offerings were extensive or not from my tour). But that's it - there is no sauna (from memory...I could be wrong on this), pool, tennis, squash, spa, grounds to relax. It is also usually crowded (plenty of machines but space is very limited so you are hemmed-in on all sides by other people/machines. It also self-selects for a rather down-market crowd but if that's you or you don't mind such an atmosphere then it's fine. Also, the locker/shower facilities are small.

    Fairtex, on the other hand, is a complete fitness facility/resort, with all of the above mentioned facilities, and more, like a rock-climbing wall and badminton. It is also more upscale and is never crowded. There are several membership plans and the fees are surprising low considering what you get. There is also full towel service, which I can't remember if WOW has.

    Many things you say about California Wow are spot on....

    but upmarket, down market? Give us a break. There's a huge "upmarket" crowd of Thais at California Wow who never break a sweat and sit on machines while operating the latest smartphones... and helped along by their personal trainers so they can pretend they train.

    Fairtex may have a good variety of other things to do, but people who really workout don't judge gyms on their rock climbing facilities, swimming pools and saunas. I want to see their dumbbell rack. I walked out after seeing their small weight area. That's all I needed to see.

    Each to their own.

    I think it's pretty hard to break a sweat no matter how hard one is training if the air-con is set at 22 or 23 as I think someone reported smile.png As to the comparisons btwn WOW and Fairtex, they are really two different products serving different markets. For the OP (and other ST visitors), who just want to continue a regular exercise routine while on vacation in Pattaya WOW may fit the bill, as they do have a decent selection of both aerobic and anaerobic training options available and these type of people are likely to have pools back at their hotels. WOW may also suffice for a local who is centrally located or doesn't have their own transport who again is satisfied with the limited training options and facilities WOW has on offer.

    For the person looking for a more complete sports and recreation experience, where they can do all of the above and much more in a relaxed resort like atmosphere then Fairtex is a better option. (Forgot to mention they also have basketball courts as well.)

    I too do allot of resistance training so a gym's weight selection is important to me. I can't remember specifically now as it has been some time since I toured WOW but my general recollection is that the weight-training equipment was pretty standard but nothing exceptional and that it was very crowded (machines/benches/lifting areas cramed together) and it would be a challenge to do a complete workout in a safe manner. While the training area at Fairtex may not be as large as WOW, the machines and training areas are properly spaced apart for a relaxing and safe workout. The selection is also very complete, including: 2 squat-racks, 3 bar-bell benches (flat, incline, and decline), the standard selection of machines based rack and pulley systems for shoulder/back work, and around 5 free standing benches (both flat and incline) for seated bar-bell work. As for the dumb-bell selection, it's complete up to 100 lbs, with double-sets up to 25 lbs. I don't know how many sets of weights you require for your work-out but I'm sure this would suffice. There is also a complete circuit of weight-machines for those who use these in their work-out.

    Thanks for ALL of your comments. It gives me a pretty good overview.

    Personally, i only do cardio for my weight, but i want to do it daily for 1 hour with the resistance that keeps my heart rate at around 130-140. That is my main goal (helps digest the beers from the night before also... tongue.png ) In parallel, I will do runs / fast walks on the beach (Jomtien) every morning for 1-2 hours which also helps me get some tan on my (currently) white skin wink.png

    Weight is not for me, I really hate those machings.

    so thanks again, I have the information I was looking for, really appreciate all your comments.

  17. Thank you all guys, very interesting to read for me and I will have a look at both of them.

    WOW looks promising as it's close to my hotel, I could just walk their, do my cardio (1 hour a day) and then back to the hotel for shower... Fairtex looks promising with regards to all the other facilities, so I'll drop by there also to check.

  18. The first thing i would demand is a DNA test. I would'nt be trusting that bitch.

    Totally stupid sentence... as many others I did see...

    What do we know about the OP and his GF? Nothing, because he does not answer the questions like where he lives, whether he legally accepted the child... and I would like to know what the OP did to this girl... he seems to be the father (he says), but did he ask his GF to marry him?

    Or did he tell his GF that he can not marry her but will want to see the child but not support her raising the kid??? Because in that situation, I would be completely on the girl's side...

    So without further information, every comment about the girl might be completely false and wrongly insulting...

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