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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. side effects from smoking and excessive drinking aren't so pleasant in the long run but it seems plenty still indulge happily whistling.gif

    So what? Do you see your post as a good argument NOT to warn off about the really really nasty side effects of HGH?

    Besides there is one big difference... smokers and drinkers very often are addicts and need help to get OFF the drug... the OP obviously seeks help to get ON the drug...

    well a sports doctor back home told me HGH wasn't dangerous at all as long as you don't go overboard on the dosage. 5iu/day won't kill you... but of course it's not healthy in the long run tongue.png

    sports doc's who consult cycling and other pro's about taking doping stuff tell them the same... who cares when they die of heart attacks once their career is over...

  2. I think that everybody who even thinks about taking HGH / Somatropin without a need based on a medical condition is just plain stupid...

    google for the side effects and you should be scared off even thinking about taking it...

    and if you HAVE a medical condition, you will get prescription from your doc and instruction where to get it and will not need to ask for pharmacies who sell it (illegally in what ever quality and condition and copy state)...

    Thanks for your advice Doctor. I'll keep that in mind.

    did not want to sound lecturing, just my 5 cents about that subject... at the end of the day, it's everybody's personal choice whether to poison the body or not, no matter what drug it is (and yes, fags and alcohol included...)

  3. side effects from smoking and excessive drinking aren't so pleasant in the long run but it seems plenty still indulge happily whistling.gif

    So what? Do you see your post as a good argument NOT to warn off about the really really nasty side effects of HGH?

    Besides there is one big difference... smokers and drinkers very often are addicts and need help to get OFF the drug... the OP obviously seeks help to get ON the drug...

  4. Just cut off the belts and next time they stop you, just point and say no have. The more intelligent way to deal with it, would be to actually use them. They are there for a purpose.

    Yes and that purpose can be to trap you in your behicle why you BURN to death as happened to a relative of mine.

    You can't be serious, with a reply like this?

    Yes I am deadly serious, and its no fun standing watching when someone you care about is screaming in front of you !

    or my own accident where I was thrown clear because I wasnt wearing a seatbelt, otherwise i would havebeen crushed to death by the engine that ended up exactly where I was sat !. So dont lecture me on the "there for a purpose" as I will NEVER wear one.

    I would guess it is difficult to convince you to wear seatbelts based on your experience... but consider this:

    Worst accident possible is a head-on collision sitting in a car with airbags and not wearing seatbelts... the impact will throw you towards the windshield and the airbag will blow you back into the seat... which normally leaves you either dead or paralyzed from your broken neck...

    And when you talk about your engine ending up on your seat... I would assume that such an accident was either many many years back with a very old car or then with a car with PRETTY poor crash test results...

    Speaking with the experience of three head-on collisions in the last 15 years, one of them was my fault, the others not... and escaping unscratched thanks to seatbelts and airbags...

    • Like 1
  5. No, it depends on what's in their wallet and how much they need.

    Around our immediate area they couldnt careless about helmets, in the city, only seem to care at the end of the month when everyone gets paid and first few days into the month, then they hunt in packs on every intersection and 200 baht usually, after that back to never seeing a BIB.

    Got stopped in Chiang Mai once for no seatbelts, that was 200 baht, didnt mind the fine but the hassle to find and go to the Police station and retrieve my licence and pay was a real pain. He wouldnt accept the money directly to him !....very surprised on that occasion.

    Just cut off the belts and next time they stop you, just point and say no have. The more intelligent way to deal with it, would be to actually use them. They are there for a purpose.

    And the same is true for helmets...

    • Like 1
  6. I think that everybody who even thinks about taking HGH / Somatropin without a need based on a medical condition is just plain stupid...

    google for the side effects and you should be scared off even thinking about taking it...

    and if you HAVE a medical condition, you will get prescription from your doc and instruction where to get it and will not need to ask for pharmacies who sell it (illegally in what ever quality and condition and copy state)...

  7. To make things straight I'm not broke but I don't allow myself to spend anything more than the basics (food, electric, insurances, gym, visa, internet..) as I live in fear of what comes next.. with today's world economy how will it be in thailand in 20 years

    The way you describe your life here, it looks pretty much like back home... just a normal life... but combined with the goodies that pattaya has to offer that you did not have back home (all year good weather, nice people, good food, what ever difference you like here compared to back home...) and it really is up to you to decide whether that is enough for you or not...

    If then you decide that you are missing the going out and taking girls back because of lacking assets or if you are afraid that you don't have the assets to secure your future, then you really must think about going back to your country of origin and accumulate more assets until the time comes where you can settle back to Thailand without fears about world economy...

    Set your priorities and make the right decision for you... don't ask others whether your current life style is right for you or not...

    • Like 2
  8. dam_n boy, you trying to hard.

    You are an 18yo, pretty boy, boxer...according to you.

    Hanging out in random bars with crusty old guys is no way to spend time in your new city.

    18 and finished school limits your future - go back to school - thats where all the other 18 year olds are at.

    What secondary english options are there near bangkok? And im not trying hard, at all. You obviously dont like who i am which i retort in saying dont message in my threads.

    Oh boy... according to yourself (yesterday) you are in town since a month now... and you already expect that everybody knows you and likes you and hooks up with you and hugs you everytime they see you?

    poor boy... hope mama will dry your tears... wake up and try to find places where other young people hang around... and don't forget that those other young people who according to you "look like total idiots, wifebeaters, yelling at locals" will look at you and think that you might be an arrogant idiot thinking he is something better... good approach to make friends...

  9. Difficult to see what's behind your mail... a peeping toe? some kind of arousal? personal confusion? genuine interest? Would not put all my best on the last option...

    But I think you are off target with your questions, specially as you link them to the sexual component only... looking at the male population only, those are my 5 cents:

    - cross-dressing means wearing the clothes of the other sex, independant of any sexual or transgender reasoning behind it

    - transvestism means wearing the clothes of the other sex and mostly also wearing make-up / wigs in order to show the affiliation with that sex / creating the identity with that sex

    only now we can talk about cross-dressers who wear the clothes for sexual arousal (whether they are heterosexual and like to wear panties when having sex with women or whether they are gay and like to wear women underwear when they have sex with their partner), the sexual component comes into play. This is then closely linked to the transvestite fetishism where the sexual component is the leading element behind the change.

    But of course, cross-dressing / transvestism can be the expression of a gender "disorder" of people who feel living in the wrong body and for those people, there will be no sexual component behind wearing the other sex's clothes. These people can be called, but don't have to be called transgendered, depending on how strong those feelings are.

    Life is NOT complex if you are open and able to accept everybody the way they are... it does not mean you need to like it, but you should be open enough to live and let live...

    and if you can't accept, I come back to my first sentence and ask you about the reasoning behind your questions...

    **edited for clarity of thoughts and sentences**

  10. Yes, he should tell her that he is serious about the relation and wants to do a pre-marriage testing for both of them to make sure that they are in best health... and any hospital in Pattaya offers these tests, like Pattaya memorial or BKK Pattaya...

    If she refuses, he knows where he stands...

  11. Should be fine, though may die from stress if you're too worried about it.

    One assumes if he drank this water this afternoon and posted only 15 minutes ago and is currently not bleeding out from every orifice, he will be ok...if one drinks bad water it will hit you pretty quickly

    OP seems to have gone quiet for the last 18 minutes..............sad.png

    fingernails already falling out... can't type anymore...

    • Like 1
  12. Maybe some of you have already made this experience, have not found information while searching forum, so here my question:

    If you have a legally registered same-sex relation in your country of origin (whether it's called same-sex relation, marriage, civil union does not really matter), then how would the Thai authorities view these documents?

    Assume one of the partners gets a Visa to live in Thailand (work or retirement), would the Thai accept the legal documents and see the other partner as "dependant" in the VISA processing or would they say that they don't accept such documents as such a relationship does not exist in Thailand and treat both persons as individuals with regards to VISA requirements?

  13. ]....only cheap charlies, people with no real haute cuisine experience, or idiots, considers them fine dining...Show a bit of class!.... you have no right to comment on that.....[/b]

    Do I detect more than a little touch of hubris from the OP?

    A little humility and and a greater tolerance of other residents in 'Sin City' who may have different eating priorities may not go amiss, and would make the thread this much more enjoyable and interesting.

    Arrogance only diminishes wisdom...smile.png

    He he he - he smokes cigar's you know !

    555, whilst gawping at the "lovely Thai ladies". Have to agree about the food there though.

    Maybe he is a fan of Wild-Bill Billy Clinton... cheesy.gif

  14. I have been in Toscana many times, as it is the favorite place of one of my friends... but honestly, I am not always happy with them... specially if the Italian Chef does not control what his Thai helpers do and I get the spaghetti well overdone by at least 5 minutes...

    Never been disappointed in both Bruno's and Gian's (just opposite)... and BOTH have at least the same wonderful wine cellar that Toscana has... and you don't get the red-wine at 10 degrees from the fridge, but at the right 16-18 degrees from the wine cellar!

    So Toscana 6, Gian 8, Bruno 10 from me

  15. I saw the Nespresso capsules in Central Beach. The price was above 400 THB for 10 capsule, something like 420 THB if I remember correctly. They also had several Nespresso machines on display.

    The Krups Pixie was 18990.- THB, I have bought the same machine 8 weeks ago in Germany for 109.- Euro including a Aerocino (old model), that sells in Thailand for about 3000 THB alone.

    The capsules and machines are cheaper at the above mentioned website, but still a lot more expensive compared with Europe or USA.

    Wow... that's expensive... here at home, I pay 50 Swiss cent per capsule... around 165 Baht for 10 capsules... so I'll continue to provide my friends with capsules from here, since I have also provided them with the machines wink.png

  16. central festival has them

    Do you know how much they are per capsule and which sorts they have? Coming to Thailand in few weeks and normally bring a load with me for friends, but if they have them at reasonable price and same sort, then I will have more space for other things.

  17. Expedited service? Not really a bribe sometimes. E.g. Foreign countries charge higher fees for expedited visa or passport processing timelines.

    You are correct about that... but then there is a price-tag attached to that expedited service (i.e. Russian consulates have them clearly outlined for their Visa process) and then it's not bribery or extortion but just different service speeds. In Thailand, I have never seen a price tag attached to expedited service, which means the money goes into the pocket of the person getting the money....

  18. depends which palm the money is placed. I'm sure if I were buying groceries from a town market its gonna cost me 30% more at least

    True, but since you know that he'll be asking more from you than from your fellow Thai, you know that you can negotiate with him... and what I found out that it has a very interesting effect on the negotiation if you tell him in Thai, how much you are willing to pay... and learning numbers is not that difficult... my offer in Thai is almost always accepted, while my offer in English is almost always rejected...

    And even if I know I still pay more, I see it as charity for the seller... enables him to keep the prices down for the Thai who mostly don't have the money to spend that I have...

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