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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I know. I read that in the original article. The point I was making is that he was likely equipped to commit crime. Not much other use for a thief to be carrying a signal jammer
  2. Why? He is trying to sell umpteen products to his followers. Look at TRUMP crypto coin. Doing a favour for his friend is nothing.
  3. Do the Police here breathalyse drivers after accidents as a matter of course?
  4. I wonder if it was left handed, right handed or ambidextrous.
  5. Perhaps many people are not willing to put their lives on the line and fight for a country they no longer recognise as their own. I suspect the UK government will have recruiting problems for all the UK armed forces. Still. They have a large pool of "boat experts" they can tap for the Navy.
  6. I was watching a show today where the guest said that the US is busy repatriating all their gold from around the world. Currently over 8,500 tons So much so that it is creating shortages which is driving the price up.. He also said that US gold is for some reason only valued around $42/oz, and that he reckons Trump's plan is not only to have it revalued at today's market price which almost at $3000/oz, but to use it to create a partially gold backed Dollar to pre-empt the BRICS plan to do the same with their currencies. He stated that if true, Trump would be able to pay off the US national debt. So there still might be some method to DT's madness.
  7. It's big money for the minibus drivers. A van full of tourists who want to see the island, but only a short time to do it. So the van drivers get booked for the whole day. I have a friend who drives his own minibus. I cannot book him when the cruise ships are in. When they finish that bridge, I think it will be time for me to move elsewhere. Once the pandemic finished, the island changed, and not for the better. It is far busier than it ever was, and the infrastructure here can't handle it as it is. Let alone the numbers that will come with a direct land link.
  8. Lovely. If two boats arrive on the same day that will be over six thousand tourists arriving. Imagine all the minibuses waiting to take them for their day trip around the island. Bangrak is a nightmare with them rushing to either pick up or drop off for the speedboats going to Koh Phangan. God knows what that will be like. Now all we need is the much talked about bridge.
  9. You don't say which part of the island you are staying. Krok Mai on the ring road about 150 yards before Bangkok Hospital coming from Chaweng Yai, on the opposite side is OK. Thai Kik in Laem Din market is always very busy. About 15metres before Lotus Express, on same side, but set back from the road a little bit.
  10. The guy was carrying a signal jammer, so seems he was preparing to commit crime. Isn't that what criminals use to prevent car remotes locking the doors when the driver leaves?
  11. It might be worth going into the provider's shop and trying to renew by paying for another year. but the prices seem to have gone up quite a lot now.
  12. Funny, but probably not far from the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zerzwYylw4E
  13. There are some other radio apps you can buy, such as TuneIn, Broadcasts, and My Tuner Pro to name a few. I like TuneIn. There is TuneIn Radio, TuneIn Radio Pro (onetime purchase)of around $9.99) which avoids ads. There is also a Premium subscription, which includes free audio books, but not for me. Has all the BBC Channels including 5live and 5 sports extra. HTH
  14. There is an easy way to stop many (not all) of them claiming to be women. Stop them taking female hormones. See how they measure up then.
  15. He can't get back to Tesla yet. He is busy trying to get Starlink contracts to replace NOAA satellites now he is gutting that public service. Wants to replace it with a private one.
  16. I wonder if the cuts will include all funding for illegal boat arrivals. Charity begins at home.
  17. i don't think he could feel it. According to the report he is paralysed from the chest down after shooting himself with the crossbow.
  18. However there could soon be an alternative. Mexico has recently finished constructing their coast to coast dual track railway and are planning to upgrade it to take shipping containers from port to port. across the isthmus. The Panama Canal is still the main route, and important for shipping, but the railway will complement it and provide both an alternative and a back up now the canal is suffering water shortages, which are causing high fees. It should also provide Mexico and their investors a nice return on their investment. https://www.freightwaves.com/news/mexico-aims-to-compete-with-panama-canal-by-using-cargo-trains https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/coatzacoalcos-palenque-line-fa-interoceanic-train-opens/
  19. Yes, but they would be under the yoke of Trump, while he strips their land of all its minerals and riches worth far more than what he will pay them. Plus. How could they trust someone who reneges on deals, treats his friends and allies the way he does, and within a month of taking office, has China saying it is ready for war in whatever way he wants it. I don't buy the need for national security. He is after the minerals.
  20. For the glass, how about a razor blade scraper? I have a plastic one that has one of those box cutter blades in it, but one of these might do the job. Not the same, but something like this might do the job: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/scraper-scr-40-i2899402232-s10598559382.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Ascrapers%3Bnid%3A2899402232%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A3821a62942814e230d21b86976ef2102%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A2899402232_TH%3Bprice%3A48%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000183586%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_internal%3Bslot%3A2%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A470687%3Basc_category_id%3A12108%3Bitem_id%3A2899402232%3Bsku_id%3A10598559382%3Bshop_id%3A412683%3BtemplateInfo%3A107882_D_E%23116808_A0%23-1_A3_C%23&clusterType=nonSpu&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Prachuap Khiri Khan&price=48&priceCompare=skuId%3A10598559382%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A3821a62942814e230d21b86976ef2102%3BoriginPrice%3A4800%3BdisplayPrice%3A4800%3BsinglePromotionId%3A-1%3BsingleToolCode%3AmockedSalePrice%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1741137532456&ratingscore=4.947289156626506&request_id=3821a62942814e230d21b86976ef2102&review=663&sale=2805&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchList.list.2&stock=1
  21. Now that is one thing where I do agree with the Donald. It's so unfair on the women having to compete against men, then watch them win and take all the glory for basically being cheats.
  22. It's probably to try and clamp down on all these online scams. People using other's bank accounts to deposit dodgy money. They can see if the depositor is the account owner. Some sort of anti money laundering action. It's the same in the UK. There they advise paying into your own account, then transferring to whover you wish to pay.
  23. Elon Musk DOGE email to Donald Trump: Name 5 things you did last week. DT: 1. Played golf. 2. Played golf. 3. Played golf. 4. Played golf. 5. Played golf.
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