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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. I have seen that exact shaped hole a few times, but never any others so we are all looking forward to you proving that you are not making stuff up as usual by posting “many” pictures of atto 3 batteries with different shaped holes. What we are looking at here is not the bottom of the battery as many have claimed but the top. To access it the rat would have come at it from inside the car. It is clear that the battery top cover has not been removed, so no investigation work has been out. This battery might have been able to be repaired by replacing a single chewed wire. This is quite a good video explaining the structure of the atto 3 battery starting at 0:51 Maybe by the same guy that @Andrew Dwyer mentioned above.
  2. So in this case the owner got paid by the insurance company who decided to write off the car. That is not to say that the battery pack has no value. EVs in Thailand have only been selling in any numbers for 3 or 4 years and there are not enough older and crash damaged cars about to develop an aftermarket. A good example of how this works is what is happening in the UK with Nissan Leafs, expect to see something similar here in Thailand in the not too distant future.
  3. House is single phase. I knew I was going to install solar, so no point spending ฿100,000 installing three phase.
  4. Did you see any of my videos about using my BYD Seal to power my home. I can power the house all night and it takes less than an hour to charge it back from my solar system.
  5. Over half a million electric vehicles on Thai streets At the International Motor Expo 40% of people who reserved a car chose an electric vehicles. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40033855
  6. All I've seem from your posts so far is that you want to take this discussion off-topic so I will not waste any more of my time replying to you.
  7. The Title of this Discussion is "Electric Vehicles in Thailand" Please keep your posts to EVs in Thailand. Nobody here is interested in what insurance companies in Canada have to say about EV batteries in Canada, it's not relevant to this discussion. If you have information about insurance claims in Thailand relating to EVs please post them here alternatively you could start your own discussion "EVs in Canada"
  8. I got a bit of a discount on the current price https://s.lazada.co.th/s.O6Ys8
  9. MG 4 5☆ https://www.euroncap.com/en/results/mg/4+electric/48646 MG ZS EV 5☆ https://www.euroncap.com/en/results/mg/zs+ev/39678 This is an EV discussion and you post about an ICE car! Also do you know how Google works? You can find answers to questions by yourself - you should try it and stop wasting our time.
  10. Not wanting to hijack @zoolander discussion I have created a separate thread on my upgrade plans https://aseannow.com/topic/1314560-solar-upgrade-2024-part-1/
  11. Like yourself I have 2 electric cars, prior to getting my second I was producing more power than I could use and as my hybrid off-grid inverters could not export so power was being curtailed. Now I am finding that I run my house batteries down sometimes so I plan to do a system tweek that I will post about later. My BYD Seal has V2L so I am using it as backup power via my inverter. I have 3 Growatt SPF 5000 ES inverters. My original solar system is a stand alone backup system which now redundant due to the V2L. I plan to give my old inverter to a mate and buy a 4th Growatt, that will give more peak load power.
  12. I have installed the update, thanks Andrew for the info. I also got the language update
  13. I have solar and use my EV for extra backup
  14. Why don’t you join a scuba instructor’s discussion and start telling them all how diving works. When they ask you how many dives you’ve logged and you reply with “I’ve done a bit of snorkelling” they will call you an idiot and tell you to piss off.
  15. It is important to remember that due to regenerative breaking in EVs very little break dust is emitted. Also no diesel particulates. EVs generally have more advanced tech than ice cars and traction control which prevents wheel spinning is very common. EVs sold in Thailand generally weigh less than the average pickup truck that seems to be the vehicle of choice here.
  16. The OP and myself have both said that EVs are not for everyone. So you are wrong. An Evangelists wants all to be converted. Most of the EV haters posting here have demonstrated an inability to complete basic research so will definitely struggle with the tech in an EV. EVs are not designed for simple folk yet, they are complicated, please don’t buy one. Clearly someone who struggles to understand the difference between fact and opinion will also struggle using an EV app or reading a user manual. Those of us who own multiple EVs and have driven them for years like myself get exasperated at uninformed EV haters trying to tell everyone what it’s like to own an EV. Stop it you are embarrassing yourselves.
  17. Posts a Clickbate YouTuber as “Evidence”
  18. Buy an ICE after owning 2 electric cars? No way I love being able to charge it at home for free from excess solar power I like that it comes with 6 Tesla powerwalls of backup power for my house I love the instant torque I love the 0-100km/h in 3.8 seconds without spinning my wheels I love that it has perfect 50:50 weight distribution I love that it has an incredible low centre of gravity and goes round corners like it’s on rails I love the drag coefficient of just 0.219 Cd which is better than a Porsche Taycan I love the regenerative breaking and not having to use the break pedal I love the adaptive suspension I love that the battery pack is a structural component, increasing torsional stiffness and so increasing handling limits I love the Torque vectoring which sends power to which wheel needs it most I love that it only has one gear I love that it has long wheel base I love that it so silent to drive for me and other road users I love that I not poisoning the pedestrians and motorbike riders around me when I drive I love being able to switch on the aircon while I’m still in the restaurant
  19. Here the emphasis of the discussion is on the EV not the Chinese. Check it out to see what I mean So many EV discussions here have been hijacked and died
  20. I'm confused! There are plenty of racist discussions about Chinese Cars. I would rather the racists join one of them and leave us to discuss EVs in Thailand.
  21. @sometimewoodworker This my opening post to this topic over 4,000 posts ago. “This is a discussion about EVs available or coming to Thailand. Not private imports but cars supported here with a dealer network. Are you interested in an EV as your next car if so which one and why? Do you know of any breaking news about EVs in Thailand? If so post here. This not a discussion about EVs v ICE cars - for that go here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1246109-ice-vs-ev-the-debate-thread/ This is not a discussion about Chinese cars - for that go here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1235921-why-so-many-chinese-cars-mg-cars-do-people-only-care-to-buy-something-cheap-whatever-is-the-quality/ Mods please delete any posts that try to hijack this thread”
  22. Just checked. My car is connected to my house wifi with a ubiquiti wireless access point sitting directly above the car. No Red Dot and no update. Rest assured I will post here when I have it.
  23. I am happy to hear sensible criticism of EVs based on facts. I didn’t see much of that. Why is it that only those who don’t own an EV here claim range anxiety is a major problem. 99% of my charging is done at home from my solar. I have 600km of range and can add 350km extra in 20 minutes. The OP did say that for many of the posters an EV is clearly not for them and I agree. It’s not as easy as rolling into PTT with a “Bee Jet Ha Roy” There are apps that can be a tricky for some and the technology on the cars can be overwhelming. It’s not that I “can't cope with negative views about EV's” I can’t stand the BS from people who know nothing about the topic.
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