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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. Most EV owners don’t tend to think of the ToryGraph when looking for actuate information on EVs, it has an appalling reputation. Case in point this totally debunked story: As I have said several times the battery chemistry in my EV and my house batteries have a LiFePO4 cathode chemistry - not Li-ion and can be charged to 100% every day. One other factor that non EV owners clearly do not know is that when EV manufactures quote battery capacity they quote “Usable” capacity not Gross. My EV has an 82.5kWh usable capacity but the Gross is over 85kWh
  2. 16.1% of all car sales last month being full EV is very significant in my opinion. Many people are still quoting figures from 30th Sept published in an English language publication based in the capital.
  3. If you are going to spend over ฿20k on film I would also investing in a digital laser thermometer and some kitchen foil Take a sample of the film you are thinking of buying and a piece of foil and measure the temperature of both in direct sunlight. The foil should record ambient temperature, a good film should do the same
  4. Thanks for the link - anybody know the % of total cars sold last month that were EVs?
  5. I read your study “Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) is kind of Lithium ion rechargeable battery which uses LiFePO4 as a cathode material. LiFePO4 is an intrinsically safer cathode material than LiCoO2” Maybe a demonstration might be easier to visualise
  6. People are entitled to their own Opinions but not their own Facts. When people pass off hearsay as Facts they might get their fragile egos a bit bruised when they are called out on it. I make no apologies for pursuing the truth
  7. You are not correct and you are off-topic. My home battery, my EV battery, the battery in the MG 4 I suggested to UWEB above, all BYDs, New Fords and MGs, Teslas most popular models: Model 3 and Y RWD all have LiFePO4 cathodes that don’t suffer from thermal runaway.
  8. This is the deal I got: Do you have a link to the new deal? I haven’t seen updates, but they were swamped with orders. I waited over a month and only got a car by swapping from Premium to Performance. That’s my car in the video above. My YouTube channel is EcoHouseThailand
  9. As OP I have the right to rigorously defend my discussion from being hijacked by ultracrepidarians. This system has the potential to save forum members a great deal of money. It's a shame when that message is being drowned out by those with no interest and even less understanding in it.
  10. It just needs a transfer switch to switch between V2L and grid as you need. If you can get your night-time load under a couple of kW then you might not need grid power at all. In Thailand a 10kW solar system will produce excess power in the middle of the day, which you can dump into car and then use at night. You can pick up an excellent MG4 with V2L for under ฿800k
  11. Let’s look at “absolute stupidity” Joining a discussion about powering a home from a car. Not watching the videos in the opening post so has no idea what the discussion is about. Replies with a random post Discovering he is a discussion about powering a home from a car “Lost his brains”
  12. 7kW or 7kWh per hour. The car can travel 7km/kWh. So one hour of home charging adds 49km of range. This research on driving in Thailand states that the average km driven per year for a saloon in the provinces of Thailand is 14,071 km/yr or 38.5km per day. I can add this much range in 47 minutes of charging. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Average-Travel-Distance-of-Vehicles-3_tbl2_238658930#:~:text=Average vehicle kilometer traveling of,%2Fday respectively [18] . You obviously don't have solar or you wouldn't have asked such a question. A tesla powerwall has only 13.5kWh of capacity compared to my car which has 82.5kWh. I actually have home batteries - which you have known if you had watched the videos. A tesla powerwall needs charging every day but my car does not and can power my house for several days. My EV is primarily a car, the fact it can also act as home battery storage is effectively a no cost benefit. Did you read my replies to other posts here?
  13. Commenting on a discussion without watching the videos that the discussion is based on! Now go and watch the videos I posted in the opening post and you will see why what you posted is so wrong
  14. Firstly can I ask did you actually watch the videos? Because it sounds to me that you didn't as you would have seen the amount of power being drawn from the car. We need to put the emotive phrase "overworking" into context. My EV's 82.5kWh battery is designed to propel a 2 tonne vehicle plus occupants 600km per charge. By comparison my house load at night is 500W or 0.5kWh per hour. So the car could power my house at night for 165 hours of night-time usage. In the video - that you didn't watch - I said that without using V2L I have run my house and one EV for over a year without drawing any power from the grid. So if in the future I have the need of a little extra help from my EV it is not going to be "overworking the batteries" The rest of your questions are off-topic and are being ignored.
  15. As OP let me remind everyone that this is a discussion about bi-directional charging. Using an EV as a battery on wheels to power your home. My EV has 82.5kWh of useable battery capacity compared to a Tesla Powerwall having only 13.5kWh. This is game changing as you can charge your car up during the day when it’s sunny and draw a few hundred Watts to help run the house at night, while still have enough power drive your car in the morning.
  16. The grownups were discussing an article that you couldn’t be bothered to read but you wanted to discuss it anyway!
  17. You are replying to @KhunLA who owns an EV in Thailand and you are telling him about charging an EV in Thailand The question is, you the one giving advice about charging an EV in Thailand, do you actually own an EV in Thailand? Or are you just spouting uninformed rubbish?
  18. You didn't read the linked article did you? https://www.carbonbrief.org/factcheck-21-misleading-myths-about-electric-vehicles/ When you've actually done your homework, then you can come back and post here
  19. I just bought my second EV so I'm putting my money where my mouth is. There are plenty of people who don't want an EV which is fine, but please shut up about it - nobody needs to hear every day that you don't want an EV I would say that there are many people who post here who definitely shouldn't buy one. It's not as easy as rolling up to PTT and handing over a thousand Baht with a "Bee Jet Krap" There are apps and a lot of tech which can be a bit tricky for some. "many people who post here who definitely shouldn't buy one" end up on EV discussions trying to tell those of us who have been driving EVs in Thailand for years stuff like: "There are no chargers in Thailand you know" "Battery will be dead in less than a year - it's the weather here you know" "EVs in Thailand are too expensive, you can't buy one for less than $100,000" My question is why are they on EV discussions repeating the same old rubbish.
  20. "at night" - in bed by 9pm! Will give some feedback when I get a chance
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