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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. You only quoted part of my post making your statement incorrect as you missed that my post was about choosing between a Tesla and a BYD in Thailand. Yes CTs have V2L but you can’t buy them in Thailand and currently you would struggle to buy one in America “I purchased a BYD Seal AWD Performance and it was cheaper than the cheapest Tesla you can buy in Thailand.”
  2. Says the biggest idiot of human history However, just like @zhounan I haven’t provided any evidence to support my argument So like @zhounan I am probably incorrect So I am forced to withdraw my assertion that @zhounan is the biggest idiot of human history due to lack of evidence
  3. @BritScot waiting for you to post some evidence to support your claim that EVs breakdown in hot weather.
  4. You have your location as Pattaya so I think you have nothing to worry about.
  5. Post a picture. You must have taken a picture so that you crow about EVs in hot weather. “EV, after EV” Post the picture and prove that you’re not a BS merchant. I have been driving EVs in Thailand for years and never seen any loss in performance in my EVs. I am an active member of a number of Thai EV forums and never heard anyone talking about EVs breaking down in the heat. Batteries now have active cooling management in EVs, but you probably didn’t know that. ICE car engines continue run in traffic jams and overheat but EVs just shut down when not needed, but you probably didn’t know that either.
  6. Not sure if you were referring to my recent video or not, but I can recomend https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/ you will get some good advice. People share their systems and are available to answer questions
  7. Really? Ultra fast EV chargers have been installed in Thailand over the last couple of years because EVs have only recently been sold here. In countries where they started installing chargers 10 years ago they were slow 50kW chargers, but in Thailand most are 150kW or higher. 150kW charging speed mean that my EV can add 350km range in 20 minutes. Unless I am travelling more than 600km I will charge at home, so my EV is always 100% Do lots of research before posting online, that is my advice.
  8. Elon has joined the Forum everybody - apparently X wasn't working out.
  9. Just that this discussion is about Li in Thailand a country with one of the fastest growing EV manufacturing sectors in the world. This discussion was posted in a Thailand Forum and you don't want to talk about Thailand.
  10. Thanks for the link. Explains my ฿380 annual road tax.
  11. Phone batteries and EV batteries are not the same. I know most people posting here have no experience with either EV batteries of home solar batteries and that you are not going to believe those of us have lived with such batteries for years. https://www.recurrentauto.com/research/why-do-ev-batteries-last-so-much-longer-than-cell-phone-batteries
  12. You think that 70% is the same as 0% and you call me a child! Did you finish kindergarten?
  13. I have solar, so I I can charge both of my EVs from excess solar power. No power bill for the house or fuel bill for the cars. Do you "struggle to understand" that? I don't have to use a public charger unless I am travelling more than 600km. My BYD has bi-directional charging so it comes with effectively 6 Tesla PowerWalls of free backup power. Do you "struggle to understand" that?
  14. Most EVs like both of mine come with an 8yr 70% battery warranty. You clearly didn't know that or you won't have posted something so stupid
  15. Just putting this already deflected discussion into context. This is a discussion about the discovery of Li in Thailand, which is a good thing, but it has been deflected by the EV haters into EVs are no good in the cold. Most of the posters clearly don’t even live in Thailand as there are more interested in talking about Heat Pumps now! I actually live in Thailand and drive EVs in Thailand so just wanted to explain to our overseas visitors that temperature here does not effect range or charging, but maybe that’s because my EV has a heat pump :)
  16. So why are online links suggesting you can pay up to ฿8,000?
  17. 4,500 posts and counting. The most replies for any discussion in the Thailand Motor Section and second most views after a discussion started in 2011. Somehow we have been able to keep this discussion broadly on-topic. EVs seems to create a great deal of interest from advocates but probably more so from EV critics - something I have never really understood.
  18. Winter this year in North East Thailand was bitter it got down into the high teens degrees C at one point, but strangely had no effect on my EV charging or my EV’s range.
  19. How does the cost of road tax for an EV compare to the usual diesel pickup that most seem to drive? When I was building my house I bought a 4 door pickup truck (sold it now) I seem to remember about ฿5,000 a year in road tax. Now paying ฿380 a year for my EV
  20. Tesla Model 3 starts at ฿1,599,000 for the base model, the performance model will be over ฿2,000,000. You have to pay extra for paint colour, you don’t get a free wall charger with free installation, free servicing or cheap finance. The extras with a BYD seal are worth ฿230,000
  21. Best to check your facts before posting. I purchased a BYD Seal AWD Performance and it was cheaper than the cheapest Tesla you can buy in Thailand. Yes, all BYDs come with LFP batteries which are much safer, longer lasting and with none of that nasty cobalt that that you get in LR and Performance Teslas. BYD has 100 dealerships in Thailand with plans for another 200 by the end of 2025. Tesla has only one. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/byds-thai-distributor-triple-ev-dealerships-expand-commercial-offerings-2024-01-19/ BYD will start manufacturing EVs and spare parts in Thailand this year My BYD Seal comes with bi-directional charging and the equivalent of 6 Tesla PowerWalls of backup power which I use to power my home - you can’t do that with a Tesla
  22. Toyota has lied about EV battery breakthroughs for years https://thedriven.io/2023/07/05/solid-state-batteries-toyota-has-history-of-talking-big-on-ev-breakthrough-but-not-delivering/
  23. Can’t be bothered to check your facts but posts it anyway. This is why we can never have an intelligent debate with EV haters - they are not interest in the facts.
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