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Posts posted by a3tsw

  1. hi ,

    I am about to receive a tax rebate cheque from HMRC to my address in Thailand.

    Will I be able to deposit it in my Kasikorn Bank account.?

    Obviously , it will be in UK pounds.

    I asked them to pay it direct to my UK bank , but the only way they are willing to pay out is by cheque ..go figure!

    I did stress the importance of having the cheque made out to my exact name in full with no abbreviations or title , as per my kasikornbank account name.

    I haven't dealt with cheques for many years and thought that they had become obsolete 

    • Like 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, djuiiy said:

    yes, I'm aware of that. Many other airlines are doing this, it is dishonest. But Thai and EVA seem to be above it. Given the sparsity of credible evidence, this is best lead I've found. Also November is 6 months after the flights stopped; this roundness of the lockdown duration is also in favour of reopening. We will know soon, one way or the other. Firm positive noises from the media should happen in the next 2~3 weeks, or Thai and EVA November flight tickets will stop being sold. I check every day.

    I just booked today for November to Tokyo , where my wife and 2 daughters are.

    This is the 5th time now that I have made this booking this year since the end of March and each time it has been cancelled and credit vouchers issued.

    Each time that I have rebooked , the flight cost has been more than the value of the credits , meaning that I have had to make up the shortfall.

    Ever 'ad the feeling you've been cheated - John Lydon


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    In other words, they have taken away the ability to catch the bus in Terminal 2 and passengers must now walk to Terminal 1, where large crowds will congregate as they will be waiting there from two terminals instead of just one. Brilliant.:cheesy:

    Blame Mr. Fg Off or should that be Mr Fg Up ????????????

  4. 17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So, basically anyone wishing to vacation in Thailand must be first be approved by a Royal Thai Embassy and have evidence of COVID-19 test proving they are COVID-free within 72 hours before departing. Alternatively, they must present a ‘Fit to Fly’ or other documents proving they are free of infection. Additionally the tourists must have health insurance coverage of US $100,000 in case they need to have medical treatment for whatever reason.

    With that being said they must also acknowledge that after arriving, they will remain at an ASQ hotel venue for 14 days, during which they will be tested two times during their stay at the hotel. The first test to be conducted sometime between the 3rd and 5th day of there lovely vacation, with the second test conducted between the 11th and 13th day of there by now wonderfully enjoyed quarantine, after which they can then be free to enjoy whatever remaining time they may have.


    However, if they test positive then there time now is spent at a glorious beach front hospital where there 100K US policy will pay for there remaining vacation time in a luxuriosly appointed hospital suite.


    No flickking way will anyone, except those expats who have family come and subject themselves to an out of pocket cost nearing the 300,00 baht range, before they can even began to enjoy there time here.  Plus jumping through the hoops just to get approved.  God forbid you take time off from work to go to through the initial testing but then to be denied or accepted at the discretion of the Royal Thai Embassy in your home country is Ludicrous.


    Additionally, what airlines are they going to be allowed to travel on or just specific chartered flights which will only fly on certain timeframes guaranteed by the Thai Government.  I personally do not know anyone who has all the free time in the world just to sit on there <deleted> and wait for a vacation that may or may not ever come.  Additionally, whose job will allow them to just take off whenever.


    This appears to be aimed at those with unlimited funds and High Flyers who will just unfortunately go elsewhere to avoid the three ring Thai circus that this is becoming.


    Ok Flame and Rant over.

    and that's not all folks!

    according to another poster on here who went through all these procedures recently ... no alcohol served for the duration of his quarantine at the ASQ .. sounds like the vacation from Hell!

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  5. 11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The wages are low enough already,now they want to bring zoro hour working to Thailand

    that will only benefit Tesco/Lotus now CP, as they will have workers at their beckon call,

    and have to pay no benefits at all,no holiday pay,no sick pay, etc etc. knowing how powerful

    CP are ,I can see them getting all they ask for.

    regards worgeordie

    I bet the management of Tesco-Lotus are really excited and eager to take up this golden opportunity of flexible employment themselves ......or perhaps not!

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, Paiman said:

    I guess everybody has his own sets of rules to make a decision. Not a sad way at all. Just different compared to yours.


    I assume any way living different compared to yours is sad way to live?


    I find it sad way to live being so intolerant.



    That would make a great T-shirt..


    I guess

    I assume

    I find


    Could also be a movie in there ...I'm thinking Jim Carey perhaps! ????????????????

  7. I fairly regularly buy and sell gold bars in Phuket. I always use the same gold shop. the spread between buy and sell is normally 100Baht per baht weight for gold bars , as displayed on there illuminated signs , that appears to be the case all over the Country. there were a few Weeks recently when that spread increased to 200Baht , On top of that there is a commission fee that the shop charges amounting to 50Baht per Baht weight , applied on BOTH buying and selling.

    For example , if the price on the screen on any given Day is 25,000/25,100.

    then to make 5 Baht purchase of gold bar , the price that would be paid would be (5 * 25,100) + (5 * 50) = 125,750

    if selling 5 baht , then you would receive (5 * 25,000) - (5 * 50) = 124,750


    Also worth noting that the shops commission is 100Baht per Baht weight on gold bars on Saturdays and Public Holidays.


    Making the overall spread 200Baht per Baht weight Monday to Friday.

    ............................................... 300Baht ............................. Saturdays and Public Holidays.

    • Like 1
  8. Just got back from the PEA offices.

    First went to the main branch in Phuket Town and was referred to a local branch in Chalong.

    To cut a long story short their answer was that foreigners cannot receive a refund of their electricity meter at present , as in order to apply , you need to fill out an online application which requires the applicant to provide a Thai ID number , does not accept foreigners passport details.

    They informed me that foreigners will be allowed to receive these refunds , but were not sure when , was told to come back in 2 Months time.

    Clear as mud.

    Lawyer appointment made for 2:00PM.

    Will update on progress later this afternoon.

    Was told that the amount that I should get back is 12,000Baht.

    • Thanks 1
  9. No, I am in Phuket , where I have found that all govt. offices are a nightmare to deal with if you are a foreigner. I went to the PEA office regarding this matter during the lockdown and they were unhelpful in the extreme. Will look into using either an agent or law firm to make the application on my behalf , if their  fees are reasonable.

  10. Hi jvs ,

    I am also looking at claiming the return of my meter deposit.

    My meter is the 15(45)Amp , 3 Phase.

    I am not sure how much money is involved as I have had this meter over 10 years now , but I found a table that shows that is either 6,000 baht or 16,000 baht.

    My question is :- what documents did you need to show at the PEA office , when you made your claim?


  11. Toyota Vios for me , basic model with manual transmission , cost at the time 490,000baht , bought mine 13 years ago new from main dealership , still going strong , have travelled all over Thailand in it , never broke down or failed to start , economical, comfortable on long drives ,  cheap for parts and repairs/servicing , will probably last longer than me. ????

    • Like 2
  12. Hi Peter Denis,

    I am not in any desperate need to take whatever I have in the pot and cash out , as over the last couple of months I have been slowly recuperating my losses by frequently switching between bitcoin and tether , at one point I was almost $1,000 down on my initial investment.

    if I get to a point where I am back to my original investment amount, I will almost certainly take that.


    Just checked back and my initial jump into this was 15th December 2017 , bitcoin price on that Day £13,716 , talk about bad timing ☹️☹️


    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, bander said:

    You click on the sell button and your bitcoin get converted to $US og what your platform uses.

    Next step is to transfer the amount back to the Bank AC your platform is linked to.

    Sounds like you have invested less than 1000 bath and don't bother getting it back.


    I invested £1,000 (~$US1,250) , currently valued at US$832.

    Undecided whether to just bite the bullet and take the loss or hang in there for a while longer in the hope that it goes up.


  14. Thinking of driving up to Bangkok early Monday morning and returning on Wednesday.

    Is this doable now or should I wait some more?

    I have been following the news with regard to the easing of restrictions , but find no mention of travel overland from Phuket mentioned.

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