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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. true expensive? They have non stop promotions. Right now they offer me the knowledge package + 80 extra channels for 100 or 299 per month(forgot exact ammount but its peanuts and 3 years contract), free installation and only 1k baht deposit for the satelite which you will own after the contract.

    you get almost everything except 1 movie channels that plays the same movies 24 hrs a day. Its cheaper than cable and you get more than cable with better quality

  2. soooo.. i finaly get to hear from one of those creeps who send messages on facebook to every single thai girl registred in hope of having a sex partner show them around when they come.

    facebook is for keeping up with friends, not finding a wife. She's a prostitute, simple as that.

    You could not find a proper wife in the USA, you wont find a proper one here. People with proper wifes in thailand, didnt come looking for a wife.

  3. Even if you send all drug dealers to devils island and cut out their tongues do you really think this will stop others taking their place??? This is a war that simply cannot be won, you just have to look at Americas futile attempts along with many other countries. I have no idea what the answer is to this horrible yabba and meth problem but i'm 100% sure this aint it!

    making life enjoyable for the poor as its done in nordic countries and to some extent canada.

  4. Pete are you talking about games never dried? For buying stuff they are extremely overpriced but if its only 1000baht for a flash back to default and then a real flash i think this is fine.

  5. yeah, im never going there, everytime is 200 to 500% above MSRP. Biggest crooks in the entire planet.

    Chuppa, that shop is it next to the hotel? and there's like 3 console shops just next to each other and they all seem to know each others?

    Which one of those 3 would it be? I think i just need to get my console open, find out my drive # and get it flashed back.. They should be able to do this if they have someone under 45 years of age working. The one i went to (first of the 3) when i bought my console only had a 70 year old clueless man

  6. no actually its one of their stupid copy'd recent games that has updates on them that fuc_ked it up.. was just testing out a children's copy'd game before wasting real $ on it

  7. Any gaming console shop in phuket who can mod/repair them themselves and will give me a new one if they screw it up? I have a moded console but it stopped working after a failed update and i cant fix it myself not knowing what kind of mod is in it and have no idea how to look for this.

    Need a good shop that can find it and fix it, if they just try to fix it right away without looking into it, they'll break it with no hope to ever fix it again and they would need to be responsible for this

  8. That godforsaken intersection with all the vans and camry cutting the 2 line queue and sometimes the third lane used for going straight that is also used as a cut queue, so dangerous for motorbikes.

    Last week i saw a policeman doing the lights, 9 vans cutting thhe queue almost killing motorbikes going straight, instead of leaving the light red as it was and going to give ticket to the van drivers, of course he only changed the lights to green, it could never happen to his own kid.

  9. thats mostly because of the price. C section with private room is 30k~ and natural birth is 15k~

    Even poor thais will save a ton not to end up at vachira for birthgiving. Lots of them will even go to a loanshark.

  10. During my many years in Thailand I have never been fooled by a transgender person or an effeminate gay male dressed in female attire as yet. I’ve always been able to tell at a first glance.

    I think the guys who have alleged to have been hoodwinked into taking one back to their rooms believing they were bona fide females, was either drunk or actually have a thing for katoeys but did not want to admit it to they’re mates.

    I can understand the guys that are genuinely gay and prefer the company of their own kind, but cannot see the attraction of a man dressed as a woman when there is a plentiful supply of the real thing.

    So for you guys that consider katoeys are desirable and attractive, I ask; what’s the attraction? Because it`s something that I’ve never been able to comprehend.



    99,99% of farang in thailand are with ugly girls compared to the average kathoey. The rich, the poor, the teachers, the hiso etc etc. Always a 3/10 to 7.5/10

    A good looking ladyboy is easly a 10/10 with all the time they spend on themselves+surgical enhacement. Theres a reason why a lot of ads of hot girls are in fact ladyboys.

    Also a good looking ladyboy is very similar looking to a beautiful tall latina woman.

    People hating on ladyboys are usualy homosexuals themselves thinking that finding ladyboys attractive will out them when actually gay men hate ladyboys. And a lot of ladyboys have no cocks so the penis excuse goes out the window.

    Also whats wrong with a penis? you have one and you like it. The problem with other men is the way they smell, look, dont shave and the shape of their body. Most people dont spend an hour looking at a vagina. infact the average male thinks a vagina is MEH just as a penis. What they care is putting it in and an ass is tighter than a vagina and warmer, so nobody minds.

    I personally never had a ladyboy and am married but i definately wouldnt mind if i wasnt married, as long as i am attracted, same as with a girl.

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