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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Rats in the rice fields are very rare these days, due to severe hunting, so most rats for eating are definitely not from the rice fields, but caught in the cities, where there are still plenty to catch in the underground. And who will notice the difference?

    true or not, thats why i always make sure my meat comes from a large international company as CP

    Its thailand and people are crooks, have to be carefull.

  2. let me fix your note to self:

    In thailand always diagnose yourself on google before going to the hospital. Then tell them exactly what you want and as soon as they ask a question, switch hospital.

    Asian doctors are amazing surgeons. But anything requiring any thought, they are no better than an american janitor. I am talking about 'world class' specialist at private hospitals.

  3. Too many of the replies always focus on the negative side. Kata beach is a very good location! No more sexy than copacabana. I recommend the Kata Beach Resort right on the beachfront and close to shopping area. Nobody actually mentioned the Dino park which I believe is great to do with children. It's a mini golf center decorated in a jurassic era with dinos all around. It's between Kata and Karon. My son loves it.

    Dino park is priced as much as a regular golf course in florida.

    Dont understand why people give them business. Crooks.

  4. Always find it funny when people brag about eating super spicy

    Youre dumb

    you are ruining your tongue just as smokers are

    the more you get used to it, the more you need and the less you actually enjoy the food (those who can eat sumtams with 11 chilies, drop all spicy food for 1 year, only potatoes and meat then eat thai food again with 1 chili ater that year, the food will taste a millions times better than it did before)

    you look like annoying idiots when you sweat and sniff even though it doesnt hurt you that much

    And it's probably not that great for your ass tissues, but thats just speculation hah

  5. Quatar airways have a 1 stop flight itnerary. Most confortable plane going from canada. If you find one of their promotions it can be as cheap as 1100$ return.

    otherwise ---> chinatown get the 850$ tickets in cheaper airlines

  6. None are great but there is 2 that are acceptable(meaning better than italian pizza) If i remember right one of them is either on chef XP or foodbyphone.

  7. ian, these people do not know what love is, they never fall in love. To be in love you have to be sober first. Most englishmen are not sober a single hour in their life past their 15th birthday, at least most of those who moved to thailand.

  8. IF you know the area next to the new condos behind the stadium (close to central/tesco) people are going like massive maniacs in the mini curve where the road is too narrow even with the MASSIVE speedbumps.. then u get down on the road to bangkok hospital and theres so many massive potholes and speedbumps, people drive at 5km/h when the road is safe/large enough to go faster

  9. Dlock. Some people's life revolves ONLY around sex. Unfortunately as you travel asia and meet lower tier of the human spectrum you realize that there is a lot more of these people than you'd think back home(they are busy hiding in saunas and other nasty places when they are not working at minimum wage)

    It is not only the 50+ guys that are like this, a lot of 20-50 years old white guys are getting run over by the ugliest of the ugliest bargirls. Even the good looking guys. All they see is sex and they are blinded by it. All you can do is wonder what they did in previous lvies to be like this and feel sorry for them. Even if they were not getting taken by a thai woman they'd find a way to ruin their own lives just because of their little brain being unable to control their sexual desire and being happy without getting drunk and fking 2-3 times a day.

    Some of these guys will be fine in their home country but after even just 12hrs in thailand they become people you wont ever associate with, they cant be saved from themselves

  10. Hell yes, only days of the year where i can legally stand in front of a busy street and try to make motorbike drivers using their phones or not wearing elmets fall with strong water in the eyes.

    During those days i am teaching thais how to be good responsible human beings, its fun.

    dont worry its a slow street, nothing more than broken cellphones and small bruises when they fall

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