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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Take a look at some of the men who frequent girlie bars they would be more likely to win the lottery in there home country than have any women interested in them

    This old chestnut that is trotted out time and time again.

    Okay......let's say that it is true. That SOME men couldn't get a girl from their home country. Maybe they are old, maybe they're no oil painting. No fault of theirs.

    Society would just love them to disappear into a sexless, loveless existence and not complain.

    Many of these men are divorced, so, they have attracted women in their countries at one time.

    Everyone has the right to pursue happiness and if that road leads to girly bars, so be it.

    Seems to me that you don't have to be a frequenter of girly-bars to warrant your description.

    Aren't you married to a Thai with a large age difference that you met when you were old?

    Maybe those that live in glass houses, even if they don't acknowledge it, shouldn't throw stones?

    very true.

    Except the guys who come here dont pursue hapiness. They let themselves go phisically and mentally and then they pay somoene to get 'hapiness' without thinking about her own hapiness.

    Theres a big difference with a old looser with a singha shirt and buddah amulet and a fit 70 year old guy who's into sports/walks/art or whatever else that keeps a person interesting and alive.

    The later are very rare around here and they usualy dont get scammed because they have enough english skills to find a woman of their status/mental level. Those like that who come here are usualy just coming here because the field of attractive young western women interetsed in a GOOD older guy is much much tinner than in asia. Also there's a lot more women in asia than in the west and most importantly in asia younger women can be interested in older worthwhile guys even if they are richer than him.

  2. You don't have a clue. You are in Thailand where most people speak Thai and not English. The change to find a decent

    girl are far greater if you speak Thai and not when you only speak English

    it is not. Most girls that are worth it are fluent in english. Just like back home if a girl isnt fluent in english i probably would find her to be worthless to my needs. Its 2012 and not speaking english speaks tons about your character and not in a good way.

    For bargirls/buddah amulet talk please go back to pattaya forums dot com

  3. That would be only 8.5million people, just a small village. Also the governement does not require each of its service to be offered in perfect french and there isnt a full province where almost everyone speaks fluently.

    just fyi. 39% of canadians are fluent or close to in french and im unsure of the % of people who understand to a decent level but cant speak it.

    Again old farts going off the rail as usual when someone makes sense for once. If your english levels are comparable to a bargirl, you'll never have a meaningfull relationship with a decent person. You are only going to get scammed. Even those living with girls they cant communate but dont lose their house are scammed. Theyre scammed into thinking that their non-speaking wife loves them.

  4. this is all speculative BS.

    Your basis this on a bargirl with no education

    An educated thai (not from a small university, im talking about a real educated thai just like us) who had a normal family growing up can easily adapt to learning a new language(and even then every first world countries have a lot of people who only speak english in them), are easily able to learn how to drive correctly as they are not from the uneducated and uncaring part of the thai society.

    Also really stupid to assume that everyone hates cold weather. Winter is an amazing season if you're not a little febile little girl. Snow means fun with kids, skiing or snowboarding, ice skating and many other great sports with beautiful scenery.

    My woman does not speak my language and when we moved to my country she didnt mind, she could still speak english with most people while learning the new language, she could actually go on the roads without a 30% chance of dying that day, she could eat better quality food at lower prices and shopping was a lot more fun. Also fun to know that for the price of a shitty trip in thailand to an island and small ugly resort she can take the plane and goto a 4-5star all included for a full week in a neighboring country(all included in thailand are 3 to 7x the price). I could og on and on. IF there is a problem of adaptation, you either took someone that only wanted security and money or you're with someone that would fail completely in a western elementary school because everything in thailand is available in your own country. Hell i had a small vietnamese shop 5mins from my house with every single thai product i could want.. most of them priced CHEAPER than in thailand.

    Your post reminds me of the thai forum for my country. Most of the woman are miserable and lying about the difficulty of entering the country and to adapt to the live there. Then a few of them are very positive. The positive ones are proper educated women who had good careers in thailand. Of course most of the whining women were ladies of the night.

  5. What about the Expat who parked his car on the street in Chalong only to have a drunk female crash into it at 4am while he was in bed sleeping?

    He ended up in court and even jailed.

    If he had been Thai, it would have been a non issue.

    As a westerner, we are considered atms to some, including police and they will implicate you if they think they can get a drink out of it.

    I remember that issue. Weren't the charges brought about due to the fact that he was parked illegally ? (regardless of the fact that he'd been parking in the same spot on the side of the road for 2 years).

    IMO: In this case the law is a complete ass.

    Still, that wouldn't stop me from providing what assistance I can if I am the first to arrive on any scene.

    Even by parking my car in the middle of the road to prevent the injured party from further injury has risks. In this case its quite likely some idiot will drive straight into our car and we've added the the injury... Perhaps the best case is to post someone further down the road to slow down other traffic...

    Lots can be done, but we always place ourselves at some form of risk, i.e. transmission of blood borne decease etc... IMO none of these are good enough excuses not to stop if we are some of the first on the scene.

    ahem isnt that what just happened this week at victory monument?

  6. only english classes i have had were in highschool and how many people are proheficiant to my level in a language that they've only had in highschool? Every american ive met whos had spanish or french knows barely 3words and 5 popular catch phrases.

    cant really compare me with a old geiser spending money left and right on a party girl with whom he could not even discuss something as simple as passing the milk at the table since his weak vocabulary would confuse her into getting more milk at 7/11. Hence my previous post.

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