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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Went to Central yestrday and again today. New parking policies in place and the car park was half empty. Excellent.

    But where have all the other cars gone?

    they are parking a tesco before taking a shuttle/bike to work

    Tesco even more full than before.. go there before it opens and its already half full

  2. That's one of the few things that really gets under my skin. I'm up in Issan, goto the night market, and see a bunch of mormons wandering around offering "free English lessons". Ughh... in my mind, that's the height of arrogance. You're a guest in a foreign country that's like 99.5% Buddhist, and you proceed to wander around basically telling everyone their beliefs aren't right, so they should listen to you, because your beliefs are the way to go.

    I have a difficult time thinking of something more arrogant and pompous than that.

    well they are right, buddhism isnt a religion. Buddah wasnt a prophet, he was en enlightened man who taught people how to live their live and ascend to a better understanding.

    Yet 0% of thailand understands this.

    Theyd be better of believing in a religion that tells you to love thy neighbor instead of give food to stupid spirits and win lotto. or Drive like a maniac with eyes closed, small rope under wheel will save thy self.

    • Like 1
  3. kbb thats not true, most are hidden.

    This week ive seen 4 dead/severly injured motorbike vs car accident

    none reported in thai newspaper/english newspaper

    in fact 2 days ago was just in front of my house next to a massive speedbump. guy for sure lost a leg if not worse

    there are two sets of stats on road casualties

    Vachira Morge


    they are very similar

    agree most are not in media, but according to above stats, road casualties are 1/3 of what they where 10 years ago

    maybe doctors are getting better at saving people and leaving them cripples eh

  4. A tragic loss of life.

    FYI. I live in a small village on the coast south of Pattaya, every day seafood truck drivers drive like absolute maniacks down our small soy on thair way to supply the several seafood restaurants near the beach. The soy is also near to several schools so quite a lot of kids walking and playing in the soy, this does not however slow the trucks as they drive "flat-out" to deliver the produce.

    I have also encountered these maniac fish truck drivers on the sukhumvit road in the area when driving to work.

    The police of course are useless regarding this subject and it would no doubt bring me much greif and would end up being a target if I were to report them.

    my moobaan only has 4 streets and a mom who lives in the back drivers her fortuner at over 85kph on the small lane that turns around the park (dead angle) and swerves in it, every single day at least 4-5times. On top of that that lane only has space for 1 and a half car, so if a car is coming the other way, frontal colision.

    she's almost hit other kids a few times, dont think she'll stop.. its not a thai truck driver mentality, its a thai mentallity.

  5. I have a small room 3meters by 1.5meter and i would like to put an A.C there. It's so small and rarely used i dont want to waste any money on it so i would like to know if they are any shops selling second hands? I dont mind if it smells like rotten eggs as long as its 5k/baht or less cool.png

  6. k brochure in front of me, doesnt exist in english.

    199baht per month, 400baht fee for install+dish + 200baht free per month for your true simcard

    You get knowledge + 47 + 12 channels. includes movie hits, true sports, all true explore, true sports 2 Fox, speed. t sports, football siam tv, special movies, true film asia, spiecial sport, special series, toon and much more

    then theres other plans l;ike Cband thai crap for 230 channels where u pay from 180 per month to 600 depending on what you want.

  7. best place to hide your stuff in thailand? under the bed. Have you ever seen an asian hotel (4 star and under, maybe even 5 star?) clean under the bed? NEVER EVER EVER.

    Was in a big classy hotel in kualalumpur a couple months ago and under the bed looked the same as the 2star hotel i had previously stayed at. And that hotel serves 850 baht spaghetti.

    Nothing safer than under the bed on the 55th's floor.

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