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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. That's not gonna last long on youtube. Too bad the dude didn't use a better camera, the resolution is really low

    actually youtube is clueless when it comes to thai content.

    The 14 year old girls who got naked at songkran last year is STILL up and its still the original uploader. Lots of views of 14year old titties.

    Even facebook, my friend has tons of pictures of him with ladyboy boobs, its not going anywhere

    you tube has shut it down AS EXPECTED...

    Only happens when its posted on a site read by a few prudes like here who click report.

    Lots of anti prostitution groups (or stay at home christians mom's from ohio) read these thai forums just in hope of finding information about a sex tourist to out them to the police(no joke, theres a ton of them)

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  2. That's not gonna last long on youtube. Too bad the dude didn't use a better camera, the resolution is really low

    actually youtube is clueless when it comes to thai content.

    The 14 year old girls who got naked at songkran last year is STILL up and its still the original uploader. Lots of views of 14year old titties.

    Even facebook, my friend has tons of pictures of him with ladyboy boobs, its not going anywhere

  3. I feel sorry for him, there are a lot of people who prefer younger partners, I am sure its genetic just as it is for others such as gay, straight or whatever etc... He is being tried for something he has no control over. I would like to know why there is so much hatred in peoples posts, I notice quite a lot of over reactions.

    Hmm many men have a high libido, live in thailand and are faithfull to a woman who isnt from a bar.

    Yet they keep fantasizing about going out and banging 10 prime escorts at the same time.

    But they dont. They'll watch gangbang porn.

    Nobody forced t he pedo to act on his sexual preference.

    Just as many closet gays will stay with their wives forever and never experiment gay sex, just like some fetish crazy loonies into getting shit on the face will keep this fantasy for the porn world.

  4. if i recall right, a few years ago in time magazine they stated over the course of 6pages that thought they had found proof that thais had their own "missing link" So we have the neandertals, the homo and the thais.

    Would make sense. Thais are completely different from most 3rd worlders and their physical attributes are quite different from any other.

  5. I recently did all the phuket town sea food places including PakNam and Laem Him.

    Cant stress enough how Thalaythong is 75% cheaper on a lot of plates and they taste even better. Also NEVER any mai mi.

    Laem Him is getting sadder by the year, they cant even make squid with cury anymore. The cury is a tasteless liquid with no eggs and overcooked squid. They even went as far as putting their Raw oysters at 50baht(maiiii me) when thalay is 40baht, always available. just fyi, farmers sell their oysters for 7-15baht a pop to restaurants.

  6. thais on motorbike are a lot more dangerous than black fortuners.

    Yes the bike won't kill you but they still drive way more dangerously. You may see 2-3 crazy moves per day from a fortuner but how many times per minute do you see a thai on his bike going too slow, passing you by the left at around 1.2km/h faster than you're going (to avoid other bikes blocking your way) when there is a bunch of bikes/cars parked on the left that will make him turn sharply on your front-end if you don't hit the breaks? he'll never look in his miror and stop to let you go. How many times per minutes do you see a motorbike zigzagging in traffic at 10km/h than pulling left, you go on and pass him he decides to turn right again and brake hard then put his flasher without even knowing you almost killed him?

    the first example can be applied to those who drive super slowly on the left, they always turn back into the middle to avoid parked cars without regards to oncoming traffic, then you hit the ABS hard and they still have no clue.

    Also bikes when turning sharply will go from the far left to the far right, taking up the whole road, dangerous as hell.

    million more things. My favorite is when they decide to pass an other motorbike because they are going a whole 2km/h slower than them instead of adjusting. takes about 10km before they finaly pass them thus taking the whole road or while they pass them they decide to take a call and slow down at the adjusted 2km slower speed and zigzag into oncoming traffic.

  7. 5 cars crashing into each other and setting off a massive explosition is hardly enough of a problem to get the patrol police out of bed, of course a Foralangorilang(trying to please all the shady people with shady wives who taught them how to shadily pronounce thai words) turning out of a soi with his eyes closed thai style is no concern.

  8. id rathjer have all the bad drivers in the world than all the farangs writing falang/forang/farong on thaivisa.. at least the first have a chance to have a proper wife

    You forgot "farlabg.." lol


    i picture them looking like this:


  9. people are terrible at driving, having this in third world countries would be amazing. Thais already hate driving(no manuals) so this would be very welcome. Forced to follow speed limits and safe driving while they drink their chang at the wheel. The maniacs on manual mode wouldnt kill anyone has the cars would all be able to avoid danger unlike thais who are to busy picking their nose or talking on the phone to notice they are actually driving.

    it wont stop people who love driving from driving.

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