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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. an other reason why so many get scammed is all the old timer with bargirls defending their new peers.

    Theres a difference with someone who makes a few grammar mistake on the internet while typing his second language and someone who'S 40 or older and has worse than a bargirl english knowledge and hopes realisticaly to have a working relationship with a proper woman when all they can talk about is if they want spicy food and more vodka.

    If you had not all been busy being behind the monitor white knights my post would of been usefull to people with no english skills browsing googlee about finding a wife in thailand

  2. So, I take it that you can speak and write in Thai. Is that correct?

    im not with a lady of the night and we do not live permanantly in thailand. She infact is going to learn her 5th language next month.

    so learning thai is down the list with befriending jetski people and building an underground railroad for thaksin

  3. It happens everyday.

    Stay away from bar girls and you'll be fine.

    I suspect this thread will blow up like the world trade.

    The way he writes, i thought he was the bargirl and got scammed by a mean farang lady

    not everyone can write good English sorry for that

    how are you suposed to form a relationship with someone who isnt trying to scam you if you cant speak a word of the common language?

    Every single male with sub monkey level english skills i have seen or heard of were all idiots coming here with 20years of money saved because they have never had any girlfriend or friends and are just coming here to get drunk, father children and party some more. Even those that consider themselves 'good guys' become total lunatics only interested in partying.

    These guys have it coming to them. I feel worse for the shady woman who has to put up with them. Even with such horrible grasp of the language these guys manage to be the well beyond thaisoap annoying. I usualy consider the bad woman's newly found treasure as fair in those cases. She has to put up with an annoying virgin drunktard partying and preaching child for a few months/years, she entitlted to make some good money out of it.

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  4. It happens everyday.

    Stay away from bar girls and you'll be fine.

    I suspect this thread will blow up like the world trade.

    The way he writes, i thought he was the bargirl and got scammed by a mean farang lady

  5. any picture of the pickup? The accidents happened about 3mins before i got there and i had to wait forever to move away from victory monument..

    before i got there a pickup truck seemly drunk and crazed almost crashed into me and at least 7 other cars while trying to pass through traffic from left and right.. had a feeling it might be him

  6. sad but from pictures there is a 0% chance the girl wasnt speeding and cutting cars by crossing over in the heavy oncoming traffic as they always do. Drive there everyday and the students are a million time worse than the average thai.. they're too busy taking off their helmet while speeding and holding a cellphone after every light to know if they are vehicules coming to squash them

  7. moobaans never come with anything. Just basic house finition and usualy bathrooms are done to a basic level. Only condos are furnished. thats why most houses for rent look like shitholes unless they are priced at 100k+. Thais have to furnish it themselves and they usualy just put some random crap from tesco/makro

    The company you're looking at is well established, full of money and completes many housing projects every year. They've just finished a project 200meters from here." American cottages"

  8. you obviously cant afford a good razor or a good mattress. I am willing to bet all my networth that my back is the worst on this forum even compared to people 50 years older than me and my mattress makes a big difference, i have had 2 5000baht mattress, 1 for 45 000 and one for 55 000. Also had cheap mattresses in hotels and awesome ones in expensive hotels and my back always feels better on a 35 000baht+. I also have a really thick beard where any electric razor even worth 10 000baht wont cut correctly. The 3 blade razor are as close as i can get to a decent shave without learning the pro barber's techniques with expensive equipement

  9. very sad that is why i always recommand people to move their motorbikes in the middle of t he lane when someone is in a hurry behind you or you'll get hit from the side once they decide to crunch past you. I forgot to do this yesterday and a speeding construction truck almost hit my side mirror on a small street just to go on and stop behind cars 7meters ahead. If you block the whole lane with your motorbike they have to kill people in the oncoming lane instead of you.

  10. "western world" not really. in canada people stop all the time since no 1 is at fault by default.

    let's not assume that the uk and the states are the "western world" those 2 countries are at the bottom of the gene pool as soon as you exit london or the north/major cities in the states

  11. its usualy during this time that post office workers and neighbors steal letters and packages.. I know for a fact since 2 xmas ago someone stole all the xmas stuff and dumped it into my mailbox when i was in a condo, thinking no 1 was renting this unit by mistake..

    took all the stuff thinking it was mine and left the province before opening.. Made good money and received some nice expensives clothes and got myself some dam_n ugly kiddy artwork by the dozen.. sad for those people i would of returned all of it but im not driving 12hrs for this

  12. only buy from the major developping companies that are full of $ or that have a decent part of the estate finished(usualy the poorer houses first)

    The few top companies that keep opening projects left and right all over the country are 100% safe, if they cant sell they'll just finish your house and leave the others half-done untill someone pays.

    Been living in mine for 5months and had no neighbor for 2months.. now i have 6.

  13. my old honda was still smooth as a baby's ass after more than a year so ya chevy is cutting corners on their paint jobs.

    and thanks for the picture MRO now ill know what to get :)

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