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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Sukhumvit in BKK, between MBK and Emporium...
  2. Would you chase a nutter with a knife? And just as importantly, do you think you'd catch them before she was fatally stabbed? She was running away with him chasing her. I doubt most of us could have even kept up.
  3. It's all Kabuki Theater with no upside for Thailand to vote, either way. They did the smart thing.
  4. They may not get you home free of charge, but get you back on an airplane they will, regardless of your ability or willingness to pay. It's then up to them to get the money from you. Many years ago, I was denied boarding in Chicago (to China) because of a change in visa rules. I had a very polite and extensive conversation with the gate agent supervisor who explained to me that not only was the airline responsible for repatriating you, they could be subject to fines in the neighborhood of tens of thousands of $USD. I appreciate the OP's heads-up that some existing rules were enforced in his recent case. It may not be definitive, and YMMV, but it's an excellent data point.
  5. AA is chock full of atheists and agnostics. Many of whom are very successful.
  6. A lot of them are waiting for the next 10,000 page dump of the Pfizer documents, which seem to be painting a much different picture than the one we've been spoon fed. For example, that natural immunity is as good or better than the jabs. Meaning that 80.2 million Americans don't need the jab because they've recovered and have immunity. They're not right wingers. They're following the science. Instead of the narrative.
  7. Can you explain what you mean by that? Also may be helpful for a look into the future, whether marriage to your partner is in your plans?
  8. Taking a survey and taking a jab are 2 different things. On April 6, the vaccination rate was 72.1% On March 6, it was 71.3%. That's 0.8% for the month. At that rate, it will take another 16 months to get to 85% fully vaccinated, but even that rate is decreasing. It'll asymptotically approach some number and it'll be less than 85% fully vaccinated. They can't wait another 16 months to open up to tourism.
  9. Thailand will never get to 85% at the current trajectory. In that respect, it's a lot more similar to the USA than Aus. Edit: And I'd add that the USA and Thailand are similar to each other, and very different than Aus when it comes to strong arming compliance. I still contend that 30% won't take the jab voluntarily. They will if they're forced...
  10. Whether it's 280 a day for a month or 100 a day for 6 months, it's gonna happen and destroying the economy isn't gonna help the total numbers now that pretty much everyone who wants the vaccine has access to it. The hospitals aren't at their limits. Flattening the curve is just dragging it out.
  11. Help me out here. What part of England does that accent come from?
  12. Wonder how this thread would be different if he stole vodka?
  13. To put that into context, he left Fox right about the time smartphones became a thing... That's like a lifetime ago.
  14. If you're in the BKK area, I'd suggest heading over to Pilot 111 to see their operation. Very nice people and excellent barramundi and snakehead fishing. They sure go through a lot of tilapia feeding them... Another great resource for fishing in Thailand is: http://www.john-tom.com/FishingInThailand/FlyFishingThailand.html Bangkok-Hooker-Fishing website seems to have gone missing, but it was a good resource, too.
  15. Step 1: Install CCTV to catch the buggers who will inevitably show up to net all your fish. Make sure they're infrared capable in case they show up at night. Sounds like fun, but even here in the US, fish theft by seine net is a big problem if the pond isn't watched 24/7.
  16. If drinking is causing problems in your life, you have a drinking problem. If you want to stop (and be happy about stopping), there's a seat for you. It's free... https://www.aathailand.org/
  17. One more case where legalized weed may have saved 3 lives. He'd have been too busy laughing and looking for a snack.
  18. We've all been in shops like that in Thailand... Where it's not really a shop as much as someone's living room open to the street, and it's never closed. It's impossible to stay awake 24/7, and hard to hire help if you're only making a few hundred baht a day.
  19. A spokesman for the consulate-general told the Malay daily the Malaysians had to apply for emergency travel documents through the Thai government to return home. “They also have to pay a fine of 20,000 Thai baht (RM2,600) to the immigration department before being allowed to leave the country,” it quoted the spokesman as saying. Rahman said the stranded Malaysians were expected to pay a fine of between 20,000 and 40,000 baht if they wished to leave the country. They would also be blacklisted and denied entry to Thailand for three to five years, he said. If they leave without an exit stamp, I doubt they'd be allowed back for many years, or at least until they get a new identity and passport. Some of them count on traveling to Thailand to make a living.
  20. They couldn't care less about Songkran. They just don't want to kick off protest season. Keep 'em in fear...
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