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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Yeah, mines different too! I didn't have one. But yes, I'd theorize that Thai women making well over a thousand USD a month (some of them way over) are different from a country girl whose best prospect back home is hoeing rice for 300 baht on a good day.
  2. I think you're being a little harsh there, underestimating the "long game" skills of Thai women. I've even seen YouTubes of Isaan women who get paid to train girls for a life of sucking money out of foreign men. (If the translations were accurate, or they may have been showing how to cook western food). The gist of the ones I've seen is to focus on the end goal, even if it takes years of faking it to get there. One of my favorite mantras is The best paying, most secure job available to many Thai women is "mother of some foreigner's kid" Other than the old snip-snip (or total abstinence), there's no way to prevent a determined woman from getting pregnant, on either side of the pond. I've actually broken it off with western women when I feared they wanted to be married so bad that I had to inspect my condoms for pinholes. So I have a lot of compassion for the 60+ year old guys I see wheeling their toddlers around BKK in strollers. I knew several of them. And though they loved their kids, having them wasn't in their retirement plans. BTW, I'm absolutely not painting all Thai women with that brush. Most of the women I worked with in Thailand were great. But they were professionals with good jobs.
  3. I'm one of them. A couple of days after my 2nd Pfizer, the left side of my face went numb, my balance went wonky (couldn't climb a ladder) and my energy level went into the toilet. Presented the symptoms at the time (during the rush to get everyone jabbed) and the doc said he didn't know what caused it, but it definitely wasn't the jab. 2 years later, the doctors admitted mine is a pretty common side effect. Studies say about 1.4% of vaccine recipients. I'd gladly go back if I could. And still, I'm not anti-vax. Just anti-mandate. You guys do what you want. But they'll have to hold a gun to my head if they want me to take another.
  4. True, but they don't need to be switched on until they encounter some criteria. Like a 50G crash. There doesn't have to be 2 way communication or handshakes, or any other signal. Just a GPS and a transmitter that says "I've experienced a crash and here's my location". Once it's hit the ground, I don't think anyone cares about its stealthiness. That's easy, even for first year electronics students.
  5. I think the NRA and GOP both see this as a diversion, the only charge that Hunter faces that can't be tracked back to the President. (Unless they start charging him for smoking crack while shipping hookers all over the country, which probably can't be traced back to Joe, either). And I don't remember ever, the NRA or GOP supporting guns in the hands of crack addicts. But I stand to be corrected. Most of us don't give a rat about these charges. But he did lie on an affidavit that specifically says (right on the page- I read it each time when I signed mine) that lying can end you up in jail. Even if you don't lose your gun in a trash can somewhere in public.
  6. Shouldn't his >6 million followers be the ones to decide whether to disown him, as opposed to a couple of lefties at YouTube?
  7. How tough would it be to design a tracker that only activates when it encounters, say 50G's? The answer, of course, is that they're already commercially available and cheap as chips.
  8. More importantly, why didn't his accuser(s) report him 10, 15 or 20 years ago when it happened?
  9. Yeah, but there's more likely to be defamation charges and threats of jail time, than an actual cleanup.
  10. October will tell the story. National Holiday along with Moon Cake Festival means extended time off for a lot of Chinese. Taking stats to date is like looking at Christmas shopping numbers, before Thanksgiving.
  11. Repeating an earlier post, the last few times I've flown into BKK from China this year (6 times so far), the queue at arrivals immigration has been minimal. Often no queue at all, and never more than 5-10 minutes. Too fast, really because then I'm waiting on my luggage for a long time. Hint for the departure immigration, which is quite a different story: When you're in the snaky line, watch to see which officers are fast and which are sloooooow. Looks like they're doing training on the departure side and some of the officers are calling for assistance on just about every passenger, while others are just stamping people out, bam, bam, bam. Choose the wrong queue to get in, and you may be waiting in that line for a long time, like I did yesterday. Live and learn.
  12. Most of them. 'Cept maybe Top Gun and Addicted to Love.
  13. I recall a woman from my 30's. We dated for a few months, when out of the blue she demanded a ring or she was leaving. When I declined her kind ultimatum, she was so angry that I'm sure I'd be in rape court if that happened during Me Too.
  14. I'm the same way. I can't even get through the intro to any of his videos. But I'm thinking of a few drunken (and extremely consensual) trysts back in my drinking days and wondering what would happen if I got rich, famous or controversial. Could one of them from 40 years ago put me out of business and even have me locked up just by being more convincing in front of a jury? Or worse, put me out of business before the evidence is even heard...
  15. It was. And I applauded it. Then it got hijacked.
  16. Dang man. That sounds like a Meg Ryan movie...
  17. There's a reason the Me Too movement faded into obscurity. I suspect it's because for every Harvey Weinstein, there were 10 Joe Lunchpails (and Johnny Depps) caught up when vindictive women figured out an easy way to get back for some past slight, knowing they'd be 100% believed.
  18. He has allegedly transgressed the terms of service. So YouTube went onto the punishment phase without benefit of due process. They can do that. They're a private company. But they better be ready for the lawsuit if the allegations go the same way that Depp's did.
  19. Got to catch up on some wingnut conspiracy reading during a long layover yesterday. I'd downloaded (for a later read) a 2005 report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Which didn't happen anything like Johnson and McNamara claimed, and later lied about. Repeatedly. So I don't need a crystal ball to see that wingnut conspiracy theories often turn into spoiler alerts when the documents get declassified. The wingnut peaceniks claiming Gulf of Tonkin was contrived were proven right. But only after losing 58,000 American lives and millions of innocent Vietnamese...
  20. Sadly, I just landed back where YouTube is blocked so I can't see which 3 hours you watched. As indicated, I have to take Pearl and the others in very limited doses. They can be brutal.
  21. Wow. I don't know about you, but I'm in Thailand for a week on a visa run from China. I've liked the place since I worked here for 6 years. Never once paid to get laid, nor did I even chase Thai skirts while I was working here. I'm sensing a little projection through accusation...
  22. I believe the doctors have a fiduciary responsibility to advocate for their patients. Full stop. I don't believe the PoPo have to follow the doctors' recommendation.
  23. Do you honestly believe that doctors are the ones deciding whether he stays in the hospital or not?
  24. That's not a single study. It's a meta study where they looked at the results of many studies (at least 99 different ones according to the table), covering at least 137,000 patients. You're confusing discredited with squelched. Which is what this whole thread is about...
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