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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Meanwhile, in our village as the sun goes down the 14 year olds, (and younger), ride around on the motorbikes stoned out of their gourd on Yabba while the adults sit around downing lao kao until the early hours. Then in the mornings you see the motorbikes with no number plates delivering the next night's lot of drugs. The police......hmmmm.........dishing out the drugs to the motorcyclists with no number plates..
  2. No, just the guy on the right, the other four are all heads of departments in uniforms that do not need any form of corruption training, especially the keeping it secret lessons.
  3. That is not a transgender woman, it is a man most likely dressed in women's clothes. Todays society has gone bonkers with the political correct agenda. In future I think I would like to identify as a lemon popsicle, or maybe a burrito......
  4. Never mind, I have a lovely beach front property in Andorra going for a bargain......
  5. The People did decide, but sadly, as you point out, the money talks. I would not wish the xenophobic racist A nut in as P.M. either.
  6. I used to arrive regularly from Saudi on December 5th. The Late King's Birthday. Alcohol ban in place. No bars open near Nana. however, walk around the corner to the Tops Supermarket, and buy as much as I wanted. Back to the hotel room and watch a few movies.
  7. LOL.....And maybe left with a little something extra that itches.....
  8. They will first form a committee to establish the operating procedures of the committee.
  9. As bad as watching a movie on Saudi Air in the 90's. By the time it was all censored the whole movie was about 20 minutes long.
  10. It is here, only it is all kept quiet.
  11. I gave up looking for insurance cover years ago. At my age, and with some medical pre- existing conditions the premiums were ridiculous. Also, after some investigating I discovered they could get out of paying for most medical scenarios by quoting "pre-existing condition". I decided to self insure, and found a good Hospital in Surin that treats a lot of Cambodians, so is reasonably priced, and with good service. Good luck on finding a solution.
  12. Thai actress........must be a sooperstar................The ability to stare off into the distance, cry on cue, and scream uncontrollably, and have a stage Mother with hair styled on Marge Simpson.
  13. I personally know at least three people in Hua Hin that paid that amount of cash to make the charge go away. I also know at least three policemen who regularly ride their bikes while being incapable of walking a straight line. The only time people did not get away with it was when they brought the Royal police in from Bangkok to man checkpoints over Songkran before Covidiocy. That weekend there were a considerable number of people appearing in court, fined 6,000 Baht, and ordered to do community service.
  14. Still no change, is there any way to delete the piling pages of notifications?
  15. One for you, two for me, two for you, three for me, three for you, four for me.........
  16. As usual, these are only the numbers for people who die at the scene, a nice little caveat to lessen the bad image a bit. I wonder what the full total including those that die later, and maimed for life would be. Also, as others have pointed out, these figures are NORMAL for any day in the year, another meaningless headline to distract from the shameful truth.
  17. Thanks Dave, My Son has a pick up and a bike. He uses the bike around town only, but I do fear for his safety. As I keep telling him, watch out for the idiots on the road.....every single person riding or driving is an idiot. I cannot begin to imagine the torment of a Parent losing a Child, but I also cannot get my head around the blasé respect for life here.
  18. Why is there a limit on under 20's blood alcohol..............it is illegal to consume any alcohol under 20 years old here.....
  19. Exactly the same happened to me in Hua Hin. Stopped after a pool match where I had two beers, no problem, only whiskey is bad.
  20. Christmas day my Son's friend died in an accident in Hua Hin, 9 in the morning. A 50 year old woman pulled straight out in front of him, he hit her, fell off the bike, and a speeding pick up ran over him. His Father is a Brit, Mother Thai. He was 19 years old. Already the police have stated that if the Father (being Farang) pursues a case to prosecute He is wasting His time. There is simply no hope for these people. I am going to the market this morning, then the truck stays in the drive until at least the 4th. Please, please everyone out there stay safe, do not become a statistic.
  21. My thoughts too. I was led to believe that you had to serve one third of your sentence before being even eligible for a pardon. In his case that would be about 2 1/2 years? He served 8 hours did he not....
  22. I was referring to Saudi & Bahrain using landing cards...
  23. I was referring to Saudi & Bahrain where they still use them but sometimes ask for boarding pass too.
  24. Saudi Arabia & Bahrain used to ask for them. Admittedly not every time, but when they did the normal queues used to get horrendous. I agree with point 3, how does this card expedite immigration when you have the landing card and passport......jobs worth maybe.
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