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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Can you try yourself using toothpaste, or WD40, or a polish like Tcut.
  2. Reminds me of a story in a paper when I worked in Saudi. There was a Pakistani man whose wife was having an affair while he worked away. So, he went home, climbed a tree in the village, poured petrol on himself, and set it alight.......to "teach her a lesson"...
  3. Well, I guess you are one of the lucky ones. I wish you continued success. I posted my experiences in the hope of helping someone else out. I am not in the habit of making up facts for the fun of it, I have better things to do. You say you have never supplied house documents, I find that strange as you have to show a valid verification of where you live, be it a rental contract, or house papers. We actually had our first set of pictures rejected, because we had on the same clothes. We had a visit from Immigration who took pictures on his tablet we had to change clothes each time. As for the Tabian Bahn, your information is incorrect, it is not where a person is living at any specific time, it is where they are registered as their principle address, for example registration for voting, opening of bank accounts, buying and registering a vehicle.
  4. You are having a laugh.....Using tax to improve services and infrastructure. Tax is theft, pure and simple. You pay tax when you earn money, you then pay tax when you buy something, you then pay tax when you sell it. Where do you think all these government ministers in any country get their millions from.
  5. They do pay taxes to use the sidewalks..........To the local Boys in Brown.
  6. Thai men are never wrong. This man ( using the term loosely), drives over a bike in the road, and it is someone else's fault? Was he texting at the time? If he reversed into a lamp post would he go looking for the guy who put it there? maybe. I am surprised he went one on one, very unusual here. Having said all that the Belgian should have just stayed out of it, and let his Wife sort it out. He was lucky the dipsh*t was not carrying a knife, or worse.
  7. So, they have been doing this to random Foreigners, over a period of time, the Police have been told about it before, have non of the victims reported it earlier?.
  8. Now that is a first, who does he think he is kidding. His, and his cronies pockets come before anything else, the people are waaaaaay down the list.
  9. I get unsolicited posts all the time on Farcebook from Thai sites showing dashcam footage of road rage, and racing on the highways. Nearly all the comments on it are laughing, and joking. Absolutely no idea of the dangers.
  10. Thanks, I have been reading recently about this. Most manufacturers are coming out and saying EV's may not be viable. I believe the fires, and high insurance may be the problem. However, I have also been reading a lot about Hydrogen. More than one manufacturer has the technology, but I guess it is the oil companies, and governments who control what goes on the roads. I mean, if you had a car whose exhaust was water, how can you steal money under false pretenses of global warming by introducing ULEZ and other such cons.
  11. Personally, I get tired of posts such as yours. Did we not get our oats last night. This is A FORUM, people post their experiences on A FORUM, All I am doing is saying how it works for me. Nothing about BRAGGING, in fact I pointed out I am far from computer literate. After living here the best part of 30 years I am more than aware of the different little fiefdoms they call immigration offices. I have, on many occasions been a party to their whims, and fancies. All I was doing was pointing out the poster may want to try on line as it APPEARS to be less hassle. Have a nice life, good day.
  12. Why not try practicing what you preach. All the Burmese, Laos, etc. here working as virtual slaves in the fishing industry, to name but one of many. Clean up your own stinking, putrid back yard before throwing accusations at others.
  13. I have been doing the report online now for two years plus. I get a reminder e mail about two weeks before, one week later go online, fill out the form, get an e mail same day they have my application, two to three days later I am printing off my new report. I am by no means what anyone would call computer savvy, but if I can do it then it must be ridiculously simple. Why all this hassle travelling to offices.
  14. Also, as I keep saying to people who think EV's are God's gift to humanity, when everyone is driving them the Government will rack up the cost of electric to offset the loss of revenue on petrol sales.
  15. No surprise really, as the police in England now are a joke, unless you are an illegal migrant, then they fall over backwards to help you. Now watch this post get taken down.....
  16. They could start by teaching people not to hawk and spit everywhere. In our village early morning it sounds like a hundred blocked sewers emptying.
  17. I believe the party that was voted in power, then had it stolen, was going to scrap these stupid bans. I have said it before, and will say again. In our village the mama papa shop owner told me ( through my Wife), that when the government pays all his bills they can tell him when to sell beer.
  18. Good luck with that service from the British Embassy if you ever need it.
  19. It is the unform isn't it.......come on now.......own up.......it is the uniform......
  20. I tend to agree. However, I personally have noticed it more since the covidiocy spamdemic, especially when we were branded as dirty Farangs by the individual we have been discussing. He wears a uniform, thereby, according to the Thai education brainwashing system, he must be right.
  21. I like it, You used professional, and officer in the same sentence......
  22. I am not computer savvy, so it is taking a bit of time to understand some of the posts, It is, however, interesting to read, and learn what Windows is doing. My main complaint with Windows 11 is the 30 second lag between closing one window on the desktop, and opening another. I have looked online to no avail, as it seems Microsoft is ignoring this problem totally. A small inconvenience, I admit, but still a nuisance when you are sitting waiting for the desktop icon to highlight before you can open it.
  23. True, but the whole Government does not bother about what the Voters want either.
  24. I would not be too quick to praise him, He is a well known Xenophobic Racist that hates Foreigners in His Country. God help us if he ever gets the top position.
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