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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Look on the bright side, the pavements will be that little bit cleaner.
  2. Apparently, when you go to renew your road tax it pops up you have unpaid fines, and you have to clear them before you can tax your vehicle. However, we renewed our tax the day before we paid the ticket, so that system is still in it's infancy. On the other hand, if you do not tax your car..........my B.I.L. car last tax sticker is 63.........
  3. Good job they went after the naughty Farang ordering a gun online. Cue the ubiquitous taxi man returns wallet with 10 million baht in it.
  4. I thought that about two years ago Big Joke stated that after extensive efforts there were no more overstayers in Thailand.......
  5. Mine is due to start at any time now. I will wait and see what pans out, but it looks like Cambodia may be my next stop as we live close to the border. Or will they implement it too? We will see.
  6. 100% true, Klaus Schwab actually said it, you will own nothing but you will be happy. As I have said many times, the people telling you to give up everything will be giving up nothing. You will eat insects, while they eat steaks, they will limit your travel, while they fly around in private jets. Do as I say, not as I do. Most governments have signed up to the WHO pandemic treaty which starts in May 2024. Then you will all be governed by what the WHO dictate. They can call a pandemic whenever they want, and implement stricter controls on everyone. Still people walk around blindly ignorant.
  7. I keep being told to wear my tin hat. I ignore them. It has nothing to do with climate change, it is ALL about control, control, control. The W.E.F., W.H.O. UN, and others want cashless societies so they can implement 15 minute cities, and control what you do, where you do it, what you spend, and where you spend it. Break one of their rules, they freeze your cards. You only have to look at the lorry driver strike in Canada early January, when the Government froze all their bank accounts.....all card only. Banks will be able to charge whatever they want for transactions, and you will have no choice but to pay. No more cash work, not even a tenner from Grandad at birthday time. The younger generation with all their pay by phone apps just cannot see it. Covidiocy was an experiment on control, and to an extent it worked. Now, I sit back and wait for all the negative posts about conspiracies. I fear for my children, what dystopian society they will grow up in, at least there is one benefit to getting old, i will not have to comply.
  8. You do not get points off for speeding here. The joke is that it converts to just 24 mph. Now, when I drive through the town all the motorbikes are racing past me....with no numberplates on.
  9. Yes, as I posted there was huge pile in the post office waiting to be paid. Not counting all the ones that would be paid by internet.......Or maybe they will not get paid !!!
  10. Sorry, should have been more clear, yes it is the 214 road through Prasart that goes on to join the 293 ring road around Surin.
  11. Touch wood, no problems for me. Last two years nearly, get a reminder, about three weeks before it is due, send off 10 days before, comes back within three days.
  12. Just a heads up for anyone near, or driving through Prasart town. There are signs up at both ends with a 40km speed limit. They now have cameras. Just had a ticket for 500 baht from end July. Went to the post office this morning, and he showed me a pile of tickets that had to be at least 8 inches deep. He said no worry, not just you, all these to pay this week..... I found one camera near the school, but apparently there are two more hiding somewhere. So, when driving from the lights at Tesco until after the police station stick to 40.
  13. I tried the upgrade to Windows 11, but did not realise at the time that there was a time limit on it. When I went to revert back to 10 it would not let me. Having said that it seems to work ok, with one annoying issue........If you close a window, then click an icon on the screen to open another program, it takes about 20 to 30 seconds before it will highlight and open. Been on the net, and many techies say it is a fault that Microsoft are not admitting to.
  14. Exactly, cashless society, more control, no more banks, more control, electric cars, turn off the power, more control, 15 minute cities, total control......I am often called a conspiracy theorist, but I do not care, W.H.O. , W.E.F. and others, want it all. Look who owns the highest percentage of shares in all major businesses from Microsoft, to Google, to Farcebook, CNN, Fox, ABC, All the big Pharma companies, all the food companies.....Blackrock, and Vanguard. It is as obvious as the nose on your face what is happening.
  15. Well, I guess that is a new slant on the old "My buffalo is sick", or "my house needs a new roof"......Small head ruling the big head.
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