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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Let us hope immigration do not catch on. An extension of stay for retirees up to 11,400.........
  2. As usual, it is smoke and mirrors. They only put the tax up on local beers and spirits two months ago. Now reduce it for a few months, then probably raise it even higher. The tax man, no matter what country, will never give up grabbing as much as possible.
  3. The best explanation of an opinion poll I have ever seen.........................
  4. Exactly, many people just do not realise the banks, and Governments want us to stop using cash. Then they will have one more step to complete control.
  5. Must be a knock on effect from the computerisation of automatic speeding fines, etc. Tea money taking a big hit. Thai household debt is very high I believe. In our village there are always meetings and announcements that it is time to pay the government their instalment on loans, or interest will be added................cannot get blood from a stone, they borrow but do not have the concept, or the means to repay the banks.
  6. Another Farang hater that put more obstacles on extension applications, I for one would not be too sad to see the back of him, if he is guilty. More than likely upset the bank balances of a few higher ups in his past crusading campaigns.
  7. Disgraceful, fleecing all those people trying to get out of Melbourne for a few days.
  8. I think he needs to contact a certain ex p.m. recently released on bail for a few pointers on how to get away with any prison time.
  9. I always remember this line from Gullivers Travels.................. Laws are best explained, interpreted, and applied by those whose interest and abilities lie in perverting, confounding, and eluding them.
  10. They need to set up a committee to look into what is needed in order to set up a committee. Then, they need to go out into the field, and explore a few dozen restaurants to visualise the impact, then go back and set up a committee to evaluate the findings and report back. Should all be clear cut by, say, 2029....ish.
  11. I know many Thais drink in the street, heck, they ride around here with a bottle of Chang in one hand, and a spliff in the other. However, it is illegal, and a good little earner for the BIB to extort Farangs.
  12. Yep, get him and A nut in together and I am moving.
  13. Where is justice you ask......................here.....................
  14. Far from it, but then there are not 45 plus people killed EVERY DAY on the roads where I was taught to drive...............Troll....
  15. Stupid man, does he not know the load should be equally balanced on both sides, or it could be dangerous......
  16. I could suggest that you cut down on eating them....
  17. I may be thinking a little too mutt, but how about getting out and fining all the motorbike riders on the pavements, also, the store holders, and vendors taking up the whole pavement so pedestrians have to walk in the gutters......nah.......that would mean actually getting out there and doing something. Much better to simply add another regulation to the other few thousand that are already totally ignored.
  18. There fixed that for them. Same netizens that overtake you and cut in the road in front of you, or texting while driving, or driving overloaded pick ups. The list is endless, but we all know that Thai drivers are the best in the world...
  19. Hard to believe anyone could be so stupid with only one head, but this moron is so out in front he is merely a dot on the horizon. What is even more unbelievable is that he gets paid to say these things....
  20. Sounds like a recipe for Ready Steady Cook......
  21. Well, who could have seen that one coming.
  22. Fair treatment......that is a joke. Also, if he is found guilty of Le Majeste would that mean His Royal pardon would be reversed....... All just a waste of money and time as we all know what the outcome will be.
  23. I find many balconies here are way to low. Many times in hotels I have stayed away from the balconies. My Son's Condo in Hua Hin is a good example. He, like me is over 6 foot tall, the balcony only comes to hip height, maybe a bit more. I asked if I could raise the railing, in the same style and materials, but was denied, so I fitted non skid tape along the tiles as when they are wet they are like ice, and he is on the 6th. floor.
  24. Reserved occupation for Thai National only is my guess.
  25. This went through our village recently, but in a slightly different form. A receipt was dropped in the letter box. All appeared official, with a QR code to pay. That is when the money goes to a fake account. This was posted a few months ago, so we were wise to it. One crazy thing is when they drop them in the mailbox. It must be the middle of the night as our box is directly outside the shop front gate.
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