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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Sorry Batty-Bob, you're gonna have to go it on your own for the rest of today. Mrs. Smith is calling me. I gotta fill in those gaps where the other bloke who is paying the rent on the unit isn't keeping up his end of the deal.
  2. BOB, if you actually come up with something new, creative and inventive for tomorrow's soup du jour then I'll do all your 90 day reports for you for the next 5 years. ABC.
  3. Like two otters in a gunny sack.
  4. But it was enough to get you to leave Cambo and dash back to Pats innit.
  5. 30 benzos, 5 tatted haggard wh0res, slappers, and sluhts, and the whole ac/dc discography?
  6. C'mon, you can be more clever than that. Can't you?
  7. Yeah, he/it writes half his posts whilst Bobby-Boy shuffles off to bang in another line of c0ke.
  8. It's alright bro, you don't get it, but I didn't expect you too. 😉🤫
  9. Just another tart on the dole. She's just being good at her job. Sucking it up (barely even listening to his verbal abuses) as she syphons out every last satang.
  10. Bruv, I don't want you to be anything, nor do I give a toss whether you still come here to whinge like a tired old m1nger or not. But you've worn out this same repetitive rubbish already. Your harlequinade just isn't funny anymore. FFS, come up with some new chicanery if you want some admiration and respect.
  11. Actually, your whole shtick of "I love it", "I hate it", "I'm leaving", "I'm staying" was funny for a minute, but you've now worn it out, having done it to death. Please tell us you have something more interesting up your wizard sleeve and in store for us for the future. Nobody can he-he-ha-ha over and over again to the same tired old joke innit. You need to reinvent yourself now if you still want to be taken as a serious internet trolling force to be reckoned with.
  12. Oh no Bob, I feel so sad, so distraught, I'm about to fall off my chair in pain knowing that you've come back only to face a new level of even deeper depression in your life. How can you do this to yourself? This is all my fault. I should have never begged you to stay. You really don't deserve any of this. And for 10 years you have already been suffering in the country from a deep sense of dissatisfaction. I can already foresee your next mental collapse. Those horrific and invasive 90 day reports you talked about and all those scars that the country has already given you over the years and which may never heal! And you always being treated with suspicion and/or as a potential criminal just because you are a foreigner. How awful. And things are only going to get worse. Your downward spiral will continue. So much more heavy drinking on an hourly basis will be required just for you to cope! You need clean air, safe streets, a functioning democracy and not being labelled an Alien. All that xenophobia is totally stacked against you! Then all the lady boys following you everywhere you go just because they want to have your baby. Not to mention the horrific air pollution and endless gray skies. Just more depression, anguish, suffering, how will you ever deal with it all? You should really reconsider this seemingly bad idea. There are so many places you could go to escape all this and truly be happy. The whole world is still your oyster! Is there anything I can do to help you reconsider this seemingly disastrous decision to return? Please help me help you bro.
  13. Personally, I wouldn't make the effort to mark pages. It's the IO's job to find a place to put their stamp. As long as your passport has blank space in it for a stamp, you can't be held responsible for which pages are full or empty. After all, you aren't the one putting the stamps in the book anyway. The only time you should get another book, before it hasn't expired, is when all the pages are clearly filled with stamps. As long as there are a few empty quarter pages left in the book, then it's still good for travel, regardless of what page number the blank areas are on.
  14. Your welcome. Fortunately, I've never had that problem. I've got old filled up passports with all kinds of stamps and dates out of order throughout the pages of the book. The only real downside is, in the future, when you might want to double check the dates of when you travelled somewhere, you might have to hunt around various pages to find the right stamp when they are all out of order like that. But in terms of skipped pages making them unusable in the future, it's never an issue.
  15. It's been done to me in various countries and all over the world. Sometimes they stamp the last page, sometimes the first one, sometimes whichever page their thumb lands on. It's annoying, but it doesn't matter. Eventually the book starts to get filled up and IOs are then forced to hunt for a blank page. As long as I can travel in an out of countries, I don't really give a toss.
  16. Bob may be gone for now, but at least we still have the Dolf/transam bromance to keep us distracted. 😊
  17. Sorry to hear about your anxiety issues. THC it's a psychoactive chemical, which can however can still be controlled by the brain. There have been times where I was high and I needed to straighten up and my brain just took over and suddenly I didn't feel high anymore. So based on that, I suggest before you use cannabis you tell yourself that you're gonna go on a little trip now, that you're gonna have a good time and push any thoughts about anxiety out of your mind. I think that could work for you. The increased heart rate issue though seems to be a function of the chemical. I don't think it's psychosomatic. But I don't know why it happens only sometimes and not others. Maybe it happens all the time, but there are times when we are feeling good from the cannabis and we don't notice it. I don't believe it strain dependent though. Think that's some sort of placebo effect where you pre-programmed yourself to think that one strain will do one thing and another strain will do another. I suggest you try to take two strains that you think give you anxiety and take two strains that you feel don't give you anxiety. Then consume all four of them on different occasions blindly so that you don't know which one you're using. And make notes each time about how you felt. Maybe have a friend help you with this to make it easy. Then only check at the end of the four day or four session test period which ones you consumed on each occasion. I assume you're going to be surprised at the results.
  18. TBH, I'm ok with whatever the case may be! It's really a case of up to you. In any case, whatever floats your boat. Let's just put this case to rest. Is anyone else even following this case?
  19. Personally, I never really bought into any of this. To me it all seems just like marketing intended to get people more excited about buying weed. It sounds great, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. THC is THC. The only thing that really makes a difference to me is the dosing. Anyway, to back up my claims, I did lots of experiments with different so-called strains that are supposed to do this or that. I did lots of mixing of strains together too. And the outcome of the feeling was always the same from all of them. There were times where I used one strain and I might've felt one way and then used that same strain a different day and felt differently. And that would make no sense if there really is a difference in each strain. It can't make you feel one way one day and a different way another day if the strains are expected to do one specific thing. So, my conclusion was that the reason I felt differently on different days from the same strain comes down to dosing and perhaps my own mental and emotional state at the time. At this point, I choose weed based on how it looks, how it smells, how it feels in my hand, and if it seems like it likely has a high level of THC. I pay no attention to the cool names or whatever claims are being made about the type of strain it is. To each his own though. If people want to buy into the hype, and to believe there is some difference (other than look, feel and smell) then that's fine with me. It might have some placebo effect on how people feel from the weed if they convince themselves it's one way or another. I just don't let any of it influence my choices when I choose what to buy though. Also, I think the anxiety that you mention can occur from your mental state when you use it. If you are very relaxed when you use it, then you probably won't feel any anxiety from the cannabis. If you've got something on your mind that's bothering you, and then you use cannabis, you might feel some added anxiety because of that. The other thing for me is that I notice cannabis often increases my heart rate for the first 15-20 minutes. Heart rate is also the brain's automatic reaction to situations of fear or paranoia. So when your heart rate unexpectedly goes up, it may be the subconscious mind associating that with and creating unexpected anxiety. That's just my theory, but it seems to make some logical sense.
  20. Who?
  21. Your post is a bit confusing. The scammers you are referring to are where online exactly? I buy stuff on Lazada and Shopee online all the time. Never got scammed. I've sold stuff on FB marketplace and all transactions were done by me meeting in person with the buyer. Nobody ever got scammed. Yes, there are lots of online scammers, and across all the social media platforms, even on YouTube. But if you never do business of any kind with an individual that you don't know, and who contacts you out of the blue on the Internet, then it seems impossible to ever get scammed.
  22. What do you think really happened with Bob? Here are some options: He never left and is still in Pattaya. He's moved in with GammaGlobulin. He moved back to the U.K. He moved to Cambodia. He moved to the Philippines. He moved to the Dominican Republic. He moved to Columbia. He moved to Mexico. He moved to Spain. He moved to Portugal. He went for sexual reassignment surgery. He went to go stock shelves in Walmart. He went to join the Taliban. He went to work in a zoo washing elephants. He went to do volunteer work in Gaza. He went to join the Ukrainian army. He went to join a cabaret show. He went to follow the Trump campaign trail. He went to join the monkhood. He checked himself into rehab. He went somewhere else.
  23. More like phone was stolen, now in the Internet cafe, send me money to buy a new phone so that I can video call.
  24. Hope it doesn't. It would be a travesty. 🤣🤩
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