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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Possibly he's more scared for his safety if on the outside so he's opted to stay inside.
  2. I've run more than 25 different strains through my vape and that has never happened. The vape temperature can also be set up to 240 degrees Celsius, but I always use it at a lower temperature around 185-190 degrees, which is enough heat to release the THC and terpenes and should prevent any combustion. I think at 170 degrees you should already start getting results too. I found at the higher temperatures at 200 or above that the dry heat makes me a cough a bit, so I avoid it.
  3. Yeah, I think you will like the vape better. It feels just like smoking, but it tastes much better since the weed doesn't combust or get burned. Also, no smell to bother your neighbors and much better for the respiratory system since you aren't breathing in any ash, tar, or other particles found in the smoke.
  4. Your welcome. I hope it works well for you. Yes, you can get more THC from the weed this way. Most vaporizers hold around .25 to .3 grams of weed in the oven chamber. That's equal to around one bong hit or about half a joint. In a vaporizer you can get about 6 really good hits from that. If the weed is good then about 2 hits on the vape and you're really feeling it. So you can possibly get 2-3 sessions out of one load of weed in the vape, which is a lot more than you would get out of the same amount of weed in a bong. Don't pay attention to how much smoke comes out or doesn't come out of your mouth when using the vape. It doesn't account for anything. When using a vape you need to breathe out first and then do a slow steady strong pull for about 6 seconds. That should give you a good hit of THC. I am using the Starry 4 made by Xmax. It comes with a stainless steel dosing capsule that holds about .2 to .25 grams of weed. Using this works well (as opposed to loading the weed right into the oven of the vaporizer) because then you never have to clean the oven this way, only use some alcohol to clean the resin off the inside of mouthpiece of the vaporizer every few days. I also bought an extra pack of five more dosing capsules for it. So what I normally do is just preload them all at once. Then, when they are all used up, I remove the already vaped weed from the capsules using the little metal tool and then I throw all the capsules in alcohol to soak for an hour to remove any resin. After that, I wipe the inside of the capsules out with a cotton bud, rinse with water, let them dry, and then I reload them all in one go. Big time saver to have multiple capsules and preload them. Enjoy...
  5. As I mentioned, two immigration officers already directly gave you the correct information. Somebody also posted the following information yesterday in another thread in this forum with a link that you can read:
  6. The two things are separate and one does not cancel the other. It doesn't matter when your visa expires. If you are going to stay in the country more than 90 days then you need to report. By extending your visa, it does not reset the 90 day clock. You still need to file the 90 day report. The only way to reset the 90 day clock is to leave the country and when you return the 90 day clock starts again.
  7. Switch to using a dry herb vaporizer. You can get a good one on Shopee for 3,500 Baht. It will be much healthier for your lungs because there is no smoke and almost no smell.
  8. You have just had two immigration officers give you the correct information about exactly what your options are and now you come rocking up to an old forum post expecting some magical alternative solution? Really? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Before you leave the country to reenter on the visa exempt, you should cancel your visa and work permit first with immigration and return your work permit to the labor department. To do that I think you need to get a letter from your employer stating your employment end date. Maybe your employer can do that for your. And then I think Immigration will give you a short period of time to leave the country after that.
  10. Twisted was another one I think I mentioned earlier. I wonder if that was another one of Darrel's at the time? It kind of sounds familiar. Not sure if I ever went though. https://at-bangkok.com/detail_page.php?sub_id=403
  11. Thank you for plugging in that morsel of missing information. I had been digging through my memory, trying to come up with the name, but unsuccessfully. I found an interesting article covering some of the clubs that have shut down. A bit of an interesting walk down memory lane: https://bk.asia-city.com/nightlife/article/history-clubbing-bangkok I'm surprised none of Dirty Disco Darrel's bar were mentioned in the above retrospective. Not even Mystique. Maybe none of them lasted long enough though to make the list.
  12. There is a "forgot password" option on the main login page where you can enter your email address and the system should send you a link to reset your password so that you can log back in. I am not sure if registering a new account is a good idea. If the system recognizes a duplicate passport number under the new account then perhaps that might cause a problem. I would still try resetting the password on your old account to see if you can get back in.
  13. That's great news. I'm very glad to hear it. They say that there is always a silver lining in everything and I guess if there is any silver lining in any of this then it is the fact that you survived and are still thriving and being prosperous and productive with your life, which is indeed a blessing. The notion that the things in life that don't kill you can often make you stronger also comes to mind. 🙏🏻
  14. Confess that you are actually already married... to a man... DONE!
  15. This is such a sad and disturbing story. I am not going to add any needless armchair opinions or suggestions about taking action, etc. However, I wish you all the best and hope that you are able to make a full physical recovery. I also hope you are not in any danger of having any further issues related to this event. If something like this happened to me I might consider leaving the country and going to live elsewhere. I suspect there could be some PTSD issues from a traumatic experience like this and perhaps living somewhere else and in a new environment could help you to more easily forget what happened so that you can go on living a happier life. All the very best to you.
  16. How many walls of driveling text that nobody is going to read are you going to write today? Don't you have anything better to do on a weekend? I guess you didn't get the memo. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  17. I agree with your points about his childish way of writing and by employing excessive and unnecessary spacing and pauses, but what I think upsets most people about his posts more than anything is that much of it is drivel and mostly it's the fact that he's trolling people. The majority of his posts are fictional calamities he's constructed in hopes of getting people to write long responses that come to his rescue. He seeks attention in the form of empathy and has no real intention of creating meaningful dialogue. He gets off on wasting people's time by having them construct long, detailed responses to another fake tragedy of his. Maybe it's his way of getting back at other foreigners in Thailand in general, the majority of whom he doesn't seem to like. In the end though he's probably lonely and lacks social interaction and borders on having some sort psychological disorder. Perhaps in the future we will see him change his approach in a positive way from reading some of this feedback. I'm not holding my breath, but I've decided to stop chastising him and will remain hopeful and wish him the best.
  18. Gamma, where are you girlfriend? The silence from you is deafening. It's been nearly 24 hours since the last runny egg you splattered on us. Please don't abandon the cause. It would be too saddening. We need you baby!
  19. Personally, I think nothing is going to change materially to the cannabis laws in Thailand, but I'd like for everyone give their two satang and say what they think. Will anything seriously change or not? https://youtu.be/BuL1o3l4PwI https://youtu.be/BuL1o3l4PwI
  20. GammaGlobulin, the party crasher supreme, Uninvited, yet determined to gleam. No RSVP for you, no golden invite, But here you are, causing a fuss despite. You sneak in like a ninja, undetected by all, A stealthy intruder, having a ball. No matter the efforts to show you the door, You stick around, wanting more and more. We scrub, we clean, we try to evict, But you laugh in our faces, your presence, a trick. With a wink and a nod, you refuse to depart, A stubborn houseguest, with a mischievous heart. GammaGlobulin, the unwelcome guest, We shake our heads at your persistent zest. Though unwanted, you're here to stay, A comedic twist in life's absurd play.
  21. Dear Gamma, Ah, like a stubborn stain on the fabric of cyberspace, the specter of personas past continues to haunt thee. Indeed, the elusive pursuit of shedding one's literary skin is akin to chasing shadows in the moonlight. Yet, as the wise sages of old have proclaimed, "Ham is Ham," and verily, some palates do not favor the taste of swine. Your valiant efforts to metamorphose into a new guise are commendable, though it seems the cloak of OCH hangs heavy upon thy shoulders. In the grand tapestry of online discourse, each thread contributes to the rich mosaic of voices, yet perhaps, it is time for one thread to gracefully bow out, allowing the symphony to play on without discord. Like a weary traveler seeking respite from the relentless march of words, consider the tranquil shores of silence, where the cacophony of keyboards is replaced by the gentle rustle of wind through the digital ether. As the curtain falls on this chapter of verbosity, let us bid adieu to the quill and parchment, and embrace the serenity of the unwritten word. With heartfelt regards and a whisper of farewell...
  22. Dear Gamma, Your verbal tapestry, woven with threads of wit and whimsy, has graced our digital halls with a charm unmatched. Yet, like a rogue comet streaking through the night sky, your brilliance may be too dazzling for some mortal eyes to behold. While your prose pirouettes with the grace of a clumsy ballerina, it seems the audience clamors for a different tune, a quieter stage. Should you choose to heed their call and bid adieu to the virtual amphitheater, know that your absence will be felt, like the echo of laughter in an empty chamber. But fear not, dear wordsmith, for your legacy shall endure, a beacon of mirth in the vast expanse of the internet. And if, perchance, your departure brings solace to those weary souls who seek respite from the cacophony of cyberspace, then let it be a testament to the power of your pen. In the grand opera of online discourse, let silence be your final aria, a symphony of serenity amidst the digital din. With fond regards and a tip of the hat to your literary exploits, adios and hasta la vista baby.
  23. Since you are paying money for rent in Thailand, aren't you paying the rent in Thai Baht? If so, then if you convert the money within your Wise account first from AUS$ to Baht and then transfer it in Baht then it should only cost 32 Baht for the transfer to Thailand and arrive in seconds if the transfer amount is under 50,000 Baht. If the amount you need to transfer is above 50,000 Baht, then just break it into two separate transfers of under 50,000 each and pay the 32 Baht transfer fee twice and both transfers will still get there within seconds.
  24. If you are a UK citizen they may not ask you to show anything because they might assume that is your permanent home address anyway. Or they could ask to see a bank statement or electricity bill as proof of UK residence. If you have a UK driving license with your UK address on it that would be good too.
  25. At its core, "skanky" embodies a rich tapestry of cultural perceptions, moral judgments, and linguistic evolution. To truly grasp its significance, one must embark on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of human consciousness, where language serves as both a mirror and a prism, reflecting and refracting the complexities of our shared reality. The term "skanky" emerges as a linguistic artifact, a crystallization of collective experiences and social dynamics. Its origins lie shrouded in the mists of time, an amalgamation of dialects, idioms, and cultural influences that coalesce to form a word imbued with potent meaning. Through the passage of time, "skanky" has undergone a metamorphosis, evolving from its humble beginnings into a multifaceted descriptor that transcends mere physicality to encompass a myriad of moral, ethical, and aesthetic dimensions. In its earliest iterations, "skanky" was tethered to notions of cleanliness and hygiene, evoking images of squalor, decay, and neglect. Yet, as language is wont to do, it has expanded its semantic boundaries, embracing a broader spectrum of signification. No longer confined to the realm of the corporeal, "skanky" now extends its reach into the realms of morality, propriety, and social acceptability. It serves as a linguistic scalpel, carving out distinctions between the pristine and the profane, the virtuous and the vile. At its heart, "skanky" is a potent symbol of societal norms and cultural mores. It serves as a litmus test for propriety, a barometer of social acceptability. To label something or someone as "skanky" is to pass judgment, to assert a particular worldview shaped by a constellation of values, beliefs, and biases. It is an act of categorization, a means of delineating the boundaries of acceptable behavior and appearance. Yet, beneath its veneer of moral certitude, "skanky" harbors a shadowy underbelly of ambiguity and subjectivity. Its meaning is contingent upon context, mutable and fluid, shifting like the sands of time. What may be deemed "skanky" in one cultural milieu may elicit indifference or even admiration in another. It is a reminder of the inherent relativity of language, its susceptibility to interpretation and reinterpretation in light of shifting social, political, and cultural currents. Moreover, the use of "skanky" carries with it a weighty moral charge, laden with implications of virtue and vice. To label someone or something as "skanky" is to engage in a form of moral policing, to assert one's own values and standards onto others. It is an assertion of power, a means of exerting control over the boundaries of acceptability and deviance. Yet, in wielding the label of "skanky," one must tread carefully, for its implications are not without consequence. In deploying such language, one risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and perpetuating systems of oppression. The term has historically been wielded as a weapon against women, particularly those who deviate from traditional norms of femininity and propriety. It serves as a reminder of the ways in which language can be used to marginalize and stigmatize those deemed "other." In conclusion, the term "skanky" is far more than a mere descriptor; it is a window into the intricacies of human communication, morality, and social dynamics. Its usage reflects broader cultural attitudes towards cleanliness, morality, and social norms, while also highlighting the power dynamics inherent in language and the potential for harm or healing that it carries. To truly understand "skanky" is to grapple with the complexities of language and the myriad ways in which it shapes our perceptions of the world and ourselves.
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