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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. Smokie that just not true ..... just the act of going to court is something , the cop would no doubt rather be doing something else, and while 1 or 2 people calling a cop a liar deosn't do much, eventually Judges that see the same cop being called a liar over and over begin to think he probabbly is a liar and act accordingly.

    Cops tend to leave those alone that they know will make them look like liars in court and that stand up for themselves not the reverse as people here seem to think.

    Cops don't like the waste of time in court anymore than anyone else, and they don't like going in front of the judge who knows they are lying either.

    Court is not free ,and as a foreigner you will probably lose anyway and may not even understand whats being said ...

    whats the point when i can pay a quick 100 thb and be on my way to making REAL MONEY

    besides ,even if lawyers and court was free ,my time isnt and i value each and every hour i could spend with the people i love

    instead of being dragged through a court case with some stinking corrupt bangkok police that i can never win anyway

    besides ,even if 1 cop says i did it ,all his mates will agree ,it wont be just "my word against his"....

  2. i got stopped today following a load of motorcycle taxis making an illegal crossing over a train track when the road was gridlocked

    it was pandemonium ,the police were physically grabbing as many people as they could but only getting less than half id say

    cop quickly asked for 400 because people $$$$$ were "escaping " rapidly as he was talking to me and i told him i can pay 200 here and now but if we go

    to collect my wife and then the bank and then to the station to get a ticket then i could pay 400,he thought for a second and quickly agreed on 200

    after getting the 200 he stuffed it into his shirt ASAP and let me continue riding illegally accross a traintrack to take my required shortcut (didnt make me go the correct way through all those trafic lights )

    and he went quickly and grabbed the next guy who was riding slow enough to catch

    those cops today must have made tens of thousands in fines during those few hours of afternoon rush hour ,probably hardly any official tickets were written up amongst the

    bags of money that must have been collected

  3. Giving up and going home isn't really a viable option unless you have access to several thousand dollars for plane fare and to start over. But if you had access to that kind of money, you could stay in Thailand for another 6 months. It's a catch 22.

    As for why some expats in Pattaya live in squalor and/or sell drugs rather than go home, I'm sure it wasn't in (most of) their plans and it's a slippery slope. By the time you realize you're going to run out of money, it's usually too late to afford a plane ticket home.

    Besides, have you ever added up what it costs to get set up in even a lousy apartment in the USA or Europe? First and last months' rent, security deposit, deposits for electric, phone, and gas, $$$ thousands for a used car to even start looking for a job, car insurance, food, clothing, healthcare, and on and on... And by the time you get that far down on the ladder, it all has to be cash up front because nobody's going to give you credit.

    To be honest, I see those guys and I feel for them. There but for the grace of God goes I. (or something to that effect).

    Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

    Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

    In the '20s, people said the same thing about rumrunners. Seems like barkeeps are respected nowadays.

    Prohibition didn't work and neither do drug laws now. They just put the profits into the hands of those willing to break the laws.

    Legalize it, control the quality and distribution, tax the beejeezus out of it and quit spending billions of dollars around the world to fight a battle that hasn't been won in hundreds, if not thousands of years. Use the taxes to build roads, schools, hospitals and rehab centers.

    But, alas, I digress.

    But wait a minute.....

    Can't afford a ticket home?

    They need a return ticket to even leave their western country in the first place!

    And how about visa? If they can't even afford to live a decent life in Thailand then what visa are they on?

    Fleas! bah.gif

    they (immigration) havent asked me for an exit ticket in many many years ,i thought that procedure had been scrapped

  4. I too saw that in real lifle and that is why I tried to buy them locally rather than reinvent the wheel. Unfortunatly what I was shipped not once, but twice, is substandard starting from the cheap alloy right to the machining tolerances and stress concentration issues

    To be fair I do not know if it came from the same machine shop that AP uses, but then again how many are doing this esoteric part

    I and an Engineer, owned a full on CNC machine shop, and have been a rider for 41 years. I demand something safe, engineered properly, and can do far better than what was sold to me.

    Thanks for the link, but not for me

    i have a versys ,bout 9-10 months old

    i think the brakes could deffo use upgrading

    roughly how much % do you think this wiill make them better ?

    Also ,does it affect/void the warranty if we use re-designed brakes ?

  5. Ok since no one seems to know where to advertise land in Khon Kaen , other than in ThaiVisa ,and Baht and sold, but everyone has something to say, How about the price of Tea in China? what do you all think?whistling.gif

    the OP says he doesnt want 3rd parties involved

    that means

    no auctioneers

    no estate agents /property consultancy firms

    he has been given plenty of ideas to sell it online

    I personally would get a thai to help and get it on all the thai sites for maximum exposure

    not the best idea advertising on farang sites something expensive which is illegal for a farang to own

    what else is there ? word of mouth ?walk around the area asking neighbours if they would like to buy the adjoining few fields ? thumbsup.gif

  6. A foreign bank accepting the word of a thai lawyer that a person is worthy or not of opening a bank account

    is on of the most absurd things ive ever heard ........

    it beggars belief that a bank in another country can trust someones (a farangs) character because a thai lawyer

    who has never met that person before says so to get paid 2500 thb

  7. I called a locksmith last week to one of the apartments because someone lost their key,i was absolutely fuc_king astounded at the speed the guy opened the door

    a person with a key wouldnt have been much quicker ,now i know why thais have multiple locks on their doors in condo buildings

    he just neeled down ,put a piece of metal in and click,it was unlocked !

  8. There are many ways to earn income in thailand if you have some cash to gamble with and youre not a complete imbecile

    I financed a business that pays quite well ,of course ,i dont "own" it on paper and i understand i may lose it at any time but i also

    understand the same fact about my life ......although it doesnt stop me from living when i wake up every morning

    bottom line ,if you have good thai people onside you can take advantage of gaps in the market

    that are not being filled sufficienty and turn a nice profit

    the op is doing it with land ,other people will use other means etc

    • Like 1
  9. She didn't mean "subsidise" in its literal sense, she's a strict animal rights person and doesn't want to **support** such an unethical industry by being their customer.

    Perhaps even vegan out of principle, or would be willing to drink the milk from happy free-range cows or goats or whatever. These can be found on self-sufficiency intentional communities in various parts of the world, but a a bit thin on the ground in these parts. . .

    imagine trying to explain to a thai farmer that all his cows and chickens have "animals rights" and deserve to be in a "happy free range environment " before they get cashed in ......:)

  10. Thank you Sam for that detailed report. I read in a previous post that the B version also can receive the 5ghz band on wifi. I confirm that mine can receive both the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands. Can someone with the A version let us know whether they can receive the 5ghz band. Also, I can also use 3g on AIS no problems despite being told I would not be able to on purchase. I had a feeling this would be the case though.

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect App

    there is a lot of bullshit from thai networks regarding samsung phones and their frequencies

    true likes to tell people their phone can not use ais 3G and vice versa but it can

    there are no hardware limiltations in the samsung galaxy s2 i9100 and i9100T that prevent one from using

    a sim with 3g and h+ from the opposite team

    I dont know why these rumours exist ,in europe phones are simlocked to one providor or another but in thailand

    it seems like a simlock is not used but rumours of incompatibility are used instead

  11. My wife has never objected to me learning Thai (although i've been lazy to), and we have both witnessed Thai women say they don't want their husbands to learn the lingo.

    For me, and the missus, we regard that as a sure sign the lady is trying to hide something. Very bad indeed.

    In many farang/thai relationships ,the woman takes care of all shiopping /decision making and other affairs

    and she probably likes it that way

    Are you sure about that?

    He doesnt have to rely on her for every little thing ,he can pick up the phone or chat casually with thai persons and a whole other

    world opens up for him

    What you are describing is a wife keeping her husband in the dark. Why, in an equal relationship, which is what a marrage i ssupposed to be, would one partner want to do this, unless there is an ulterior motive?

    I think in many ways you have just helped to prove my point.

    its more like keeping him dependant on her ,rather than keeping him "in the dark" i would think ..

    I think in a lot of cases ,even my own ,i rely on thai people to do much more than is really necessary

    Partly because i make mistakes dealing in thai sometimes but more often from sheer laziness

    Why not tell a bi-lingual secretary or wife to organise delivery of something or re-new the tax on the cars etc

    it gets to the stage where you could learn more thai if you really had to ........but you know enough basic thai already to be comfortable in

    most daily situations

    • Like 1
  12. Otherwise, I can't fathom why you can't see the link between foreign trash and prostitution in Thailand

    Many foreigners go with prostitutes in Thailand.

    A very very small fraction of Thai prostitutes have ever serviced a farang.

    And that's even true limiting to the Thai definition of a prostitute as opposed to the much wider one most farang seem to use.

    there is supposed to be a great knocking shop ,i dont know if im allowed to say where it is but probably not

    anyway ,apparently they WONT service a farang for any amount of money because if word got out the thai

    men (regulars ) would not like it ,any woman who sleeps with a farang is damaged goods /dirty etc so

    farangs are not allowed in many establishments

    funny,reading the threads here about the disgusting "natives" when many of them think of farangs in the same way

  13. a 1.5 dual core snapdragon and 2GB of ram not enough ? i dont know what apps will run faster with 4 cores than 2 ?

    nearly any phone with a 0.8+ dual core is very smooth and can do anything you throw at it (iphone 4 etc )

    this new galaxy s3 seems to be OTT for a phone at the moment but applications will catch up im sure ,what can a phone do right now that needs 2GB of ram ?

  14. You don't like the traffic here ?

    Leave the country

    (Following the precept of David48)

    That avatar is grotesque ,why would you chose such an image to represent yourself ?

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