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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. YESTERDAY i was walking past a fruit seller and stopped to get some fruit ,the wife was on the phone and didnt know i had stopped to buy something

    anyway ,the fruits are 10 thb and both the thai customers payed 10 thb in front of me

    annyway,i hold him out a 20 and he says 40, i said ok ,you eat it then and put the fruit back down

    then he said ok ,20 and i said ,no thank you

    my wife came back at this stage and heard what happened ,she said hes willing to give me the thai price now ,he misunderstood

    i live here so he thought i should get the farang price

    i said ,im not willing to pay any price now and walked on with the fruit seller cursing farangs + waving his arms around

    som nom na

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  2. I was hit from behind by a guy driving a motorcycle while I was turning right into a parking lot. The guy was attempting to pass me in the oncoming traffic lane. (Each direction had two lanes and the left lane was clear.) This was at night, and he his light did not work. He ended up breaking his ankle and my car was damaged.

    When the police first arrived, the officer told the pillion rider that they were at fault. Then the she started crying saying that the guy had no license, no insurance. The officer asked me if I had insurance, and I said yes. Suddenly I was at fault. The officer remarked to my then g/f that he knew I was not at fault, but since I had insurance, he thought we should just let the insurance pay for the guy's medical bills

    this happened my neighbour also ,a old drunk thai crashed into him when he was stopped in the middle lane waiting to turn right

    (hes american and couldnt speak a word of thai but he could smell whisky of the guy and he musta been well pissed to hit a stopped car )

    anyway .police landed down ,a conversation was had in thai and it was decided the farang caused the damage

    he must to admit to being "at fault" and the insurance will take care everything Or go court and there "be big trouble " and

    "pay big money "

    not wanting to lose hundreds of thousands on lawyers fees,forfeit his passport and then probably lose anyway ,he agreed with the story and everyone went home happy including the police who probably got some tea money outta clearing up the whole mess

    seriously though ,if you cant speak thai well you are screwed in a mess like this ,the whole thing moves at warp speed and facts are overlooked as inconvniences when blame and more importantly payments are being allocated

  3. what do u mean all other locations have competition?

    like if hes selling ice creams in an area that dosnt have any ice cream shops closeby

    but moving further up or down the road WILL have competition from other ice cream shops etc

  4. Actually found the dudes card who offered me 15k thai new. His shop is called '@ by Jackie' and his number 0869981499. The girls shop is kinda behind his and quite close. It is down near the end of the mall but can't remember which end. Good luck

    thx mate ,very useful info

    will probably get one today or tomorrow morning (i hate crowdy shopping centres and markets )

  5. I suppose you can stay and watch the "construction " but bear in mind the " construction work excuse and the 100.000 thb gift " may

    have been his way of saving face to get you to leave without a fuss

    how can he save his face if you decide to sit tight for 4 years ? will be interesting .......

  6. yeah screen of nexus is main selling point over sgs2. Miles better.

    No problems with my mbk 13200 nexus. Young girl selling said their cost price was 13k so if you believe her the closer you get to that the better.

    Got extended 2000 mah battery from http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1497.l2649. Came quickly, virtually no added girth, but adds noticeable life. Recommend.

    Not sure how many roms you actually need, but there are plenty for nexus if that's your thing. I think most would be just fine with stock ics and a launcher of their choice. Although it is useful to be able to modify/add the bottom softkeys to your liking (and add long press functionality)

    Great phone and an absolute steal for 13kish (although taking a risk with warranty)

    saw them side by side in computer superstore yesterday and the screen of the SGs2 looks at least twice as bright ,both phones set to max

    but the camera was much faster on the nexus , and i think its not too big to hold comfortably

    warranty risk is an issue but 19,900 v 13,200 id go without warranty and hope for the best

    where did you get it for 13,200? i hate walking around that place haggling in the crowds of bargain hunters so if you

    remember the exact place i would buy it there ?

  7. Same thing happened my x-gf father in europe

    he had a house worth 50-100k and town planners decided to build a new retail park behind it

    anyway ,they needed to clear his house so they could make a entrance road to the new retail park ,

    he stuck to his guns and told them hed lived there for 20 years and built the house with his bare hands etc and rejected the innitial offers

    eventually ,he got a million quid to let them bulldoze it (x 10-20 times the going rate for a property, big money way back then ,around 20 years ago )

    of course ,this situation is very differnt since the op doesnt own the land ,he just has a short lease entitling him to trade upon it so

    he cant hang on like the old man did

  8. well he was offered 400k not 100k

    yes ,but he paid 300k to get the keys and the 4 year contract

    hes now being refunded that 300k and another 100k basically as a GOODWILL GESTURE to fuc_k off

    so the landlord can sell to the multinational instead

  9. Thank you for your response. My wife met with the landlord, who has offered us the key money back and an extra 100,000 Baht. At this point, we do not have the ability of negotiating with the chain store, which was a dream anyway. We contacted the previous owner, who is a good friend, and a relative who is also a police officer, and asked their opinion of the deal. Everyone said the same thing. “Tell this guy you want your profit money for the extent of the contract, plus key money.” That would be about 3.1 million Baht. He is currently offering 400,000 Baht. You can now see a bit of a pinch with us. The police officer that is a relative assured us there would be no problems with me, as I am not into anything even remotely illegal, and my name is not on anything.

    Your thoughts please.

    Thanks again for your thoughts.

    I mentioned earlier that it would be an idea to have a person of standing with your wife this evening, would your police relative be prepared to get involved?

    When your faced with a big dog, get a bigger dog.

    My police relative is in one district. The landlord is a detective in another district, and I live in a different district from those. So, other than advice, I don’t know if he can help.

    What do you think? Can he help?

    i think this is is more or less the outcome everyone expected ,he wants his keys back and hes prepared to throw you a 100k to forget about the 4 year contract

    and you reckon that contract maybe worth 4 million give or take

    how far you can push a person like this this is a delicate matter ,especially in thailand given his rank as a mid rank detective ( very signifigant) and yours as a farang husband (minute,nil )

    i wish i could say differnt but i doubt youre ever going to get 4 million out of this guy ,i would schedule another meeting (bring your police relation if possible ) and try and say gently that the original contract was worth more to you than 100k because bla bla bla and try and haggle a better settlement

    that is as far as id push it ,hiring a lawyer and landing a lawsuit on him would be an expensive mistake( win/lose or draw) and i reckon he would see it as a declaration of war

    if you pulled that kinda shit and his response could change life as you know it

    With a respectable thai Onboard ,you may be able to haggle him to somewhere between 0.5- 1mil but i would probably forget the 4+ million idea if i was you

    it would help if you knew how much he was gaining from the handover with the franchisee but youre never going to get near that information i think

  10. I would guess You havent a hope of getting to negeotiate with the franchise yourself ,

    the landlord is probably going to buy you out of the deal so e can have that previledge

    so ,then the property will be his again and he can reap from the benefits of his location

    If this was in USA or Uk i would say hang on for dear life until you get a nice multiple of your investment back but

    if you tried that in thailand with a policeman of all landlords youd be gambling with your life and maybe even liberty

    or visa status

    a bag of drugs found on said property could put you inside for life ,you have not much option but to smile and accept the arrangement

    with a little upwards bargaining on your side

    if you refuse to sign it back to him ,and he loses a few million thb deal because of that ,you can guess he will not be impressed ......

    if you can afford to rent a similar building in the area and move there ,i would take that deal

  11. Last week I bought the daughter an Asus 1025C netbook 10" screen with 320Gb hard disc, N2800 dual core processor, 2Gb RAM and W7 Ultimate and Office 2010 for 10,000 Baht.

    Super portable and 2 USB connections, LAN, wifi and bluetooth.

    You can get an Acer netbook at Power Buy for under 8,000 Baht.

    Netbooks were a godsend before tablets came along - but now, well, there's a reason they're getting cheaper and cheaper... They're so 2010... :-)

    i would choose a quality Netbook or laptop over a tablet anyday ,especialy if i needed to type a lot and not just play games and media stuff

    maybe i m just old fashioned but i would rather a laptop tan an ipad anyday

  12. Never had a reason to worry about this issue. 2012 Nouvo gets about 150km on a tank, more but never ran it dry, I stop for gas smile.png. 2011 Versys gets easily 350km + on a tank driving normal and not racing around, again I stop for gas smile.png before running out. Than again, I don't generally travel roads that don't have a gas station at least every 1 hour between stops, I can ride 2-3 hours straight before stopping. Gas station gives me a good reason to take a break and fill up with fuel.

    Good to know your bike, just never had a real reason to push it that far and it's not good to run a fuel injected engine out of gas, at least this is what I have heard in the past. I could be wrong, supposably has something to do with the system being pressurized and when out of gas it can pump air into the system that you have to bleed out through excessive cranking. Could be rumor, not sure...

    350+km on a 2011 versys ?

    Mine is flashing at 240km (i know thats not empty )

    Do you have any modifications ? do you run it till its near bone dry to get 350+ km ? or is that when your fuel light comes flashing ?

  13. forgot to add to my list of possible modz :


    i read some guys in usa have done this and its really comfortable ,i know it would mean the pegs would scrape the ground earlier during tight cornering

    but i dont race on the versys anyway so id rarely need to take a corner so tight id scrape metal on the ground

    has anyone done this in thailand yet ? is it a decent improvement for a rider about 6 foot

    sometimes i feel i need to stand up on the pegs to stretch my legs so i think the comfort position would be improved if it could be a bit less cramped but

    would need some testing ........

    If you don't want to lose cornering clearance you could add a couple inches of foam to the seat and achieve the same effect.

    i thought about that first but i like to be able to touch the ground with my feet and carrying a passenger through tight unpredictable traffic ,it necessary to put a foot down sometimes when leaning over

    some guys in the usa have made great mods i saw on other forums

    where could i get mirror extenders ,lower pegs and a roll cage in thailand ?

  14. forgot to add to my list of possible modz :


    i read some guys in usa have done this and its really comfortable ,i know it would mean the pegs would scrape the ground earlier during tight cornering

    but i dont race on the versys anyway so id rarely need to take a corner so tight id scrape metal on the ground

    has anyone done this in thailand yet ? is it a decent improvement for a rider about 6 foot

    sometimes i feel i need to stand up on the pegs to stretch my legs so i think the comfort position would be improved if it could be a bit less cramped but

    would need some testing ........

  15. Currently owning a Kawasaki Ninja 650r - I am looking to upgrade to either a Ducati or Z1000 - wondering if still for sale....

    owner upgraded to cbr250..........bike no longer available

    lol a big down grade, it's okay much better around town which is where I do most of my driving, the Z was not good at low speeds, it was a pain around town, a lucky young Russian is now the new owner.

    i would agree a litre sports bike is a bit hardcore for city use but i dont think i would have went down as far as a cbr 250

    the versys would be a nice compromise between the two

  16. every manufacturer says some bullshit to sell their bikes ..........but in the case of the versys they are not really lying

    when they say its "MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS " and other similiar stuff ,i think its light years better than the er6n and the ninja 650

    i owned before it

    i actually thought because its taller and larger it'd be harder to manouver but in fact i think its actually easier ,and the extra height makes it more flickable ,the riding position is great filtering between traffic because you are so high up and great visibilty

    i enjoy using mine everywhere ,its not fast in the sense of a r1 or a fireblade but it isnt slow either

    there are very very few 4 wheel vehicles that can keep up with it on thai roads ,its very easy to over take traffic and there is plenty of power left to jump from 120-160kmph to get in front of a few vehicles if necessary

    when im up on the footpath i dont need to look for a ramp like i would have to do on some other bikes,just drive off the edge and let the suspension do the rest ,it has enough clearance and travel

    to soak up sunken manhole covers,roads not joined together properly and dynamite crater potholes

    i made some light mods but considering a few more like :





    already have a full givi set of boxes but i dont put them on for day to day in the city or i cant slip between traffic like a scooter

    From everything ive read on the other forums ,Kawasaki have already squeezed the guts outta this engine and further tuning

    gives very minor results for the cash you have to spend so im not going down that route

    if i need more power ,il get a versys 1000 or a multistrada , bmw or something was designed from the ground up to have more

    the only thing i think is disappointing is the brakes ,a green taxi made very radical lane change yesterday from a traffic jam

    into the fast lane and i was doing 120 easy when i slammed on the brakes

    thank god it was dry ,i was using nice sticky pirelli tyres and they stopped me short of a crash but a bike of this weight should have larger brakes IMO

  17. I know some Hells Angels and Bandito's here in the US, and believe me, If these guys were the real deal, the BIB an't got a prayer. And by the way, the Hells Angels and the Bandito's pretty much hate each other. It's not like they are big butt buddy's because they both ride harleys and love swastika tattoo's. The FBI and most of the law enforcement in the US can't control them, I doubt very much that the BIB has a chance either. If it's just a group of Hells Angels wannabe's from Denmark, sure, easy. But you get a group of the Real bikers from the US, say 50 or so, look out Pattaya. It would take the Thai army to get them out. Not the BIB.

    ooooooh...shakin in our boots.

    You forget one thing about the BIB.....there is no law here.

    hahaha The BIb here are kids compared to real Bandidos and Hells Angels. HA. and Bandidos have no law either.

    yes ,surely no thai cop has ever bent the law / beat the crap out of someone or killed them ,,never in a million years cheesy.gif

    only differnce is ,the thai probabaly smiled politely before doing it

  18. post-9891-0-47792900-1337346483_thumb.jp

    This guy, my favorite Thai musician, is a great Harley fan along with the other band members.

    I imagine most people who enjoy the open road, with something large and powerful between their legs, are fairly peaceful types.

    I don't know what it is that attracts people to these bikes, perhaps the "Hey, look at me!" thing, but many bikes available that are cheaper, more reliable and do the things a bike is supposed to do much better.

    I remember on one trip up the NSW coast we caught up to a Sydney patch club heading the same way, that had a table-top truck with a hydraulic lift following their group. About 200 miles from home, there were already 3 bikes on board. We covered 1000 miles in a week on a mixed bag of Italian bikes and a old Norton Commando with only minor maintenance problems - my Guzzi 500 vibrated the nut off the centre-stand pivot for one.

    Because they are nicer looking bikes than any of your jap or euro modern rubbish.

    I had this bike in my youth..


    no they isnt .....whistling.gif

  19. I know some Hells Angels and Bandito's here in the US, and believe me, If these guys were the real deal, the BIB an't got a prayer. And by the way, the Hells Angels and the Bandito's pretty much hate each other. It's not like they are big butt buddy's because they both ride harleys and love swastika tattoo's. The FBI and most of the law enforcement in the US can't control them, I doubt very much that the BIB has a chance either. If it's just a group of Hells Angels wannabe's from Denmark, sure, easy. But you get a group of the Real bikers from the US, say 50 or so, look out Pattaya. It would take the Thai army to get them out. Not the BIB.

    well,not really

    if the BIB saw fit to arrest and throw them in jail ,most of them would be begging for their passports back to leave thailand after a day or two

    dont forget ,Thailands finest BIB are fully backed by the government and as such dont need witnesses or proof to <deleted> someone over

    a gang of tough guys on bikes would not be laughing in the song-tew when the cops confiscated their harleys and put "police" stickers on them

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  20. well ,if you give life sentence in a thai prison to anyone wearing the jacket ,they would just stop wearing them and become even harder to catch

    at least its easy to keep track of these idiots when they brand themselves in tattoos and jackets and roam around on harleys

    anyway ,i have a pick up truck with big wheels ,if they get in my way ,they wont last long :D

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