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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. I have just sold mine after 15 months and 12000km. I loved it. But my work and lifestyle means I rarely get to use it these days so I decided it would be better with someone who would ride her.

    In all the time I had her I never had a problem. She is a beautiful bike and very easy to own. You will not regret it a bit. You might get some sniffy remarks from Harley owners (I certainly did) but I was content in the knowledge that I spent less than half on a bike that I knew would start every time (No HD man can say that with hand on heart!!).


    I woould take a vulcan over a harley any day of the week and i dont even like this segement of motorcycle .......

    I guess they are no so popular in thai because its a bit expensive (by thai standards ) for a toy they will probably

    only use for a couple of hours on sunday afternoons ....

    with the ER6N at 249,000 i think the vulcan is a bit of a hard sell at 485,000 but of course they are worlds apart

    I do know a policeman who rides a vulcan ,not sure if he bought it or confiscated it off someone though :)

  2. Strange question - OF COURSE I have asked her about her past relationships etc. I'm not going to say anything about it here.

    I`m not asking anyone to go into detail or draw pictures, my point is, how open is your Thai partner with you regarding her past?

    I think it's best you don't ask because it is unlikely you will get a truthful response! And then you may not really want to know anyway ...

    how many self respecting women are going to admit to having 50-100-200+ lovers before they met you ?

    probably not many ,they know what you want to hear anyway ,is it any surprise that they lie ?

    would you tell a new prospective GF that in the past youve been very promiscious,slept with hundreds or thousands of ladies

    and the last time you had sex was about 3 hours ago b4 your Gik went to work ?

    i doubt it .......

  3. They have every right to ban anything they do not like.

    It is their country.

    If people do not like the laws of the country then they

    can leave.

    They have every right to ban anything they do not like.

    It is their country.

    If people do not like the laws of the country then they

    can leave.

    never heard that before ....coffee1.gif

  4. theres a farang who sells what appears to be handmade trinkets like bracelets and wallets on the footpath

    middle aged fellow with a grey beard and a pony tail

    he puts his goods on a towel and sits under the bridge just by sala deng BTS station (prime real estate for selling stuff + passing crowd to silom and patpomg attractions

    often passed him and wondered how he doesnt get hassled about a work permit in a hotspot like that but he seems to be doing ok so maybe the police cant be bothered with him or maybe he pays someone to sit there

  5. To all the people that replied to my post I can't be bothered quoting you all. The bit in bold is what I'm refering to. Not what numerous people have misinterpreted my posts as or have tried to make it about.

    I don't give a shit how many people a girl has screwed before. It's the vast generalization of this post.

    If they were even slightly pretty, then they were probably shagged by more men than you can imagine.

    They will all claim to be either virgins or only had one previous boyfriend ...... depending on how gullible they think you look.

    Why would you even care about what they did in the past and who they did it with?

    A simple:

    Lets both go for a HIV test before we move in together, solves all potential problems.

    that would depend on ones imagination ...........some people may have very liberal guesstimates about their partners sexual history

    and others may be more conservative depending on the individual

    :I do think he has a point though ,any woman remotely attractive is getting male attention from the mid teens if not earlier

    of course not EVERY girl has been screwed six ways from sunday by her 18th birthday but

    SOME of them will whether they will admit or not and the "attractive " ones obviously get more chances to do it than the "lesser attractive "

    amongst them

    or not

    • Like 1
  6. thank the lord if u were born a man rolleyes.gif

    Yes, we can only be accused of rape, cruelty, child abuse without evidence, and then be pulled in for questioning or worse.

    Not to mention losing access to our children, losing our homes and having to pay the ex money while she sleeps with a new guy.

    Nope .... after thinking about it, would rather be a woman and risk people calling me a slut.

    speak for yourself ,none of those things have happened to me ......

    • Like 1
  7. Women cant really win in this one -sided current situation

    theyre either labelled frumpy or frigid if they havent had much sex /or loads of partners or a demon in the sack

    (then their man is bored of the boring sex and starts seeing other women on the side )

    or they went the opposite way and had a lot of sexual experience / partners

    (then they get called loose or easy b or a whole host of other derogatory names that comes with that side of things ....

    thank the lord if u were born a man rolleyes.gif

  8. If my current companion was sexually active, someone was a very poor student. sad.png If I ddn't know better, I would swear someone was a Puritan in the past life. I'm not complaining, but just once it would be nice to have one of those situations I read about on the internet. Sleeping next to someone wearing pajamas and wrapped up in a bathrobe and a blanket is hardly an open invitation to carnal adventures. I have asked about past boyfriends and get the icy stare. On the other hand, when there is an argument, I have the mistake I made with someone tossed in my face about how I should go back to the gold digger.

    I’m not sure if you realise it, but this is probably one of the most down to earth, gets right down to the nitty gritty, straight to the crux of matter posts on this thread. It describes exactly the core to the theme of relationships and how much people can change from they’re days of pre-marriage or pre-partner.

    The sleeping next to someone wearing pajamas and wrapped up in a bathrobe and a blanket in my interpretation is a way of describing that relationships can become monotonous when everything always comes in plain packages, no thrills, spills and excitement. In some cases after many years of marriage or co-habiting together, it can be almost like living with a maiden aunt. Dullsville. I think the movie; A Fish Called Wanda with John Cleese and Jamie Lee Curtis depicts these situations exactly.

    What you have described probably pertains to how it is in many relationships. Now, problems and ill feeling can arise when a husband discovers that during the past his wife was quite a promiscuous outgoing person and maybe considered pretty hot stuff by her previous partners, or even that she had deeper feelings, acted differently and had different attitudes towards others that are or have been in her social circle of friends and acquaintances and as you have mentioned, from the day of the marriage some wives try to convey the appearance of having always being some sort of Puritan character which according to them even making love with the lights on would be an extreme act of depravity.

    Perhaps this is why many wives are afraid of revealing their past histories, because in a way they do have a part of themselves that they would prefer to keep separate from their husbands, which means there are many aspects of they’re lives they would rather keep to themselves or only share with others outside of the family relationship.

    Maybe this is the primary reasons why so many relationships turn sour over the years and the men will go astray in order to find fulfilment, a bit of affection, even if it means putting on an act and paying for it and to add some spice into their lives.

    This is why I believe it is important to have knowledge of a wife’s lifestyle, pre-marriage days, because it means you are getting the whole person, someone that is willing to give herself up, mind, body and soul to you, and not someone who is only prepared to give a part of herself as the ever caring dutiful little wifey who places censorships on her behavior, plus puts restrictions and limits herself to how far she will go to please her husband.

    It is said; that behind every great man, stands a woman and it is really the woman who is the backbone of the family and if this system fails, than so does the whole family relationship.

    this raises of the whole question of double standards again

    most men will happily empty bucketloads of cum into any women available to them

    3somes ,orgies ,drunken parties ,blowjobs ,anal ,facials etc are all encouraged by horny men

    but many expect their women(the ones theyde consider marrying anyway ) to have not have done all this before with dozens of partners or

    at least the thought of it gets to them

    most men have no problem having hundreds of sexual partners but would they marry

    a woman who has had hundreds of partners in the past ?

    probably not ,more likely shel be rejected as damaged goods and theyle move on to something fresher or younger

    unfortunately thats just the way it is and women will probably always lie about their sexual history and how many guns they have polished for

    the fear of being branded in a negative way becaause of it

    Bucketloads of cum, 3somes ,orgies ,drunken parties ,blowjobs ,anal ,facials etc?

    You’re boasting again or have been watching too many porn movies. It can cause hair growth on the palm of your hands and make you go blind, you know.

    You’re not getting my point. It is totally irrelevant what the woman done in the past, but what does matter is that a true soul mate should never be ashamed to share they’re past experiences with their partners, otherwise it means the spouse is putting restrictions into the closeness of the relationship with their partner.

    I would feel much more comfortable with the knowledge of knowing the true character of my wife, rather than living a make believe with someone I think I know, but don`t really know 100%.

    A Lady in the street and a Freak in the Bed .............kinda sums up this situation well rolleyes.gif

  9. most men have no problem having hundreds of sexual partners but would they marry

    a woman who has had hundreds of partners in the past ?

    probably not ,more likely shel be rejected as damaged goods and theyle move on to something fresher or younger

    I have no problem with a girls past, but question your numbers.

    Younger Hmmmmmm, most of the girls working p4p start at age 15 and do at least 1 guy a day (if reasonably pretty).

    Lets be kind and say 300 a year ..... so by 25 would have had approx 3,000 guys. How much younger did you have in mind?

    This was based on the fairly gentle BG trade, you would have to raise the daily number to 3-5 guys a day if the lady was working in the harder core, massage, go-go, Thai brothel, soapys.

    not everyone wants to marry a girl from the sex industry though........

    like i said ,most men will happily bang the ass off a hooker ........but that doesnt mean they will marry her

    99% of thai women are not prostitutes from age 15+ like you imagine

    if you dont understand what i said .......its probably a waste of time saying it again

    • Like 1
  10. If my current companion was sexually active, someone was a very poor student. sad.png If I ddn't know better, I would swear someone was a Puritan in the past life. I'm not complaining, but just once it would be nice to have one of those situations I read about on the internet. Sleeping next to someone wearing pajamas and wrapped up in a bathrobe and a blanket is hardly an open invitation to carnal adventures. I have asked about past boyfriends and get the icy stare. On the other hand, when there is an argument, I have the mistake I made with someone tossed in my face about how I should go back to the gold digger.

    I’m not sure if you realise it, but this is probably one of the most down to earth, gets right down to the nitty gritty, straight to the crux of matter posts on this thread. It describes exactly the core to the theme of relationships and how much people can change from they’re days of pre-marriage or pre-partner.

    The sleeping next to someone wearing pajamas and wrapped up in a bathrobe and a blanket in my interpretation is a way of describing that relationships can become monotonous when everything always comes in plain packages, no thrills, spills and excitement. In some cases after many years of marriage or co-habiting together, it can be almost like living with a maiden aunt. Dullsville. I think the movie; A Fish Called Wanda with John Cleese and Jamie Lee Curtis depicts these situations exactly.

    What you have described probably pertains to how it is in many relationships. Now, problems and ill feeling can arise when a husband discovers that during the past his wife was quite a promiscuous outgoing person and maybe considered pretty hot stuff by her previous partners, or even that she had deeper feelings, acted differently and had different attitudes towards others that are or have been in her social circle of friends and acquaintances and as you have mentioned, from the day of the marriage some wives try to convey the appearance of having always being some sort of Puritan character which according to them even making love with the lights on would be an extreme act of depravity.

    Perhaps this is why many wives are afraid of revealing their past histories, because in a way they do have a part of themselves that they would prefer to keep separate from their husbands, which means there are many aspects of they’re lives they would rather keep to themselves or only share with others outside of the family relationship.

    Maybe this is the primary reasons why so many relationships turn sour over the years and the men will go astray in order to find fulfilment, a bit of affection, even if it means putting on an act and paying for it and to add some spice into their lives.

    This is why I believe it is important to have knowledge of a wife’s lifestyle, pre-marriage days, because it means you are getting the whole person, someone that is willing to give herself up, mind, body and soul to you, and not someone who is only prepared to give a part of herself as the ever caring dutiful little wifey who places censorships on her behavior, plus puts restrictions and limits herself to how far she will go to please her husband.

    It is said; that behind every great man, stands a woman and it is really the woman who is the backbone of the family and if this system fails, than so does the whole family relationship.

    this raises of the whole question of double standards again

    most men will happily empty bucketloads of cum into any women available to them

    3somes ,orgies ,drunken parties ,blowjobs ,anal ,facials etc are all encouraged by horny men

    but many expect their women(the ones theyde consider marrying anyway ) to have not have done all this before with dozens of partners or

    at least the thought of it gets to them

    most men have no problem having hundreds of sexual partners but would they marry

    a woman who has had hundreds of partners in the past ?

    probably not ,more likely shel be rejected as damaged goods and theyle move on to something fresher or younger

    unfortunately thats just the way it is and women will probably always lie about their sexual history and how many guns they have polished for

    the fear of being branded in a negative way becaause of it

    • Like 1
  11. Im in the same boat ,

    love my versys to bits,fantastic vehicle

    but i have suzuki bandit 1255FA also

    and a cbr fireblade 1000

    but i have 2 scooter as well and a pickup

    cant seem to get time to ride them all but the car

    very rarely gets used ,and i will have to sell a bike

    or two and maybe the car because it doesnt make sense to have them

    all not being used

    My work in bkk is eating up all my freetime that i would like to spend

    touring around South East Asia on my larger bikes like i intended

  12. I think the reason is that this is the first bike Mityon have stocked that is water cooled. However, after having to do their job for them and them losing face in front of their boss I suspect they won't do it again. Well I hope not but this is Thailand!!

    "Dealers" really dont have clue sometimes when it comes to setting up a new bike ,or god forbid diagnosing a fault

    this goes double if its a large ,rare or expensive model

    even the scooter shops constantly make mistakes ,forget to tighten things and often ignore the service manual and simply change the oil (of course ,not change the filter unless you make them do it ) and neglect everything else important that should be checked every service

  13. My company has a large office in the centre of bkk and there are many many beautiful women in the 24-35 range

    All respectable girls making 40,000+ a month

    Its not particulary difficult to have sex with of them

    (I know everyone is going to say they must be sluts or bargirls but theyre not,most are bi-lingual or even tri-lingual secretarys ,accountants and p.a's )

    More or less the same in the west ,if you are young or good lucking thats a big help ,spend some time and attention on them ,

    take em out for a drink or to a movie or disco ,theres a very good chance they will give it up later on

    discretion is key of course ,so if you only want them for sex its important to make this clear at the start so she knows she can be your "GIK" but thats as

    far as its ever going to go

    avoid doing couple stuff like meals in flashy restaurants ,walking aroung holding hands ,shoping and going to romantic places together (she WILL get the wrong idea if you do this stuff with her )

    just meet ,have a lot of sex ,have a shower and go

    in this way you can shag as many as you want and everyone is happy with no false expectations

    • Like 1
  14. Not sure if this helps, but there are no fees for cash withdrawals using a foreign card inside a bank, over the counter.

    You will, however, need your passport and 5-10 or 20 minutes or so to do the transaction.

    You can also do this at exchange booths (which tend to be quicker) as well as the bank branches in all the big shopping malls which are open longer hours.

    Apart from paying no fee, the other advantage is that you can also withdraw larger amounts, whereas ATM’s are usually limited to 10,000 bht a time.

    its 20k now in all the banks i use

  15. BS on the S2 face down.You were lucky.I knocked mine off the table last year . Landed face down, glass cracked, phone dead. 5k baht repair at Samsung. Not built for dropping. Old slide Samsung still working perfectly after many drunken drops.

    To start with, it wasn't me doing the test, I did drop my S2 a few times and no cracks, no scratches, you can call it lucky if you want (I would call you un-lucky instead). Have you ever held the 4S in your hand? It's all glass and weights like a brick, no worder they break, not just in that youtube video.

    That video is about the comparison of 4S and S2, now about S2 and some old Samsung. Keep in mind that every drop is not the same and there could be cases like yours when S2 falls down and breaks, but I'm sure the video perfectly demostrates that 4S can't stand a chance agains S2 if dropped.

    the s2 is fragile and screen is very hard but brittle ,ive seen one break only falling from waist height

    drop tests are very inconclusive since every drop is differnt unless they were dropped in a lab by a robot maybe 10,000 times and work out the average of screen failures

    someone drop tested an iphone from a tall building in germany once and it recorded video all the way down .....and kept recording after it hit the bricks

    video is probably still on youtube

    I thought the Samsung Galaxy and the Iphone use the same kind of glass. Gorilla glass.

    doesnt mean its the same thickness or mounted in the same way to the rest of the phone

    and how the edges are protected makes a big differnce

    even if it is the same brand of glass in both

  16. If would start a forum thread about stuff some Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha or etc… dealers forget (or do wrong) when they handover the scooter/motorcycle to the customers we probably would need hours on a daily base to read them all…

    Also on most combustion engines riding without cooling-liquid in the cooling system would be very destructive, but not forget that the Sym GTS 400i MAXSYM has ceramic cylinder coating which is probably why the engine did not overheated. Still it’s lucky that the new owner noticed the missing cooling-liquid in time…

    I don't disagree regarding the dealers, for some reason they seems to have little or no education at all and are not following the 4000km service checks to be done but basically only change the oil. When my Honda car goes to the dealer for 10.000 km service/check I know they really check the car, once they phoned me during a service and told me that it was necessary to change the rear disk pads.

    I fell very sorry for sgunn65, sending him on his way on a brand new +200k bath scooter without cooling liquid in the system, water pump damage?? Or maybe something else is damaged that will not show up now but later? How do you know the engine did not overheat? If there is a hot water warning on the bike it would not have gone off as it wasn't submerged in water but air and thus can't register any overheating.

    This is enough to put me off buying a Sym scooter despite its nice looks and good performance. I doubt that even the chief mechanic (if they have one) bother reading the service manual.

    At least with the Thai made scooters they service so many of them that one must assume they know those models fairly well.

    I guess the thai made scooters leave the factory with coolant in the engine. This is the only reason why it is unlikely that the same thing happens with them. Why the hell wasn't coolant in the bike? Who has assembled the bike? I don't think it is normal that the dealer has to fill the coolant in it, or am i wrong? But sure the dealer should check such things when receiving the bike. Sadly there are many shops who are more interested in selling bikes than in offering a good service.

    it may be illegal to ship a vehicle with liquids inside

    certaintly fuel and engine oil must be drained /empty

    possibly coolant and brake fluids as well,i thought the dealers

    had the job of doing this stuff last minute

  17. The number of traffic police in Bangkok must outnumber the rest of the entire police force in Thailand. You can drive out into the provinces and only see a couple but as soon as you enter the Bangkok city limits the number of traffic cops seems to increase a 100 fold. I guess pickings are good in Bangkok.

    there is a police station every few hundred metres in some areas ,nearly always within walking distance of the next one

    there is a waiting list to work in bkk,pattaya ,phuket

    (the big money locations)

    big money to be made from all the protection rackets ,casinos,:"massage " establishments ,and probably even the drug industry

    taking money off farangs on bikes is probably just the icing on the cake :D

  18. Thanks for the input Shurup. Another SIM- that'll be my next step. I'm trying all of the permutations in settings right now. Currently shut down the 3g service, and selected GSM / Edge only. TRUEMOVE does continue to provide this service, so it will rule out Lomatopo's theory about the 3G being the problem if it loses the network in this configuration, which I am fully expecting.

    new sim makes no differnce

    i got a new one last week and it still drops signal randomly

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